Things every pregnant woman and Mom should know. Our intention is to be informative on issues encountered during pregnancy and throughout motherhood.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Sex After C Section.
You can also opt to wait longer before having sex if you feel the need to. Actually, some women will resume sex only a few weeks after giving birth while others prefer waiting longer than the six weeks. Some factors that can cause further delays in resuming your sex life include fatigue, fear of pain and stress. There are also many tips you can take while trying sex after c section to make the experience more pleasurable.
When to Have Sex after C Section
If you recently gave birth through a C section, it is normal to have doubts and questions regarding the appropriate time to resume your sex life. Most women assume they can have sex immediately since they did not give birth the normal way. However, this is very far from the truth.
After undergoing a C section, it is also required that you wait for at least 6 weeks before resuming sex. Actually, it is best to wait until your next doctor’s appointment before you resuming. During this checkup, the doctor will assess your incision and the healing process. They will also want to ensure that your post-delivery bleeding has stopped before they can give you the go ahead to have sex.
Is Sex Painful After C Section
Normally, you are bound to experience some pain during sex after having a C section. Some women complain of painful sex even after visiting the doctor and being given a go ahead for having sex. The type of pain mostly experienced by women during sex after a C section is more of a burning sensation than a stretching pain. Most women think that the pain is caused by abnormality in the vaginal path. However, if there were any abnormalities, the doctor should be able to pick it up during the six weeks examinations.
Some women who have had C sections for more than one child complain of painful sex each time they resume the activity after a C section. However, the pain ends after a few times. Using lubrication can go a long way towards easing the pain and discomfort. If you happen to experience discomfort and pain during sex, you can ask your partner to remain still until the pain subsides. Once the pain stops, you will be able to enjoy sex again.
On the other hand, if you feel that the pain is too much to bear, you can consider holding out for a few more weeks without sex before resuming. This gives your body more time to heal properly. After a few weeks, you will be able to enjoy sex without the pain.
Tips on Sex After C Section
If you decide to have sex as soon as your six weeks are up, there are tricks you can use to make it easier for your body and your healing incision.
Start with the positions you find most comfortable. For example, side by side or spooning would be a good idea. This will put the least pressure on your abdomen, which is where the incision was done. The abdomen remains sore for a while and you're advised to put the least pressure on it. As you recover, you can try out other positions. During the recovery process, you should consider oral sex over intercourse. It is not only comfortable, but also safer. Ask your partner to be careful not to blow air into your vagina as it can enter the bloodstream, and this can be dangerous.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Extra (supernumerary or accessory) nipples or breast tissue
Extra nipples or breast tissue is fairly common (1-6% of women) and is a result of incomplete regression of the mammary ridge (milk line) during the development of the embryo before birth.
What causes this? Extra breast tissue is a common developmental variation in human anatomy. Breast development begins around week four of gestation, with two parallel lines of glandular tissue called the milk line (or mammary ridge) extending from slightly beyond the underarm area, down the chest and abdomen, to the groin area and ending near the groin at the inner sides of the thighs (see figure). Breasts eventually develop from these lines of tissue, and the remaining tissue regresses. Occasionally, there is an incomplete regression of the mammary ridge during embryo development, andextra (supernumerary) nipples and/or breast tissue forms, usually along this line but occasionally in other parts of the body. This can occur in both males and females. An extra nipple, areola, and/or glandular tissue may be present anywhere along this line (a nipple without glandular tissue is most common), and it is not at all unusual to have more than one.
What is typical when it comes to extra breast tissue? The term hypermastia (or polymastia, or ectopic breast tissue) refers to the presence of accessory mammary tissue in addition to the two main glands. It can occur in a number of different forms. Some examples include:
breast tissue with a nipple and areolabreast tissue with a nipple but no areolabreast tissue without a nipple (hyperadenia)nipple without glandular tissue (hyperthelia or polythelia)areola without nipple or glandular tissuean ectopic milk duct that leaks milk through the skin without visible breast tissue or nipple
Extra nipples usually occur right below the breasts or in the underarm area, and extra mammary tissue is usually located in the underarm area. Most studies show extra nipples to be more common in males, and they can sometimes run in families.
Accessory, or supernumerary, breast tissue is not functionally connected to the breast at all, even though it may be near the breast, in the underarm area or anywhere else along the milk line. This isdifferent than the breast tissue that normally extends into the underarm area, called the Tail of Spence (see figure), which is connected to the main ductal system of the breast.
What does it look like? Accessory breast tissue can appear as a complete breast if both a nipple, areola, and glandular tissue are present. If mammary tissue without a nipple or areola is present, it may appear as a lump or swelling under the skin. An accessory nipple may look like a freckle, a mole or a dimple, or it may look like a typical nipple (though it is usually smaller). Often, accessory nipples or breast tissue are not noticed until hormonal changes make them more apparent. Sometimes a new mom will not know she has accessory breast tissue until she notices milk dripping from a “freckle” or pore in the skin.
What happens during pregnancy & lactation? The hormonal changes during pregnancy and lactation can cause accessory breast tissue to increase in size and/or produce milk. You may also experience fluctuating swelling and/or tenderness (this may also occur during adolescence and/or menstruation). Accessory nipples and areolas may darken. If you experience skin irritation when clothing rubs against an accessory nipple, try covering it with a bandaid or gauze.
As with any breast tissue, accessory breast tissue can become engorged at the beginning of lactation, and may leak milk. Accessory breast tissue does not typically produce much milk, and does not interfere with breastfeeding. The usual methods for easing engorgement can be helpful. If the extra breast tissue is not drained by a ductal system (so that no milk can leak or be expressed), comfort measures such as cold compresses can help until the extra tissue involutes and stops producing milk. Mothers with leaking milk from accessory nipples have found that a breast pad or sometimes just a bandaid can be effective for catching leaks. As with any leaking, applying pressure straight in toward the chest may help stop the leaking.
Uncommon problems: Since this is breast tissue, it has the potential for the same problems as any other breast tissue, including inflammation, mastitis, abscesses, cysts, benign lumps, or malignant changes. The accessory nipple or breast tissue can be surgically removed, but this is not necessary unless it is causing problems. Some people do have accessory breast tissue or nipples removed for cosmetic reasons.
Article from
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
How Often Should I Feed My Baby Formula? 3 Things To Know
#1: Different Babies Need Different Numbers Of Feeds Different babies show feeding cues at various time intervals – even time intervals between when an individual baby shows feeding cues varies. Feeding your baby when she shows feeding cues using a paced bottle feeding method (see below) helps her get the amount of milk she needs, as opposed to an arbitrary or caregiver derived amount.
#2: A Paced Bottle Feeding Method Helps Babies Better Control Their Intake When babies feed from a bottle, they cannot control their own intake as well as babies feeding at the breast. When a baby sucks at the breast, she’s in control of how much she drinks because she can suck in a way where she swallows or in a way where she doesn’t swallow. She can also be at the breast and not suck at all or she can just come off. When drinking from a bottle, the firm bottle teat inside a baby’s mouth gives her a strong stimulus to suck and when she sucks, she gets milk whether she needs the milk or not. The relatively fast and continuous flow of milk from a bottle means she needs to keep sucking or be flooded with milk. Nonetheless, you can help your bottle-fed baby to better be able to control her intake by using a paced bottle feeding method. You can read more about paced bottle feeding (also dubbed, bottle nursing) and other helpful bottle feeding tips here.
#3: Unsettled Behaviour Doesn’t Always Mean Your Baby Is Hungry Just like young breastfed babies, young bottle-fed babies also have periods where they cry a lot and sleep very little. These periods are often more about babies seeking emotional regulation as opposed to being hungry. During these times, breastfed babies often cluster feed , meaning they have a lot of short feeds close together. Because bottle-fed babies cannot control their intake like breastfed babies, during these periods, trying to settle your bottle-fed baby in ways other than with feeding or offering only small amounts at a time (e.g. about 30mL). … Feeding your bottle-fed baby according to her own individual need by using a paced bottle feeding method helps her get the amount of milk she needs.
Monday, October 19, 2015
American Sign Language
These websites I am posting have info to help you start to learn this language that I enjoy learning each and every day. Any book store or library more than likely has books to help you learn to sign. There needs to be more people in this world to know this language as alot of people are developing hearing problems or becoming deaf at birth or getting sick and loses their hearing.
These shows are an influence to helping with Sign Language: Sue Thomas F.B.Eye, Switched at Birth are just a few.
What is American Sign Language?
Is sign language the same in other countries?
Where did ASL originate?
How does ASL compare with spoken language?
The letters of the alphabet in
American Sign Language.
How do most children learn ASL?
Why emphasize early language learning?
What research is being done on ASL and other sign languages?
Simple phrases in American Sign Language.
Where can I find additional information about American Sign Language?
1 Communication Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20892-3456
Toll-free Voice: (800) 241-1044
Toll-free TTY: (800) 241-1055
Fax: (301) 770-8977
February 2014
This image is the Alphabet for American Sign Language.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
High Blood Pressure.
The American Heart Association has recommended guidelines to define normal and high blood pressure.
Normal blood pressure less than 120/80Pre-hypertension 120-139/ 80-89High blood pressure (stage 1) 140-159/90-99High blood pressure (stage 2) higher than 160/100
As many as 60 million Americans have high blood pressure.
Uncontrolled high blood pressure may be responsible for many cases of death and disability resulting from heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.According to research studies, the risk of dying of a heart attack is directly linked to high blood pressure, particularly systolichypertension. The higher your blood pressure, the higher the risk. Maintaining lifelong control of hypertension decreases the future risk of complications such as heart attack and stroke
Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. It is known as the "silent killer" since it has no initial symptoms but can lead to long-term disease and complications..
Many people have high blood pressure and don't know it.Important complications of uncontrolled or poorly treated high blood pressure includeheart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke,kidney failure, peripheral artery disease, andaortic aneurysms (weakening of the wall of the aorta, leading to widening or ballooning of the aorta).Public awareness of these dangers has increased. High blood pressure has become the second most common reason for medical office visits in the United States.How is blood pressure measured?
Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure cuff and recorded as two numbers, for example, 120/80 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury). Blood pressure measurements are usually taken at the upper arm over the brachial artery.
