Although growth spurts can happen anytime during the first year, your baby will most likely have his initial spurt between one and three weeks; and another between six and eight weeks. After that, you can expect more at three months, six months, and nine months. The good news: A baby's growth spurts usually last only a couple days, so your baby (and your life) should get back to normal soon.
- Signs Your Little One is Going Through a Growth Spurt:
In the day or so before a big growth spurt, some babies sleep more than usual. Don’t wake baby for feedings unless it’s within the first week and advised by your care provider. They need their rest. Babies do not know how to starve themselves so they will wake up to eat when they are hungry.
2. Baby will be hungry.
Some babies prefer eating to sleeping during a growth spurt. Even if baby is sleeping long periods of time through the night, they may suddenly start wanting to eat around the clock again.
3. Baby will be cranky.
Frequent fussiness is common during a growth spurt. It can seem dramatic and aggravating at times but lots of cuddles can help soothe baby during this time.
Most growth spurts only last a couple of days (some can last up to a week), so if you feel that a growth spurt may not be the issue, other things to consider are baby may be getting sick, starting to teethe, or just needing extra comfort if there has been a shift in their daily routine. It NEVER hurts to call your baby's pediatrician if you are concerned or unsure if it is a growth spurt or some other issue.
- What Can I Do To Soothe Baby During This Time?
Sources: What to Expect, Today's Parent
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