Saturday, August 29, 2015

Real Talk with Fertility!

So Trying to Conceive is so stinking hard! I have had about 11 people get pregnant in my own extended family(4 cousins on hubby side, 7 cousins on my side) That doesn't count that 3 of those people are either pregnant with second child or just had there second child! All in the time I have been TTC!! Also dealing with 46 Acquaintances/Friends that have gotten pregnant once or twice during this wait!!! I always call this my TTC Journey because it is a Journey with HUGE bumps in the road and sometimes the path gets very weeded over and I have to fight through the struggles and have to just curl up and cry! A good cry gets you a long way(Monthly thing!) About the last two years of this Journey i have gotten into the world of online Facebook mommy Groups :) It has been a wonderful, challenging Journey with in itself!

During this Journey I have done Many tests which can be seen on our first TTC Blogs I have done! I am still in this Journey! With Finances and a Huge amount of debt(from TTC) we are waiting on all doctors visits till our Debt is gone! Smart, I know, but still so difficult. I am looking forward to another doctors visit hopefully in January to discuss our next steps! I have already done 6 cycles of Clomid that were successful but still achieved no pregnancy. I am wanting to try Clomid with Ultrasounds to check my follicles and than when the follicles are big enough we can do a Trigger shot! That is what I am hoping for! After couple months of that we would want to do an actual IUI with change of Meds and instead of just timed sex. We would only do 3 rounds of IUI than we will be at a huge Stop if nothing happens. Typing down everything we would do adds another level of Very unneeded stress :'( I just wish my body would respond and get pregnant :( I just hope its soon!

So our stand on IVF is we will not go forward with IVF. I am not saying it is a horrible thing but I do not believe and feel that I should do IVF. The meds they use, the whole Babies in the lab makes me feel really weird and I have a personal conviction that your eggs should just stay in your body! Once again IVF is not horrible BUT it is not something I personally agree with! Just like I don't feel i should use Hormonal Birth Control. So we are just at a stand still :'(     Good luck Mommies and Mommies in Waiting! This Journey is not for the Weak of Heart! Keep Pushing forward!

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