Things every pregnant woman and Mom should know. Our intention is to be informative on issues encountered during pregnancy and throughout motherhood.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Real Talk with Fertility!
So Trying to Conceive is so stinking hard! I have had about 11 people get pregnant in my own extended family(4 cousins on hubby side, 7 cousins on my side) That doesn't count that 3 of those people are either pregnant with second child or just had there second child! All in the time I have been TTC!! Also dealing with 46 Acquaintances/Friends that have gotten pregnant once or twice during this wait!!! I always call this my TTC Journey because it is a Journey with HUGE bumps in the road and sometimes the path gets very weeded over and I have to fight through the struggles and have to just curl up and cry! A good cry gets you a long way(Monthly thing!) About the last two years of this Journey i have gotten into the world of online Facebook mommy Groups :) It has been a wonderful, challenging Journey with in itself!
During this Journey I have done Many tests which can be seen on our first TTC Blogs I have done! I am still in this Journey! With Finances and a Huge amount of debt(from TTC) we are waiting on all doctors visits till our Debt is gone! Smart, I know, but still so difficult. I am looking forward to another doctors visit hopefully in January to discuss our next steps! I have already done 6 cycles of Clomid that were successful but still achieved no pregnancy. I am wanting to try Clomid with Ultrasounds to check my follicles and than when the follicles are big enough we can do a Trigger shot! That is what I am hoping for! After couple months of that we would want to do an actual IUI with change of Meds and instead of just timed sex. We would only do 3 rounds of IUI than we will be at a huge Stop if nothing happens. Typing down everything we would do adds another level of Very unneeded stress :'( I just wish my body would respond and get pregnant :( I just hope its soon!
So our stand on IVF is we will not go forward with IVF. I am not saying it is a horrible thing but I do not believe and feel that I should do IVF. The meds they use, the whole Babies in the lab makes me feel really weird and I have a personal conviction that your eggs should just stay in your body! Once again IVF is not horrible BUT it is not something I personally agree with! Just like I don't feel i should use Hormonal Birth Control. So we are just at a stand still :'( Good luck Mommies and Mommies in Waiting! This Journey is not for the Weak of Heart! Keep Pushing forward!
Friday, August 28, 2015
Heart Rate and Exercising
Moderate exercise intensity
Moderate activity feels somewhat hard. Here are clues that your exercise intensity is at a moderate level:
- Your breathing quickens, but you're not out of breath.
- You develop a light sweat after about 10 minutes of activity.
- You can carry on a conversation, but you can't sing.
Vigorous exercise intensity
Vigorous activity feels challenging. Here are clues that your exercise intensity is at a vigorous level:
- Your breathing is deep and rapid.
- You develop a sweat after a few minutes of activity.
- You can't say more than a few words without pausing for breath.
Overexerting yourself
Beware of pushing yourself too hard too often. If you're short of breath, in pain or can't work out as long as you'd planned, your exercise intensity is probably higher than your fitness level allows. Back off a bit and build intensity gradually.
Gauging intensity using your heart rate
Another way to gauge your exercise intensity is to see how hard your heart is beating during physical activity. To use this method, you first have to figure out your maximum heart rate — the upper limit of what your cardiovascular system can handle during physical activity.
The basic way to calculate your maximum heart rate is to subtract your age from 220. For example, if you're 45 years old, subtract 45 from 220 to get a maximum heart rate of 175. This is the maximum number of times your heart should beat per minute while you're exercising.
Once you know your maximum heart rate, you can calculate your desired target heart rate zone — the level at which your heart is being exercised and conditioned but not overworked.
Here's how heart rate matches up with exercise intensity levels:
- Moderate exercise intensity: 50 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate
- Vigorous exercise intensity: 70 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate
If you're not fit or you're just beginning an exercise program, aim for the lower end of your target zone (50 percent). Then, gradually build up the intensity. If you're healthy and want a vigorous intensity, opt for the higher end of the zone.
How to determine your target zone
To determine your desired target heart rate zone, use an online calculator. Or, here's a simple way to do the math yourself. If you're aiming for a target heart rate of 70 to 85 percent, which is in the vigorous range, you would calculate it like this:
- Subtract your age from 220 to get your maximum heart rate.
- Multiple that number by 0.7 (70 percent) to determine the lower end of your target heart rate zone.
- Multiply your maximum heart rate by 0.85 (85 percent) to determine the upper end of your target heart rate zone.
For example, say your age is 45 and you want to figure out your target heart rate zone for vigorous intensity exercise. Subtract 45 from 220 to get 175 — this is your maximum heart rate. To get the lower end of your target zone, multiply 175 by 0.7 to get 123. To get the higher end, multiply 175 by 0.85 to get 149. So your target heart rate zone for vigorous exercise intensity is 123 to 149 beats per minute.
How to tell if you're in the zone
So how do you know if you're in your target heart rate zone? Use these steps to check your heart rate during exercise:
- Stop momentarily.
- Take your pulse for 15 seconds. To check your pulse over your carotid artery, place your index and third fingers on your neck to the side of your windpipe. To check your pulse at your wrist, place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over your radial artery — which is located on the thumb side of your wrist.
- Multiply this number by 4 to calculate your beats per minute.
Here's an example: You stop exercising and take your pulse for 15 seconds, getting 33 beats. Multiply 33 by 4, to get 132. If you're 45 years old, this puts you in the middle of your target heart rate zone for vigorous exercise, since that zone is 123 to 149 beats per minute. If you're under or over your target heart rate zone, adjust your exercise intensity.
Target heart rate tips
It's important to note that maximum heart rate is just a guide. You may have a higher or lower maximum heart rate, sometimes by as much as 15 to 20 beats per minute. If you want a more definitive range, consider discussing your target heart rate zone with an exercise physiologist or a personal trainer.
Generally only elite athletes are concerned about this level of precision. They may also use slightly different calculations that take into account gender differences in target heart rate zones. These differences are so small that most casual athletes don't need separate calculations for men and women.
Also note that several types of medications can lower your maximum heart rate and, therefore, lower your target heart rate zone. Ask your doctor if you need to use a lower target heart rate zone because of any medications you take or medical conditions you have.
Interestingly, research has shown that interval training, which includes short bouts (60 to 90 seconds) of higher intensity exercise interspersed throughout your workout, is well tolerated, even by those with certain cardiac conditions. This type of training is also very effective at increasing your cardiovascular fitness.
Reap the rewards of exercise intensity
You'll get the most from your workouts if you're exercising at the proper exercise intensity for your health and fitness goals. If you're not feeling any exertion or your heart rate is too low, pick up the pace. If you're worried that you're pushing yourself too hard or your heart rate is too high, back off a bit.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
- What is Co-Dependency?
- Who does co-dependency affect?
- How do codependent people behave?
- An exaggerated sense of responsibility for the actions of others
- A tendency to confuse love and pity, with the tendency to “love” people they can pity and rescue
- A tendency to do more than their share, all of the time
- A tendency to become hurt when people don’t recognize their efforts
- An unhealthy dependence on relationships. The co-dependent will do anything to hold on to a relationship; to avoid the feeling of abandonment
- An extreme need for approval and recognition
- A sense of guilt when asserting themselves
- A compelling need to control others
- Lack of trust in self and/or others
- Fear of being abandoned or alone
- Difficulty identifying feelings
- Rigidity/difficulty adjusting to change
- Problems with intimacy/boundaries
- Chronic anger
- Lying/dishonesty
- Poor communications
- Difficulty making decisions
- How is codependency treated?
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Depression During Pregnancy – What You Need To Know
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Birth Control Pills – 6 Big Problems With The Pill
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Night terrors in toddlers
What are night terrors?
These mysterious disturbances happen during deep, non-dreaming sleep. A child in this state will cry, whimper, flail, and even bolt out of bed. Though his eyes may be wide open, he's not awake and isn't aware of your presence.
Night terrors occur in 3 to 6 percent of young children. They can start as early as 18 months, but typically occur in children beginning at age 4 or 5.
How are night terrors different from nightmares?
Nightmares happen during rapid eye movement (REM) or dream sleep. A child who's had a nightmare is likely to have a fairly clear idea of what scared her, though she probably won't be able to articulate her fright until she's about 2. She may also be afraid to fall back asleep, and in the morning, she'll probably remember that she had a bad dream.
On the other hand, night terrors occur during non-REM sleep. They're not scary dreams, but more like a sudden fear reaction that happens as your child goes from one sleep phase to another. They can last several minutes or longer.
Your child won't remember a night terror the next day because it happened while she was in deep sleep and there are no mental images to recall.
What should I do when my toddler has a night terror?
Of course, your first instinct will be to comfort him, but your efforts will most likely be futile. (Remember, he's not really awake or aware of your presence.) You just have to wait it out and make sure he doesn't hurt himself.
Don't try to shake or startle him awake or physically restrain him – that could lead to more frantic behavior. Keep the lights dim and speak to him in a soft and reassuring voice. In 10 to 30 minutes, your child should calm down, curl up, and fall into a deep sleep again.
Is there anything I can do to prevent night terrors?
There are several steps you can take to reduce the chances that your toddler will have night terrors. First, make sure she's getting enough sleep. Children who go to bed overtired are more likely to experience these sleep disturbances. To avoid fatigue, extend your toddler's nap time, let her sleep a little later in the morning, or put her to bed earlier at night.
Stress can be a factor, so be sure to allow plenty of time for calming bedtime rituals, such as a bath, a song, a book, and lots of cuddling.
Because night terrors usually occur during the first part of the night, you could also try gently rousing your toddler after she's been asleep for an hour or two – about 15 minutes before a typical episode would start. This may alter her sleep pattern enough to avert the night terror.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Babies Form Memories In Utero, Study Finds
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Gender Reveal Ideas!!!
Blue or Pink?? Seems to be the question in all of Pregnant Mommies minds! So what is the best way to tell everyone?? Are you into doing Videos? Are you wanting a Party? Are you just wanting a cute picture to post on Facebook?? Lets look into it a bit more!! Lets Look into party Ideas and Pictures! You can head on over to Youtube(will be linked below) for great Video Ideas!
You can do Gender Reveal with Baby Clothes, Sonogram with a cute little bow or Tie, Baby Shoes, Colored Sash, Bubble Gum, chalkboard, Confetti(Also can be used in a Party), Banners , Paint, Umbrellas, Paint Fights, Scrabble pieces , Handprints, Sand, Rocks, Family Pets, Siblings, Playful Props, Chalk, Balloons, Treats.
There is really so so much you can do! You just need to find out what works best for you :) Good luck!!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Flying and Infants
Flying is safe for most infants, however more research is proving that there is a great risks to infants when flying.
Things to consider:
Your baby's age.
Generally, age doesn't affect an infant's ability to handle air travel. However, your baby's doctor might discourage unnecessary air travel shortly after birth. Keep in mind that newborns have developing immune systems and that air travel might increase their risk of catching an infectious disease.
Your baby's ears.
Changing cabin pressure during a flight causes temporary changes in middle ear pressure, which can trigger ear pain. To help equalize the pressure in your baby's ears, encourage your baby to suck on a bottle or pacifier during takeoff and landing. If your baby is ill, ask his or her doctor whether you should postpone the flight.
Your baby's breathing.
During flight, air pressure in an aircraft cabin is lower than air pressure on land. Although this temporary change in oxygen level doesn't seem to pose problems for otherwise healthy babies, your baby's doctor might recommend supplemental oxygen if your baby has an underlying respiratory condition. If your baby was born prematurely and has a history of lung disease, your baby's doctor might recommend postponing air travel until age 1 or later.
Your baby's safety seat.
Most infant car seats are certified for air travel. Although airlines typically allow infants to ride on a caregiver's lap during flight, the Federal Aviation Administration recommends that infants ride in properly secured safety seats. If you choose not to purchase a ticket for your infant, ask about open seats when you board the plane — in case one can be assigned to your infant. For the most room, choose bulkhead seats if you can.
If you're tempted to give your baby an over-the-counter medication to encourage sleep during the flight — such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl, others) — be cautious. The practice isn't generally recommended, and sometimes the medication can have the opposite effect. If you still think that medication might be the best option for your baby, talk to your baby's doctor first. He or she might recommend a test dose at home to be sure the medication has the intended effect.
Also, please read what this article has to say about the new risks (including death) for flying with infants!!!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Can You Mix Breastmilk and Formula Together?
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Fitness for beginners!
Fitness Definitions
Even long-term exercisers may have misconceptions about exactly what some fitness terms mean. Here are some definition of words and phrases you're likely to encounter:
- Aerobic/cardiovascular activity. These are exercises that are strenuous enough to temporarily speed up your breathing and heart rate. Running, cycling, walking, swimming, and dancing fall in this category.
- Maximum Heart Rate is based on the person's age. An estimate of a person's maximum age-related heart rate can be obtained by subtracting the person's age from 220.
- Flexibility training or stretching. This type of workout enhances the range of motion of joints. Age and inactivity tend to cause muscles, tendons, and ligaments to shorten over time. Contrary to popular belief, however, stretching and warming up are not synonymous. In fact, stretching cold muscles and joints can make them prone to injury.
- Strength, weight, or resistance training. This type of exercise is aimed at improving the strength and function of muscles. Specific exercises are done to strengthen each muscle group. Weight lifting and exercising with stretchy resistance bands are examples of resistance training activities, as are exercises like pushups in which you work against the weight of your own body.
- Set. Usually used in discussing strength trainingexercises, this term refers to repeating the same exercise a certain number of times. For instance, a weight lifter may do 10 biceps curls, rest for a few moments, then perform another "set" of 10 more biceps curls.
- Repetition or "rep." This refers to the number of times you perform an exercise during a set. For example, the weight lifter mentioned above performed 10 reps of the bicep curl exercise in each set.
- Warm up. This is the act of preparing your body for the stress of exercise. The body can be warmed up with light intensity aerobic movements like walking slowly. These movements increase bloodflow, which in turn heats up muscles and joints. "Think of it as a lube job for the body," Bryant explains. At the end of your warm-up, it's a good idea to do a little light stretching.
- Cooldown. This is the less-strenuous exercise you do to cool your body down after the more intense part of your workout. For example, after a walk on a treadmill, you might walk at a reduced speed and incline for several minutes until your breathing and heart rate slow down. Stretching is often part of a cooldown.
Sample Workouts for Beginners
Before beginning any fitness routine, it's important to warm up, then do some light stretching. Save the bulk of the stretching for after the workout.
Once you're warmed up, experts recommend three different types of exercise for overall physical fitness: cardiovascular activity, strength conditioning, and flexibility training. These don't all have to be done at once, but doing each on a regular basis will result in balanced fitness.
- Cardiovascular activity. Start by doing an aerobic activity, like walking or running, for a sustained 20-30 minutes, four to five times a week, says Bryant. To ensure you're working at an optimum level, try the "talk test": Make sure you can carry on a basic level of conversation without being too winded. But if you can easily sing a song, you're not working hard enough.
- Strength conditioning. Start by doing one set of exercises targeting each of the major muscle groups. Bryant suggests using a weight at which you can comfortably perform the exercise eight to 12 times in a set. When you think you can handle more, gradually increase either the weight, the number of repetitions, or number of sets. To maximize the benefits, do strength training at least twice a week. Never work the same body part two days in a row.
- Flexibility training. The American College on Exercise recommends doing slow, sustained static stretches three to seven days per week. Each stretch should last 10-30 seconds.