Tuesday, October 6, 2015

fenugreek and breast milk supply

Fenugreek And Breast Milk Supply Fenugreek is enjoyed as a culinary herb/spice in many parts of the world such as France, India, Argentina, North Africa and in the Mediterranean countries.  Fenugreek has also been used for centuries as agalactagogue, which is a substance claimed to increase milk supply.  Even today, fenugreek is probably the most common herb used as a galactagogue.  When taken to help boost milk supply, fenugreek is used as a ground seed in capsule form, or in tea.  Some mothers say they find fenugreek to help increase their milk supply.  However, what does the scientific research say about fenugreek’s efficacy as a galactagogue? Is it safe, and should it be the first line treatment to increase milk supply?  Research About Fenugreek As A Galactagogue  Most of the research about fenugreek and breast milk production is anecdotal. What this means is some women have found fenugreek to be helpful at increasing milk supply.  However, there is a lack of scientific research to back up what some mothers have found. There have only been a limited number of studies about fenugreek as a galactagogue. Most of these studies are low to moderate quality and most didn’t find that fenugreek was as an effective in increasing milk supply.  Some of the problems with the research into fenugreek as a galactagogue include:  Lack of randomisation. The most important aspect of randomisation is that it helps ensure participants are objectively representative of the group being studied. If this doesn’t happen, it increases the risk of bias in the participant selection process. For example, if mothers who are very motivated to breastfeed and take fenugreek capsules are compared to mothers who take a placebo capsule yet are less motivated to breastfeed, then this can obviously affect the results. Randomisation helps prevent such an occurrence.Lack of placebo control group. Without a placebo group to compare against, it’s more difficult to know whether the treatment being studied had any effect. This is because it’s possible for participants to have a treatment effect due to other factors such as knowing one is receiving a treatment, attention from health professionals, and the expectations of a treatment’s effectiveness by those conducting the research study.In some studies, fenugreek was part of a mixture given to mothers. Hence, no single ingredient can be considered solely responsible for the mixture’s effects.Small number of study participants. The small number of participants in a study affects its reliability. Reliability refers to how consistently the study outcomes can be repeated amongst other people.  More well designed human research trials are needed before fenugreek’s potential efficacy as a galactagogue can be established.  Safety Of Fenugreek  Although more research is needed, if a mother wishes to try fenugreek to increase her supply, is it safe for her to do so?  Fenugreek is considered safe for breastfeeding mothers when used in moderation and is on the US Food and Drug Administration.  Leading breastfeeding researcher, Doctor Thomas Hale, classifies fenugreek in the Lactation Risk Category L3, which means moderately safe.  Overall, fenugreek appears to be generally well tolerated by adults, including breastfeeding mothers. However, some common side effects in breastfeeding mothers taking fenugreek include:  Diarrhoea and flatulenceSweat, urine, breastmilk and breastfed baby and mother may smell like maple syrup  It is important to use fenugreek with caution or avoid it if a mother has a history of:  Peanut or chickpea allergy. Fenugreek is in the same family as these and possibly other legumes. Hence, fenugreek may cause anallergic reaction in mothers who have an allergy to these.Diabetes. A typical dosage of fenugreek when used as a galactagogue is 1-6 grams daily. Dosages higher than this (e.g. 25 grams or more daily), fenugreek may cause lowering of cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It can also interact with warfarin to cause bleeding. Caution should be used in giving high dosages to women with diabetes or those taking warfarin. Some mothers have reported that fenugreek worsened their asthmasymptoms.First Line Treatments To Increase Supply  When it comes to trying to increase supply, in almost all cases, non-pharmacological methods should be tried first.  The first thing to determine if a mother feels she needs to increase supply is to work out whether her supply is truly low. To work out this, she needs to base her supply on the reliable signs of her baby’s milk intake and not the unreliable signs.  Secondly, the single most important factor to increase milk supply is to ensure milk is removed well and often. In terms of frequency, it’s common for breastfed babies to feed 8-12 times in a 24 hours period. Factors that can help milk to be removed well include:  Feeding according to a baby’s cuesGood positioning and attachmentRuling out any oral anatomical issues such as tongue-tieHaving a skilled breastfeeding expert, such as a lactation consultant, watch a breastfeed.  If a mother feels her milk supply is low, it’s important for her to seek assistance. For example, contacting a breastfeeding support organisation such as the Australian Breastfeeding Associationor La Leche League can help. Seeing a lactation consultant may also be helpful.  …  If a mother’s milk supply is truly low, despite milk being removed well and often, fenugreek may be something that may help. It’s always important to seek medical advice before taking any pharmacological substance, to help ensure its safety.

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