Friday, March 6, 2015

Step by step guide on weaning

STEP ONE - When first introducing solids, you only need a few spoons, gradually increasing the amount as your baby gets more confident eating and finishes the bowl. Its important to introduce purees one at a time, leaving a few days gap before introducing new purees, allowing time to see how baby reacts and see any possible allergies that may arise.
broccoli puree - Wash broccoli and steam until soft, allow to cool and blend, adding more boiled water if needed.
pea puree - Wash and steam peas until soft, allow to cool and blend, adding more boiled water if needed.
carrot puree - Wash, chop and steam until soft, allow to cool and blend, adding more boiled water if needed.
potato or sweet potato puree - Wash, chop and steam, allow to cool and blend, adding more boiled water if needed.
apple puree - Wash, chop and steam, allow to cool and blend, adding more boiled water if needed.
pear puree - