Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What is going on with my body??

Your Post-Delivery Body: What Happens in the          First 24 Hours after Giving Birth

Once your precious bundle is born, the toughest part of your pregnancy journey may indeed be over, but the process of childbirth continues for a couple of weeks as your body starts to recover and adjust to its new role. Here's a look at what you'll likely encounter in your first day as a mother. Yes, some stuff is challenging (or painful or gross), but it's all temporary — and one look at that tiny face and you'll know it's all worth it.

A post-baby belly

Remember Her Royal Highness Kate Middleton's still-round belly during her baby prince's debut? Just like the duchess, you'll still have a baby belly even after the baby's out. You probably know the reason why: During pregnancy, the uterus, abdominal muscles, and skin are stretched (and stretched and stretched) over a nine-month period, so it's no wonder it takes weeks (if not longer) for that area to shrink back after giving birth. If you have a C-section, you should also expect some extra weakness and swelling in the abdomen due to the incision.

Excess Water Weight

First, the good news: Immediately after giving birth you will lose about 10 to 13 pounds, which includes the weight of the baby, placenta, and amniotic fluid. But you'll still be carrying excess weight in those first 24 hours, much of which is water. (After a C-section you'll probably notice extra swelling throughout your body as a result of the IV fluids you receive during the procedure.) Fortunately, this water weight is not yours to keep — you'll start shedding it within a week after delivery, so be prepared for plenty of peeing and perspiring.Night sweats are particularly common after giving birth, so consider sleeping on a towel you can change out in the middle of the night until your fluid levels are back to normal.


After a vaginal delivery or C-section, you'll experience a vaginal discharge called lochia, which consists of leftover blood, mucus, and sloughed-off tissue from the lining of the uterus. For lots of women, the bleeding is quite heavy in the first three to 10 days postpartum (sometimes heavier than a menstrual period), but this is perfectly normal and will taper off over the next several weeks. And don't be alarmed if you notice sudden gushes of blood or blood clots either — this is also standard. Just load up on pads and wait it out. If, however, you think your bleeding is excessive, let your practitioner know ASAP.

Pelvic Cramps

Sorry, Mom, but those darned contractions last well after giving birth. Once the baby arrives, your uterus starts to tighten as it returns to its pre-pregnancy size and location. That means shrinking from more than two pounds to about two ounces and making its way back down into the pelvis. These postpartum contractions are called after pains — they're particularly noticeable when you breastfeed, which triggers the production of oxytocin, the hormone that causes the contractions. The good news is that after pains are short-lived, with the most noticeable contractions subsiding within a week (even the most subtle contractions disappear within six weeks). Just think of these pesky cramps as a reminder that things (namely, your uterus) are getting back to normal.


This one comes as no surprise: After giving birth, it takes time to heal. If you deliver vaginally, your perineum (the area between the rectum and the vagina) will be stretched, swollen, bruised, and possibly torn. Whether you need stitches to repair the perineum or not, it may be uncomfortable to sit down at first. Ease pain with a sitz bath (where you soak the perineum in water), and use a squirt bottle with warm water to clean up after going to the bathroom. It's also helpful to place ice packs and witch-hazel pads on the area to alleviate swelling and pain.

If you have a C-section, you'll be recovering from major abdominal surgery, which will likely cause soreness around the incision, nausea (a side effect of anesthesia), constipation, and exhaustion. Your practitioner can give you pain relievers that are safe to take if you're nursing, and you'll likely need to stay in the hospital for three to four days after giving birth. Once you're home, if you see redness, swelling, or oozing around the incision, notify your doctor right away.

Elimination Issue

After you've pushed out that baby, the thought of pushing anything else out of your body can be a little intimidating. If you delivered via C-section, peeing can be difficult once the catheter is removed, and anesthesia can slow the bowels down, resulting in constipation. With a vaginal delivery, a bruised bladder and sore perineum can make it painful to pee. What's more, all of the pushing involved in delivering a baby often causes a sore rectum and hemorrhoids, which can lead to some pretty uncomfortable postpartum BMs. The simplest way to get things moving is to drink lots of water and eat high-fiber foods.

Breast Changes

While breast milk doesn't usually come in until the third or fourth day postpartum, your breasts will produce small amounts of colostrum (a thick, yellowish precursor to breast milk) immediately after you give birth. Because newborns tend to be very alert within the first two hours after delivery, this is an ideal time to try that first feeding. But know that as the two of you work together on perfecting the latch, your nipples will likely feel tender and sore. The best way to alleviate nipple pain — and future breastfeeding problems — is to get help from a lactation consultant or other expert early on to ensure that your baby is latched on correctly. Once you get that right, nipple pain should ease up.

Mood Swings

The day your baby arrives will be among the happiest of your life, but it's also normal to experience emotional highs and lows in the first days or weeks after giving birth. There's a lot going on to trigger mood swings, including hormonal changes, physical discomfort, and getting used to your newborn's demands, which translate into a shocking lack of sleep for you. To cope, be sure to give yourself time to adjust to the new normal, enlist help from family and friends, and try to rest whenever you can, all of which will help stabilize your mood. If you continue to feel down for more than two weeks, or if you feel like you can't take care of your baby, don't keep it to yourself. Tell your partner or a friend, and seek professional help as soon as possible.


Friday, January 8, 2016

Gender Disappointment??

Your heart was set on having a girl (or a boy), but genetics decided otherwise. It's okay to be disappointed. Here's what to expect if you're currently suffering from gender-reveal blues.

The Boy-Girl Blues: Dealing with Gender Disappointment

Right around your 20-week appointment, people ask: "Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?" You say you simply want a healthy baby, even though you're secretly wishing for a particular sex. Then the ultrasound reveals the results, and you pretend to be thrilled despite the fact that you're heartbroken. It's a feeling that Katherine Asbery, author of Altered Dreams: Living With Gender Disappointment, knows well. She had hoped her second child would be a girl but instead she had another boy. Before she got pregnant for the third time, she tried tactics that she found online to help her conceive a girl. She ate yogurt to try to change her pH balance, and she made her husband take hot baths to alter his sperm. When she discovered that she'd be having another boy, she "cried and cried and cried," she says. "Then I felt guilty." Like Asbery, many women have sobbed during their big ultrasound, but there are ways to deal with your mixed feelings -- and get excited about the sex of the child you're having.

Accept Any Emotions

The first step toward moving forward is to recognize your disappointment and be honest with yourself, says Stephan Quentzel, M.D., a psychiatrist specializing in pregnancy and childbirth issues at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center, in New York City. "It can sound ugly to say, 'I wanted a boy and not a girl,' because you're expected to love the child no matter what," he says. But it's normal if you're not immediately thrilled; soon enough you will be.
Moreover, don't feel ashamed if your sadness shows. "Many women make sure they dry their eyes, fix their makeup, and plant a smile on their face before they leave the ultrasound room," says psychiatric nurse Joyce Venis, author of Postpartum Depression Demystified. But if you don't eventually let your emotions show, it'll be harder to keep your negative thoughts under wraps. "Feelings aren't good or bad or right or wrong -- they're just feelings," Venis says. So acknowledge them out loud to yourself and to your partner, and let him do the same. If you're unable to discuss this with him, consult a therapist or confide in a nonjudgmental friend instead.

Work Through Your Concerns

Ask yourself why you feel the way you do. Are you upset because you grew up with brothers and pictured living-room wrestling matches and games of flag football with a son? Did you imagine going shopping and doing crafts with your little girl? Keep in mind that the daughter you're having might be a rough-and-tumble gal who's a standout on the field -- or perhaps you'll give birth to a creative, art-loving boy who's disinterested in sports. What's more, even if you had gotten the gender of your choice, your kid still might not grow up to have the interests or personality that you expect based on his or her sex.
Perhaps your letdown stems from doubts that you'll know how to be a good parent to the child you're having. "A lot of it is fear -- stuff like, 'I don't know how to play baseball, so how can I teach my son?' " Venis says. "You don't have to know, and you don't have to like playing with Barbie dolls to raise a girl. You will learn what you need to as you go along." If you're really worried, make plans with friends or relatives who have kids of that sex, so you can explore the experience that's ahead of you, Dr. Quentzel suggests. For example, if you're having a boy, make an effort to spend some one-on-one time with a friend's son. And ask your sister plenty of questions about how raising her son has been different from raising her daughter. Unsure how to handle the daughter you're about to have? Invite your niece to spend the weekend at your place.

    Trust Your Ability to Love

    Finally, realize that any discontented, guilty feelings you have now won't last forever. During pregnancy, all you know about your baby is his or her sex. Once your little bundle arrives, you'll have the whole package -- which includes a personality and quirky traits. "Gender disappointment typically only lasts until your child's birth day, when you finally meet each other," says Diane Ross Glazer, Ph.D., a psychotherapist at Providence Tarzana Medical Center, in Tarzana, California. In fact, oxytocin, the powerful hormone that your brain releases during labor, helps you fall in love with your baby. This was certainly true for Asbery. "My children are a blessing to me," she says. "Each of my boys is different, and each of them brings something fantastic to our family."

    Wednesday, December 16, 2015

    Gallbladder and Pregnancy

    What is the gallbladder?

    The gallbladder is a small, sac-shaped organ that sits just beneath the liver. Its purpose is to store bile, a substance that helps digest fats. As food enters the small intestine from the stomach, the gallbladder receives a signal to start contracting and release bile into the intestine.

    Bile is composed of water, bile salts, and cholesterol, among other things. If the bile contains too much cholesterol and not enough bile salts, or the gallbladder doesn't empty properly, the gallbladder can form deposits, known as stones or gallstones. These stones are one form of gallbladder disease, but you can have stones and not notice any symptoms.

    The term "gallbladder disease" covers inflammation, infection, stones, and blockage of the gallbladder.

    What is biliary colic?

    Biliary colic is the result of a blockage in the ducts of the gallbladder. If the bile is unable to exit the gallbladder, perhaps because of a gallstone, it can lead to inflammation or infection. And since the bile isn't entering the small intestine, the fat in the diet doesn't get broken down during digestion, and this can cause pain in the upper abdomen and back, as well as nausea and vomiting.

    Biliary colic creates a sharp pain in the upper part of the abdomen that appears one to two hours after a meal that's high in fat. (Because dinner is usually the heaviest meal, the pain is more likely to occur at night.) The pain can last from a few minutes to several hours.

    Some people also have pain between the shoulder blades or underneath the right shoulder. In addition to pain and nausea, biliary colic can cause gas, abdominal bloating, sweating, chills, or fever.

    How does pregnancy affect the gallbladder?

    Pregnancy hormones, particularly progesterone, cause muscular tissue throughout the body to relax, and this affects the gallbladder as well. The release of bile slows, and bile that doesn't get released can lead to the development of gallstones. Pregnant women who already have gallstones run a higher risk that these stones will block the release of the bile.

    The problem in detecting the beginning of gallbladder disease during pregnancy is that the symptoms may be confused with morning sickness. However, if symptoms persist beyond the first trimester, or if you or your doctor suspects gallbladder-related problems, your doctor will likely recommend an ultrasound. Ultrasound is the most effective way to diagnose a gallbladder condition.

    Of course, if you've had gallbladder problems before, let your doctor know so he can monitor you during pregnancy and prevent the disease from getting worse.

    Am I at risk for gallbladder disease?

    Women are far more likely to develop gallbladder disease than men are. You're more likely to develop gallbladder disease if you have a family history of the disease, are overweight (even if only moderately), have a high fat or high cholesterol diet, have diabetes, or are of Mexican or Native American origin.

    Gallbladder disease used to be known as an older woman's affliction. But with more obesity among younger women, more younger women are being diagnosed with gallbladder disease.

    Symptoms of gallbladder disease are more common in the third trimester or after delivery, but those at higher risk can develop the symptoms earlier in pregnancy.

    Will gallbladder disease affect my baby?

    Deposits or stones have no direct effect on your baby. However, your baby could be affected by the consequences of the disease. For instance, if you develop an infection, inflammation, or nausea and vomiting, these conditions can hinder your ability to nourish yourself and pass along adequate nutrition to your developing baby.

    How is gallbladder disease treated during pregnancy?

    In general, the goal of treatment during pregnancy is to reduce the symptoms and complications, and then treat the disease itself after pregnancy.

    The first step in treating an inflamed gallbladder is to change your diet and eat fewer fatty foods. This means that the gallbladder will have to work less. For many women this step alone may be enough to relieve the symptoms. Regular exercise can also be helpful.

    If your doctor prescribes a drug for a gallbladder problem and it doesn't provide adequate relief, he'll evaluate the effects of the disease and the risks of surgery. Given the risks, any surgery during pregnancy is generally avoided. But if the inflammation is severe, if there's an infection, or if the colic is acute, an operation may be necessary to prevent more serious complications.

    If you need gallbladder surgery, it will probably be done laparoscopically. The surgeon makes two small abdominal incisions, inserting surgical instruments and a laparoscope. The laparoscope has a tiny camera that transmits a picture of the organs to a video monitor.

    The gallbladder can then be removed without having to create a large incision. This means less pain and an easier recovery.

    Can I develop gallbladder problems after pregnancy?

    It's not uncommon for gallbladder disease symptoms to appear two to four months after delivery. This may be because pregnancy hormones aggravated the problem during the preceding nine months. Changes in your hormone levels after delivery may also be the culprit.

    Gallbladder problems may also result from rapid weight loss after delivery. When you burn fat quickly, extra cholesterol accumulates in the bile, which can lead to gallstones.

    To reduce your risk of developing gallstones after pregnancy, eat a high-fiber diet that includes plenty of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Try to keep your postpartum weight loss to no more than 2 pounds a week. And get plenty of exercise.

    If you had gallbladder disease that was controlled during pregnancy and no surgery was required, it's important to have a follow-up evaluation. Symptoms can occur in the postpartum period or later in life, so have an evaluation when you're not in pain. Your doctor may recommend that you have the gallbladder removed to avoid an emergency situation later.

    Source: BabyCenter


    Thursday, December 10, 2015

    Torticollis in babies

    Torticollis, or wryneck, literally means "twisted neck" in Latin. You may have woken up with torticollis after an uncomfortable night of sleep. In newborns, torticollis can happen due to positioning in the womb or after a difficult childbirth. This is called infant torticollis or congenital muscular torticollis.

    It can be upsetting to see that your baby has a tilted head or difficulty turning his or her neck. But most babies don't feel any pain as a result of their torticollis. And, fortunately, the problem usually gets better with simple position changes or stretching exercises that can be done at home.

    Torticollis is relatively common in newborns. Boys and girls are equally likely to develop the head tilt. It can be present at birth or take up to 3 months to develop.

    No one knows why some babies get torticollis and others don't. Most doctors believe it could be related to the cramping of a fetus inside the uterus or abnormal positioning (such as being in the breech position, where the baby's buttocks face the birth canal). The use of forceps or vacuum devices to deliver a baby during childbirth also makes a baby more likely to develop torticollis.

    These factors put pressure on a baby's sternocleidomastoid (stir-noe-kly-doe-MAS-toyd) muscle (SCM). This large, rope-like muscle runs on both sides of the neck from the back of the ears to the collarbone. Extra pressure on one side of the SCM can cause it to tighten, making it hard for a baby to turn his or her neck.

    Signs and symptoms

    Babies with torticollis will act like most other babies except when it comes to activities that involve turning. A baby with torticollis might:

    tilt the head in one direction (this can be difficult to notice in very young infants)
    prefer looking at you over one shoulder instead of turning to follow you with his or her eyes

    if breastfed, have difficulty breastfeeding on one side (or prefers one breast only) work hard to turn toward you and get frustrated when unable turn his or her head completely

    Some babies with torticollis also will develop a flat head (positional plagiocephaly) on one or both sides from lying in one direction all the time. Or they might develop a small neck lump or bump, which is similar to a "knot" in a tense muscle. Both of these conditions tend to go away as the torticollis gets better.

    If you think your baby might have torticollis, ask your doctor to perform a physical examination on your baby, which involves seeing how far your baby can turn his or her head.

    If a diagnosis is made, the doctor might teach you neck stretching exercises to practice with your baby at home. These exercises help loosen the tight SCM and strengthen the weaker one on the opposite side (which has weakened due to underuse). This will help to straighten out your baby's neck.

    In certain cases, the doctor may suggest taking a baby to a physical therapist for more intensive treatment. After treatment has started, the doctor may examine your baby every 2 to 4 weeks to see how treatment is going.

    If your baby is 6 weeks of age or younger and also has signs of an unstable hip, the doctor might order an ultrasound to see if your baby also has developmental dysplasia of the hip.

    Although most torticollis cases are not related to other medical problems, congenital muscular torticollis can happen in children who have infections, fractures, reactions to certain medicines, or genetic conditions like Down Syndrome or Klippel-Feil Syndrome. If your child has torticollis and you are concerned that other medical problems may be present, talk to your doctor.

    Treatment at home

    The best way to treat torticollis is to encourage your baby to turn his or her head in both directions. This helps loosen tense neck muscles and tighten the loose ones. Rest assured that babies cannot hurt themselves by turning their heads on their own.

    Here are some exercises to try:

    When your baby wants to eat, offer the bottle or your breast in a way that encourages your baby to turn away from the favored side. (Use your child's desire to eat to encourage him or her along!)

    When putting your baby down to sleep, position him or her to face the wall. Since babies prefer to look out onto the room, your baby will actively turn away from the wall and this will stretch the tightened muscles of the neck. Remember to always put your baby to sleep on his or her back, as this helps reduce the risk of SIDS.

    During play, draw your baby's attention with toys and sounds to make him or her turn in both directions.

    Don't Forget "Tummy Time"

    Laying your baby on the stomach for brief periods while awake (known as "tummy time") is an important exercise because it helps strengthen neck and shoulder muscles and prepares your baby for crawling.

    This exercise is especially useful for a baby with torticollis and a flat head — and can actually help treat both problems at once. Here's how to do it:

    Lay your baby on your lap for tummy time. Position your baby so that his or her head is turned away from you. Then, talk or sing to your baby and encourage him or her to turn and face you. Practice this exercise for 10 to 15 minutes.


    Most babies with torticollis get better on their own through position changes and stretching exercises. It might take up to 6 months to go away completely, and in some cases can take a year or longer.

    Stretching exercises to treat torticollis are most likely to work well if started when a baby is between 3 to 6 months of age. If you find that your baby's torticollis is not improving with stretching, talk to your doctor. Your baby may be a candidate for muscle-release surgery, a procedure that cures most cases of torticollis that don't improve with physical therapy alone.

    Wednesday, December 9, 2015

    A Mother's Gift

    A Mother's Gift

    by Janette Fisher 

    From the very first time, you hold your child
    Their first gift is your heart forever,
    The love you give and they return
    Is the bond that will hold you together

    Throughout their life, your love will be
    A light that guides their way
    The beacon aglow in the darkness
    Should they ever go astray

    Your love will give them courage
    When the way ahead is unclear
    And will give them strength, when needed
    To help overcome their fears

    Your love will accept them for who they are
    Whatever they say or do,
    Your love will forgive unreservedly
    Because they are a part of you

    It's a love that will know no barriers
    Have no bounds, no expectations
    Your love will be unconditional,
    Pure, with no complications

    A love that remains as constant
    As the stars in the heaven above
    A gift no money on earth can buy,
    The gift of a mother's love.

    Wednesday, November 18, 2015

    5 Way Pregnancy After Miscarriage is Different!!

    1. Fear of the unknown. When I became pregnant with my daughter, I dreaded my first prenatal visit. Relief at seeing a heartbeat quickly turned to panic at learning my progesterone levels were low. As I filled the supplement prescription, I felt myself being submerged into an all-too-familiar nightmare. After each appointment, I waited to learn my "levels" like a prisoner waiting to hear her sentence. I felt trapped in a body that didn't work, that couldn't hold on to what mattered most. Even when I made it past the first trimester, my hesitations continued, shrouding every moment in a layer of anxiety and fear.
    2. Loneliness. With my first pregnancy, we told our families right away. It was Christmas, and we were celebrating. I never dreamed I would be un-telling everyone a month later. With my next pregnancy, I was determined not to make the same mistake. We waited a long time before telling anyone, which made me feel protected, but also alone. My pregnancy became a secret to keep, instead of happy news to share. I held everything inside -- exactly when I needed my friends and family the most.
    3. Guilt and self-doubt. During this time I often questioned my decisions, worried that any lapse in judgment might end my pregnancy. I was nervous to lift chairs at a work event, scared to help a family member carry luggage up the stairs. (Positions I found myself in because I was too afraid to tell anyone I was pregnant.) When you've had a miscarriage, it's easy to grab hold of the idea that by doing everything "right" you have some semblance of control -- and, by doing something "wrong," you're to blame for the loss. It's a heavy burden to bear.
    4. Morning sickness envy. Most women dread morning sickness. I found myself longing for it. I craved the physical reassurance that things were "normal" inside me. I desperately wanted to know that my baby was there, growing and developing as expected. My lack of morning sickness felt like a punishment. Every moment I didn't feel nauseous was a reminder of how little I understood what was happening inside of me -- and how little I could control it.
    5. Fear of joy. For a long time, I found myself prefacing every statement about my baby with "If we make it through the pregnancy" or "If the baby is born." I was afraid to be excited, terrified of letting in too much joy. I was uncomfortable buying furniture for the nursery, shopping for onesies, or even thinking of names. Looking back, I wish I had let myself enjoy it more. But my wounds were still fresh. I didn't want to indulge hopes that might lead to another heartbreak.
    Sometime in my ninth month I began to relax, to feel hopeful that soon I'd hold my baby in my arms. I stopped saying "if" and started saying "when." When my daughter was born, I knew she was the baby I was meant to have. But as blessed as I am with my children, when I hear of a friend's miscarriage, I feel a pang in my heart. I'm glad that there's a day to shine a light on this issue -- for people to acknowledge and share their sadness about such a difficult subject. It was this openness -- talking with others who'd been through it -- that helped me get through those nine long months. Hopefully this openness will help others to know that there's light -- and even hope -- beyond the darkness.


    Wednesday, November 4, 2015

    Twin Pregnancy

    One of the first questions a newly pregnant mother often asks is “Am I having twins?” And until it is confirmed that only one embryo is present, there is always the potential for this to be true.

    For women who have a family history of twins, who have previously conceived with twins or have had fertility assistance, then the likelihood of having twins is higher. Because some types of fertility assisted conception do increase the likelihood of having a multiple birth, this is usually raised very early on in the pre-conception assessment and consent phases of treatment.

    I’m having what?

    Some women view the thought of having twins as being an absolute highlight, but others dread the possibility. Your own perception will be influenced by your personal experiences, history and supports.

    For women who have been informed of the risk, or who have a history of twins in their biological family, having their own twin pregnancy confirmed is not such a shock. But for women who did not expect to conceive with more than one baby, or who may not having been planning to conceive at all, then finding out they are pregnant with twins can come as a real surprise.

    Denial, shock, feeling numb and even angry are common emotions in the early days of having a twin pregnancy diagnosis. But with time reality soon descends and most women just learn to accept the fact that they are having two babies.

    What’s so different about being pregnant with twins?

    Twin pregnancy symptoms are not so much different to normal pregnancy symptoms, but they are felt much earlier. For the stage of gestation, twin pregnancy symptoms tend to be felt more clearly and with more emphasis before the normal gestational age and stage.

    It is important to remember that just as every woman is unique and her pregnancy highly individual, there are some “classic” or standard symptoms which are attributed to twin pregnancy. Many of these are due to the elevated and more concentrated levels of hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Hormone) which is the pregnancy hormone. It is primarily responsible for sustaining the embryo and maximising its chances of survival.

    When twin pregnancy is more likely

    For women over 30 years of age. In women who are peri-menopausal twins are more common.

    In women who are taller than average, the odds are higher for having a twin pregnancy than for those of average or shorter height.

    Women who are overweight with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of >25.

    If you have a history of already having twins or if there are twins in your biological family e.g. your mother, aunts or sisters have had non-identical (fraternal) twins.

    If you have had fertility assistance to conceive.

    If you are of African American descent.

    For women who have been pregnant previously.