The top, larger number is called the systolic pressure. This measures the pressure generated when the heart contracts (pumps). It reflects the pressure of the blood against arterial walls.The bottom, smaller number is called thediastolic pressure. This reflects the pressure in the arteries while the heart is filling and resting between heartbeats.
High Blood Pressure Symptoms^°¶{
High blood pressure usually causes no symptoms and high blood pressure often is labeled "the silent killer." People who have high blood pressure typically don't know it until their blood pressure is measured.
Sometimes people with markedly elevated blood pressure may develop:
headachedizzinessblurred vision,nausea and vomiting, andchest pain and shortness of breath.
People often do not seek medical care until they have symptoms arising from the organ damage caused by chronic (ongoing, long-term) high blood pressure. The following types of organ damage are commonly seen in chronic high blood pressure:
Heart attackHeart failureStroke or transient ischemic attack (TIAKidney failureEye damage with progressive vision lossPeripheral arterial disease causing leg painwith walking (claudication)Outpouchings of the aorta, called aneurysms
About 1% of people with high blood pressure do not seek medical care until the high blood pressure is very severe, a condition known asmalignant hypertension.
In malignant hypertension, the diastolic blood pressure (the lower number) often exceeds 140 mm Hg.Malignant hypertension may be associated with headache, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, and stroke like symptomsMalignant hypertension requires emergency intervention and lowering of blood pressure to prevent brain hemorrhage or stroke.
It is of utmost importance to realize that high blood pressure can be unrecognized for years, causing no symptoms but causing progressive damage to the heart, other organs, and blood vessels.
Friday, October 9, 2015
positional plagiocephaly
Passage through the birth canal during childbirth can cause a newborn's head to look pointy or too long. So it's normal for a baby's skull, which is made up of several bones that eventually fuse together, to be a bit oddly shaped during the few days or weeks after birth.
But if a baby develops a lasting flat spot, either on one side or the back of the head, it could be flat head syndrome, also called positional plagiocephaly (pu-ZI-shu-nul play-jee-oh-SEF-uh-lee). Flat head syndrome usually happens when a baby sleeps in the same position most of the time or because of problems with the neck muscles.
This problem does not harm brain development or cause any lasting appearance problems. And, fortunately, it does not require surgery. Simple practices like changing a baby's sleep position, holding your baby, and providing lots of "tummy time" can help.
The most common cause of a flattened head is a baby's sleep position. Because infants sleep for so many hours on their backs, the head sometimes flattens in one spot. Placing babies in devices where they lie down often during the day (infant car seats, carriers, strollers, swings, and bouncy seats) also adds to this problem.
Premature babies are more likely to have a flattened head. Their skulls are softer than those of full-term babies. They also spend a lot of time on their backs without being moved or picked up because of their medical needs and extreme fragility after birth, which usually requires a stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
A baby might even start to develop flat head syndrome before birth, if pressure is placed on the baby's skull by the mother's pelvis or a twin. In fact, many babies from multiple births are born with heads that have some flat spots.
Being cramped in the womb can also cause torticollis, which can lead to a flattened head. Babies with torticollis have a hard time turning their heads because of tight neck muscles on one side of the neck. Since it's hard to turn the head, they tend to keep their heads in the same position when lying down. This can cause flattening.
Likewise, many babies who started out with flat head syndrome develop torticollis. Because it takes a lot of energy for them to turn their heads, babies with severe flattening on one side tend to stay on that side, so their necks become stiff from lack of use.
Signs and Symptoms
Flattened head syndrome is usually easy for parents to notice. Typically, the back of the child's head, called the occiput (AHK-suh-puht), is flattened on one side. There is usually less hair on that part of the baby's head. If a person is looking down at the baby's head, the ear on the flattened side may be pushed forward.
In severe cases, the head might bulge on the side opposite from the flattening, and the forehead may be uneven. If torticollis is the cause, the neck, jaw, and face may be uneven as well.
Doctors usually diagnose flat head syndrome simply by looking a child's head. To check for torticollis, the doctor may watch how a baby moves the head and neck. Lab tests, X-rays, and computed tomography (CT scans) usually are not needed.
The doctor may monitor a child over a few visits to see how the shape of the head changes. If repositioning the child's head during sleep helps to improve the skull over time, the problem is likely due to flat head syndrome. If it doesn't, the cause could bedue to another condition, such as craniosynostosis (kray-nee-oh-sin-os-TOE-sis).
Craniosynostosis happens when a child's skull bones fuse together before they're supposed to (normally, around age 4). This fusion restricts brain growth and causes skull deformities. Children with craniosynostosis need treatment to correct the problem.
If the doctor suspects craniosynostosis or another condition, the child will be referred to a pediatric neurosurgeon or a craniofacial plastic surgeon who may order other tests, like X-rays or a CT scan.
If your child has flat head syndrome that's caused by a sleeping or lying position, there is a lot you can do at home to help treat it:
Change the head position while your baby sleeps.Reposition your baby's head (from left to right, right to left) when your baby is sleeping on the back. Even though your baby will probably move around throughout the night, it's still a good idea to place your child with the rounded side of the head touching the mattress and the flattened side facing up. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend using any wedge pillows or other devices to keep your baby in one position.Alternate positions in the crib. Consider how you lay your baby down in the crib. Most right-handed parents carry small infants cradled in their left arms and lay them down with the heads to their left. In this position, the infant must turn to the right to look out into the room — and, indeed, torticollis to the right with flattening of the right side of the head is far more common than the left. Whichever side of your infant's head is flattened, you will want to position your baby in the crib to encourage active turning of the head to the other side.Hold your baby more often. Reduce the amount of time your child spends lying on the back or often being in a position where the head is resting against a flat surface (such as in car seats, strollers, swings, bouncy seats, and play yards). For instance, if your baby has fallen asleep in a car seat during travel, take your baby out of the seat when you get home rather than leaving your little one snoozing in the seat. Pick up and hold your baby often, which will take pressure off the head overall.Practice tummy time. Provide plenty of supervised time for your baby to lie on the stomach while awake during the day. Not only does "tummy time" promote normal shaping of the back the head, it also helps in other ways. Looking around from a new perspective encourages your baby's learning and discovery of the world. Plus, it helps babies strengthen their neck muscles and learn to push up on their arms, which helps develop the muscles needed for crawling and sitting up.
As most infants with plagiocephaly have some degree of torticollis, physical therapy and a home exercise program will usually be part of the recommended treatment. A physical therapist can teach you exercises to do with your baby involving stretching techniques that are gradual and progressive. Most moves will involve stretching your child's neck to the side opposite the tilt. In time, the neck muscles will get longer and the neck will straighten itself out. Although they're very simple, the exercises must be done correctly.
For kids with severe flat head syndrome in which repositioning for 2-3 months doesn't help, doctors may prescribe a custom-molded helmet or head band. While helmets might not work for all children, some kids with severe torticollis can benefit from them.
The helmets work best if used between the ages of 4 and 12 months, when a child grows the fastest and the bones are most moldable. They work by applying gentle but constant pressure on a baby's growing skull in an effort to redirect the growth.
Never purchase or use any devices like these without first having your child seen by a doctor. Only a small percentage of babies wear helmets. The decision to use helmet therapy is made on a case-by-case basis (for example, if the condition is so severe that a baby's face is becoming misshapen).
The outlook for babies with flat head syndrome is excellent. As babies grow, they begin to reposition themselves naturally during sleep much more often than they did as newborns, which allows their heads to be in different positions throughout the night.
After babies are able to roll over, the AAP still recommends that parents put them to sleep on their backs, but then allow them to move into the position that most suits them without repositioning them onto their backs.
As a general rule, once an infant can sit independently, a flat spot will not get any worse. Then, over months and years, as the skull grows, even in severe cases the flattening will improve. The head may never be perfectly symmetrical, but for a variety of reasons the asymmetry becomes less apparent as well. For example, in later childhood the face becomes more prominent in relation to the skull, hair thickens, and children are always on the go. Experience and clinical research have shown that by school age, a flattened head is no longer a social or cosmetic problem.
It's important to remember that having a flattened head does not affect a child's brain growth or cause developmental delays or brain damage.
Babies should be put down to sleep on their backs to help prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), despite the possibility of developing an area of flattening on the back of the head.
However, alternating their head position every night when you put them down to sleep and providing lots of tummy time and stimulation during the day while they're awake can reduce the risk of flat head syndrome.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Stages of Pregnancy
A normal pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks, counting from the first day of a woman's last menstrual period, which is typically about two weeks before conception occurs.
The stages of pregnancy are typically described in three-month periods known as trimesters. Each trimester lasts between 12 and 13 weeks.
During each trimester, distinct changes take place in a pregnant woman's body as well as in the development of the fetus, and they will be described in greater detail below.
Conception and implantation
About two weeks after a woman has her period, she ovulates and her ovaries release one mature egg. The egg can be fertilized for 12 to 24 hours after it's released as it travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus.
If an egg meets up with a sperm cell that has made its way into the fallopian tube, it combines into one cell, a process that's known as fertilization or conception.
At fertilization, the sex of the fetus is already determined, depending on whether the egg receives an X or Y chromosome from a sperm cell. If the egg receives an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl; a Y chromosome means the baby will be a boy.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, it takes about three to four days for the fertilized egg (or embryo) to move to the lining of the uterus, where it attaches or implants to the uterine wall. Once the embryo is implanted, the cells start to grow eventually becoming the fetus and the placenta, which is tissue that can transport oxygen, nutrients and hormones from the mother's blood to the developing fetus throughout pregnancy.
First trimester (weeks 1-12) changes in the mother's body
A woman will experience a lot of symptoms during her first trimester as she adjusts to the hormonal changes of pregnancy, which affect nearly every organ in her body. The pregnancy may not be showing much on the outside of her body, but inside many changes are taking place.
Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a hormone that will be present in a woman's blood from the time conception occurs. Produced by cells that form the placenta, hCG can be detected in a woman's urine about a week after a missed period and is responsible for a positive result on a home pregnancy test.
Rising levels of pregnancy hormones may also bring on the waves of nausea and vomiting known as morning sickness that a woman typically feels during her first few months of pregnancy. Some smells may be more bothersome now and provoke queasiness.
She will also feel more tired than usual, a symptom that's linked with rising levels of the hormone progesterone, which increases sleepiness. A woman's uterus is growing and begins to press on the bladder, causing her to urinate more frequently.
Early in pregnancy, a woman's breasts will feel more tender and swollen, another side effect of rising pregnancy hormone levels. A woman's areolas, the skin around each of her nipples, will darken and enlarge.
Her digestive system may slow down to increase the absorption of nutrients, but this might also lead to such common complaints as heartburn, constipation, bloating and gas, according to
In addition, a pregnant woman's heart will be working even harder, increasing the volume of blood it pumps to supply the uterus with the additional blood it needs to supply the fetus and elevating her pulse rate.
As more blood circulates to a woman's face, it will give her skin a rosier complexion, described as a "pregnancy glow."
Besides the physical changes in a woman's body, she will also experience emotional highs and lows in the early months of her pregnancy and throughout it. These emotions may range from weepiness, mood swings and forgetfulness to fear, anxiety and excitement.
First trimester development of embryo/fetus
A developing baby is called an embryo from the moment conception takes place until the eighth week of pregnancy.
During the first month of pregnancy the heart and lungs begin to develop, and the arms, legs, brain, spinal cord and nerves begin to form, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).
The embryo will be about the size of a pea around one month into a pregnancy, Burch said. Around the second month of pregnancy, the embryo has grown to the size of a kidney bean, he explained. In addition, the ankles, wrists, fingers and eyelids form, bones appear, and the genitals and inner ear begin to develop.
After the eighth week of pregnancy and until birth occurs, a developing baby is called a fetus.
By the end of the second month, eight to 10 of the fetus' main organs will have formed, Burch said, which is why he stresses to pregnant women that it's extremely important to not take harmful medications, such as illegal drugs during that time. The first trimester is also the period when most miscarriages and birth defects occur.
During the third month of pregnancy, bones and muscles begin to grow, buds for future teeth appear, and fingers and toes grow. The intestines begin to form and the skin is almost transparent.
Second trimester (weeks 13-27) changes in the mother's body
By the second trimester, some of the unpleasant effects of early pregnancy may lessen or disappear as the body adjusts to its changing hormone levels. Sleeping may get easier and energy levels may increase.
Nausea and vomiting usually gets better and goes away. But other symptoms may crop up as the fetus continues its growth and development.
Women feel more pelvic pressure, Burch said, adding that the pelvis feels heavy like something is weighing it down.
A more visible baby bump appears as the uterus grows beyond a woman's pelvis, and the skin on her expanding belly may itch as its stretches, according to
As the fetus is getting bigger and a woman is gaining more pregnancy weight in the front of her body, she may also experience more back pain, Burch said.
Somewhere between the 16th and 18th week of pregnancy a first-time mother may feel the first fluttering movements of the fetus known as quickening, Burch said. If a woman has had a baby before, she is likely to feel the fetus kicking, squirming or turning even sooner because she knows what to look for and expect, he explained.
The 20th week usually marks the halfway point of a woman's pregnancy.
Burch encourages his patients to take a "baby-moon" — a mini-vacation or weekend getaway — during the second trimester, and he said the best time to get away is around the 28th week of pregnancy. A woman is generally feeling pretty good at this point, there's a lower risk of miscarriage and premature labor, and some health professionals may discourage airplane travel after the 36th week.
Second trimester development of the fetus
In the second trimester, the fetus is growing a lot and will be between 3 and 5 inches long, Burch said. Somewhere between 18 and 22 weeks an ultrasound may reveal the sex of the baby, if parents want to know it in advance.
By the fourth month of pregnancy, eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails and the neck all form, and the skin has a wrinkled appearance. Some other highlights this month include that the arms and legs can bend, the kidneys start working and can produce urine, and the fetus can swallow and hear, according to ACOG.
In the fifth month of pregnancy, the fetus is more active and a woman may be able to feel its movements. The fetus also sleeps and wakes on regular cycles. A fine hair (called lanugo) and a waxy coating (called vernix) cover and protect the thin fetal skin.
By the sixth month of pregnancy, hair begins to grow, the eyes begin to open and the brain is rapidly developing. Although the lungs are completely formed, they don't yet function.
Third trimester (weeks 28-40) changes in the mother's body
During the third trimester, as a woman's enlarged uterus pushes against her diaphragm, a major muscle involved in breathing, she may feel short of breath because the lungs have less room to expand, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Her ankles, hands, feet and face may swell as she retains more fluids and her blood circulation slows.
A mother-to-be will need to pee more frequently because more pressure will be placed on her bladder. She may also have more backaches and more pain in the hips and pelvis, as these joints relax in preparation for delivery.
Her face may develop dark patches of skin, and stretch marks may appear on a woman's belly, thighs, breasts and backside. She may also notice varicose veins on her legs.
Her breasts may experience some leakage of colostrum, a yellow liquid, as they get ready for breastfeeding, according to
False labor, known as Braxton-Hicks contractions, may begin to occur as a woman gets closer to her due date. A "nesting instinct" may kick in as a woman and her partner baby-proof their home, shop for baby items, prepare the nursery and eagerly await their new arrival.
It will become harder to find a comfortable sleeping position during the final weeks of pregnancy, so women may be extremely tired, Burch said.
As delivery approaches, "some women love the experience of being pregnant, while others may feel like they don't want to go through it again," Burch said.
Third trimester development of the fetus
By the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus kicks and stretches, and can even respond to light and sound, like music, Burch said. The eyes can open and close.
During the eighth month of pregnancy, the fetus gains weight very quickly. Bones harden, but the skull remains soft and flexible to make delivery easier. Different regions of the brain are forming, and the fetus is able to hiccup, according to ACOG.
The ninth month is the home stretch of pregnancy and the fetus is getting ready for birth by turning into a head-down position in a woman's pelvis. The lungs are now fully mature to prepare for functioning on their own. The fetus continues to gain weight rapidly.
Cholestasis of pregnancy
Cholestasis of pregnancy occurs in late pregnancy and triggers intense itching, usually on the hands and feet but often on many other parts of the body.
Cholestasis of pregnancy can make you intensely uncomfortable but poses no long-term risk to an expectant mother. For a developing baby, however, cholestasis of pregnancy can be dangerous. Doctors usually recommend early delivery.
The term "cholestasis" refers to any condition that impairs the flow of bile — a digestive fluid — from the liver. Pregnancy is one of many possible causes of cholestasis. Other names for cholestasis of pregnancy include obstetric cholestasis and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.
Intense itching is the predominant symptom of cholestasis of pregnancy. Most women feel itchy on the palms of their hands or the soles of their feet, but some women feel itchy everywhere. The itching is often worse at night and may be distressing enough that you can't sleep.
The itching is most common during the third trimester of pregnancy, but sometimes begins earlier. It may feel worse as your due date approaches. Once your baby arrives, however, the itchiness usually goes away within a few days.
Other less common signs and symptoms of cholestasis of pregnancy may include:
Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice)
Loss of appetite
When to see a doctor
Contact your pregnancy care provider promptly if you begin to feel persistent or extreme itchiness.
What causes cholestasis of pregnancy is unclear. There may be a genetic component, as the condition sometimes runs in families and certain genetic variants have been associated with it.
Pregnancy hormones also may play a role. Bile is a digestive fluid produced in the liver that helps the digestive system break down fats. It's possible that the increase in pregnancy hormones — such as occurs in the third trimester — may slow the normal flow of bile out of the liver. Eventually, the buildup of bile in the liver allows bile acids to enter the blood stream. Bile acids deposited in the mother's tissues can lead to itching.
Factors that increase the risk of developing cholestasis of pregnancy include:
A personal or family history of cholestasis of pregnancy
A history of liver disease
A twin pregnancy
Some of these factors may have to do with heredity, and all probably have to do with increased levels of pregnancy hormones. After you've had the condition once, the risk of developing it during a subsequent pregnancy is high. About half to two-thirds of women experience recurrence of cholestasis of pregnancy.
For mothers, cholestasis of pregnancy may temporarily affect the way the body absorbs fat-soluble vitamins, but this rarely impacts overall nutrition. Itching usually resolves within a few days of delivery, and subsequent liver problems are uncommon — although cholestasis is likely to recur with other pregnancies.
For babies, the complications of cholestasis of pregnancy can be more severe. For reasons not well-understood, cholestasis of pregnancy increases the risk of the baby being born too early (preterm birth). It also increases the risk of meconium — the substance that accumulates in the baby's intestines — getting into the amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby. If a baby inhales meconium during delivery, he or she may have trouble breathing. There's also a risk of fetal death late in pregnancy. Because of the potentially severe complications, your doctor may consider inducing labor around the 37th week of pregnancy.
It's a good idea to be well-prepared for your appointment with your obstetrician or pregnancy care provider. Here's some information to help you get ready for your appointment, and what to expect from your pregnancy care provider.
What you can do
To prepare for your appointment:
Write down any symptoms you're experiencing. Include all of your symptoms, even if you don't think they're related.
Make a list of any medications, vitamins and other supplements you take. Write down doses and how often you take them.
Have a family member or close friend accompany you, if possible. You may be given a lot of information at your visit, and it can be difficult to remember everything.
Take a notebook or notepad with you. Use it to write down important information during your visit.
Think about what questions you'll ask. Write them down so you won't forget important points you want to cover.
For cholestasis of pregnancy, some basic questions to ask your pregnancy care provider include:
What is likely causing my symptoms?
Is my condition mild or severe?
Is it safe to continue the pregnancy?
How does my condition affect the baby?
What is the best course of action?
What kinds of tests do I need?
What are the alternatives to the primary approach that you're suggesting?
Are there any restrictions that I need to follow?
Will it be necessary to induce early labor?
Do you have any brochures or other printed material that I can take home with me? What websites do you recommend visiting?
In addition to the questions that you've prepared, don't hesitate to ask questions during your appointment at any time that you don't understand something.
What to expect from your doctor
To better understand your condition, your pregnancy care provider might ask several questions, such as:
What symptoms are you experiencing?
How long have you been experiencing symptoms?
How severe are your symptoms?
Has your baby been active?
What, if anything, seems to improve your symptoms?
What, if anything, appears to worsen your symptoms?
Have you been diagnosed with cholestasis during any previous pregnancies?
To diagnose cholestasis of pregnancy, your pregnancy care provider may:
Ask questions about your symptoms and medical history
Perform a physical exam
Send blood samples for lab testing to evaluate how well your liver is working and measure the amount of bile salts in your blood.
Treatment for cholestasis of pregnancy aims to relieve itching and prevent complications.
Relieving itching
To soothe intense itching, your pregnancy care provider may recommend:
Taking the prescription medication ursodiol (Actigall, Urso), which helps decrease the level of bile in the mother's bloodstream, relieves itchiness and may reduce complications for the baby
Soaking itchy areas in lukewarm water
You might be tempted to take an antihistamine or use an anti-itch (corticosteroid) cream to relieve the intense itching associated with this condition. Antihistamines are often ineffective and may pose risks to your developing baby. And if they do work, you may not feel the need to see your pregnancy care provider, delaying effective diagnosis and treatment. Corticosteroid creams and lotions don't work to relieve the itching of cholestasis of pregnancy. In addition, using too much corticosteroid cream may pose a risk to the baby.
Preventing complications
Because complications related to the baby's health can be serious, your pregnancy care provider may recommend close monitoring of your baby during pregnancy. Measures your pregnancy care provider might take include:
Nonstress tests and biophysical profile scores. These tests help monitor your baby's well-being. During a nonstress test, your pregnancy care provider will check how often your baby moves in a certain period of time and how much his or her heart rate increases with movement. The biophysical profile provides information regarding the volume of amniotic fluid, as well as fetal muscle tone and activity. While these tests can be reassuring, they can't really predict the risk of preterm birth or other complications associated with cholestasis of pregnancy.
Early induction of labor. Even if the prenatal tests appear normal, your pregnancy care provider may suggest inducing labor early — around 37 weeks or so. Because it's hard to predict when fetal death might occur, early delivery is sometimes the best and only way to prevent.
Unfortunately, itching due to cholestasis of pregnancy isn't very responsive to home remedies. To relieve itching, you might try:
Warm baths, which seem to lower the intensity of the itching for some women
Icing a particularly itchy patch of skin, which may temporarily reduce the itch
Research into effective alternative therapies for treating cholestasis of pregnancy is lacking, so doctors and other pregnancy care providers generally don't recommend alternative therapies.
One alternative therapy being studied for cholestasis of pregnancy is S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe), a naturally occurring substance. You can get it through an injection into your muscle or through a vein (intravenously). Some evidence suggests that it may help relieve itching, though the risks to mother and baby of such an approach aren't well known. When compared with ursodiol in preliminary trials, SAMe wasn't as effective. Given that the way you take the medicine can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, its safety is unknown, and it doesn't appear to work as well as other more established medicines, doctors are hesitant to recommend it as a treatment.
Other alternative therapies, including guar gum, activated charcoal, milk thistle and dandelion root, are also being studied, but there's no evidence that these therapies work or are safe for pregnant women to take.
Always check with your doctor or health care provider before trying an alternative therapy, especially if you're pregnant.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
fenugreek and breast milk supply
Fenugreek And Breast Milk Supply Fenugreek is enjoyed as a culinary herb/spice in many parts of the world such as France, India, Argentina, North Africa and in the Mediterranean countries. Fenugreek has also been used for centuries as agalactagogue, which is a substance claimed to increase milk supply. Even today, fenugreek is probably the most common herb used as a galactagogue. When taken to help boost milk supply, fenugreek is used as a ground seed in capsule form, or in tea. Some mothers say they find fenugreek to help increase their milk supply. However, what does the scientific research say about fenugreek’s efficacy as a galactagogue? Is it safe, and should it be the first line treatment to increase milk supply? Research About Fenugreek As A Galactagogue Most of the research about fenugreek and breast milk production is anecdotal. What this means is some women have found fenugreek to be helpful at increasing milk supply. However, there is a lack of scientific research to back up what some mothers have found. There have only been a limited number of studies about fenugreek as a galactagogue. Most of these studies are low to moderate quality and most didn’t find that fenugreek was as an effective in increasing milk supply. Some of the problems with the research into fenugreek as a galactagogue include: Lack of randomisation. The most important aspect of randomisation is that it helps ensure participants are objectively representative of the group being studied. If this doesn’t happen, it increases the risk of bias in the participant selection process. For example, if mothers who are very motivated to breastfeed and take fenugreek capsules are compared to mothers who take a placebo capsule yet are less motivated to breastfeed, then this can obviously affect the results. Randomisation helps prevent such an occurrence.Lack of placebo control group. Without a placebo group to compare against, it’s more difficult to know whether the treatment being studied had any effect. This is because it’s possible for participants to have a treatment effect due to other factors such as knowing one is receiving a treatment, attention from health professionals, and the expectations of a treatment’s effectiveness by those conducting the research study.In some studies, fenugreek was part of a mixture given to mothers. Hence, no single ingredient can be considered solely responsible for the mixture’s effects.Small number of study participants. The small number of participants in a study affects its reliability. Reliability refers to how consistently the study outcomes can be repeated amongst other people. More well designed human research trials are needed before fenugreek’s potential efficacy as a galactagogue can be established. Safety Of Fenugreek Although more research is needed, if a mother wishes to try fenugreek to increase her supply, is it safe for her to do so? Fenugreek is considered safe for breastfeeding mothers when used in moderation and is on the US Food and Drug Administration. Leading breastfeeding researcher, Doctor Thomas Hale, classifies fenugreek in the Lactation Risk Category L3, which means moderately safe. Overall, fenugreek appears to be generally well tolerated by adults, including breastfeeding mothers. However, some common side effects in breastfeeding mothers taking fenugreek include: Diarrhoea and flatulenceSweat, urine, breastmilk and breastfed baby and mother may smell like maple syrup It is important to use fenugreek with caution or avoid it if a mother has a history of: Peanut or chickpea allergy. Fenugreek is in the same family as these and possibly other legumes. Hence, fenugreek may cause anallergic reaction in mothers who have an allergy to these.Diabetes. A typical dosage of fenugreek when used as a galactagogue is 1-6 grams daily. Dosages higher than this (e.g. 25 grams or more daily), fenugreek may cause lowering of cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It can also interact with warfarin to cause bleeding. Caution should be used in giving high dosages to women with diabetes or those taking warfarin. Some mothers have reported that fenugreek worsened their asthmasymptoms.First Line Treatments To Increase Supply When it comes to trying to increase supply, in almost all cases, non-pharmacological methods should be tried first. The first thing to determine if a mother feels she needs to increase supply is to work out whether her supply is truly low. To work out this, she needs to base her supply on the reliable signs of her baby’s milk intake and not the unreliable signs. Secondly, the single most important factor to increase milk supply is to ensure milk is removed well and often. In terms of frequency, it’s common for breastfed babies to feed 8-12 times in a 24 hours period. Factors that can help milk to be removed well include: Feeding according to a baby’s cuesGood positioning and attachmentRuling out any oral anatomical issues such as tongue-tieHaving a skilled breastfeeding expert, such as a lactation consultant, watch a breastfeed. If a mother feels her milk supply is low, it’s important for her to seek assistance. For example, contacting a breastfeeding support organisation such as the Australian Breastfeeding Associationor La Leche League can help. Seeing a lactation consultant may also be helpful. … If a mother’s milk supply is truly low, despite milk being removed well and often, fenugreek may be something that may help. It’s always important to seek medical advice before taking any pharmacological substance, to help ensure its safety.
Monday, October 5, 2015
☆Pregnancy Pillows☆
1. Boppy Total Body Pillow
What it is: The undulating curves of this pillow follow the line of a side-sleeping pregnant woman, helping to cradle her growing belly, tired head, and tense back. It even keeps knees apart! Later, it can double as a supportive nursing pillow or a backrest during storytime.
What to watch out for: Some say that over time the pillow's stuffing can develop frustrating clumps and lumps – the last thing you need when you're already tossing and turning.
2.Leachco Snoogle Total Body Pillow
What it is: This pillow shaped like a candy cane supports your back to soothe sciatica and lower back pain. It also tucks between your knees for help with back pain and temperature control, cradles your tummy, and props up your head to aid in breathing and ease heartburn and other pregnancy pitfalls. Snoogle fans appreciate its removable, washable case. And it can do double duty as a nursing support after your baby arrives.
What to watch out for: Make room for the Snoogle – make a lot of room. If you have a double bed, think carefully. It's best for queen beds and larger.
3.Boppy Prenatal Sleep Wedge
What it is: If the other pregnancy pillows make you feel like you're sleeping with a third, giant human, this smaller, lightweight option may suit you (and your partner!) better. The dense wedge is easy to place wherever you need it. It offers ergonomic support when used under the belly, and better hip, leg, and back alignment when used between the knees. Unlike some of the other pillows, the cover is truly easy to get on and off.
What to watch out for: You might want to try a thick, firm standard pillow or even a rolled-up blanket before buying this. Some moms say those DIY solutions perform just as well.
4.Sealy Sweet Pea 2-in-1 Maternity and Nursing Pillow
What it is: Trying to cut down on the sheer volume of baby gear? This pillow will help you sleep more soundly during pregnancy and later support your baby while you're nursing or bottle feeding. It's a smart design: The fuller end of the pillow aligns your tummy, hips, knees, and lower back when you're lying down.
What to watch out for: The thickness in the middle is too much for some smaller women to comfortably nestle between their legs. Others complain that the pillow isn't firm enough to support a brand-new baby.
5.Aller-Ease Body Pillow
What it is: Moms-to-be who swear by this rectangular pillow say that simple is better. Without all of the crazy curves or complicated shapes of other pregnancy pillows, all you have to do is wrap your body around this soft log. Those with stuffy noses and sensitivities to allergens also appreciate that it's got a pollen barrier, pet dander barrier, and a hypoallergenic fill.
What to watch out for: If you're looking for a firm pillow, this one might be too cushy.