    Symptoms of twin pregnancy

    Some women will “just know” they are pregnant with twins. This may be before they have even had confirmation that they are pregnant. They may dream, sense or have a vision or inherent belief that they are pregnant with twins.Some women will be told they are pregnant with twins by their partner, relatives, family or very close friend. Although there is often no evidence to support this claim, when their twin pregnancy is confirmed it really comes as no surprise.

    Feeling very nauseous from early in the pregnancy. This is sometimes so extreme that the mother finds it difficult to tolerate anything but the blandest, easiest to digest foods.

    Extreme intolerance to foods, smells, textures and appearance of some foods. Commonly meat, seafood, coffee and tea are the first substances to be found repugnant.

    The uterus is “large for dates” which reflects the fact that two embryos, rather than one is present.

    Extreme breast tenderness – to the point where it may be too uncomfortable to wear a bra. Some women find they need to wear crop tops or bandeau style tops as an alternative until their breasts become more comfortable.

    Wanting and needing to pass urine much more frequently. Although urinary urgency is a common early pregnancy symptom, when pregnant with twins, this is much more magnified.

    Utter exhaustion and a feeling of being unable to get through each day. This again, is a common pregnancy symptom but is exacerbated during a twin pregnancy.

    Higher levels of hCG. This may be reflected in a very early pregnancy urine test. Even before a missed period, the level can be so high that there is an immediate, strong and clear positive confirmation on the pregnancy testing stick. For women who have undergone fertility assistance, blood tests may reflect a very high concentration of hCG early after conception.

    Some women will experience more uterine cramping which is not associated with any blood loss. This can be a symptom of round ligament pain and is due to the uterus expanding relatively quickly.

    A sense that your heart has to work harder than it usually does. Many women are aware that their resting heart/pulse rate is higher than normal. This is a sign of their heart having to pump out a greater blood volume with each heart muscle contraction in order to supply the uterus with oxygen saturated blood.

    Moodiness, being prone to tears and feeling mentally unstable. Again, labile moods are a common pregnancy symptom, but when pregnant with twins, they tend to be more extreme.

    You may find you can feel your baby/babies moving much earlier in your pregnancy. Women who are pregnant with twins say that they are conscious of feeling movements, known as quickening, earlier than the standard 15-16 weeks.

    How is a twin pregnancy confirmed?

    Although you, your partner or your health care practitioner may suspect you are pregnant with twins, it is not until twins are confirmed that you can be 100% sure.

    Ultrasound, where two embryos are clearly defined on the screen.Hearing two, separate heartbeats on a Doppler.In the absence of sound ante-natal care, it is still possible that a twin pregnancy may not be evident until two babies are born.

    Complications of a twin pregnancy

    Unfortunately, the overall risks of pregnancy are increased during a twin pregnancy. But many women have an uneventful gestation and just because you are pregnant with twins, is not a guarantee you will have complications. But it does help to be informed and keep an open mind.

    Premature birth – e.g. before 38 weeks of gestation.

    Smaller babies with lower birth weight – simply because there have been two growing in the same space. One baby which is smaller than the other. It is common during twin pregnancy for one twin to receive more nutrition and space allocation than the other.

    This is why it is so important for you to have your BP monitored during your pregnancy. Fluid retention and passing protein in urine are other signs of preeclampsia.

    Gestational diabetes.

    What’s important to remember if pregnant with twins

    Regular ante natal care with a qualified health care practitioner is essential.It may be worthwhile seeing an accredited practicing dietician to receive evidence based information on diet and meeting your body’s nutritional demands.

    Allow yourself plenty of opportunity to rest. Growing twins and supporting them towards maturity takes a lot of energy. You may need to consider your work/leave entitlements and arranging regular home support and child care for older children.

    You may need to have more regular ultrasounds than if you were carrying one baby.Your healthcare rebate and entitlements may be affected; find out early in your pregnancy what you are covered for, or consider accessing the public health system. Premature baby care can be extremely expensive. Find out your status and coverage early in your pregnancy to avoid unwanted and avoidable expenditures.

    Plan for an earlier than expected delivery. Twins have a habit of coming early and it pays to be well organised.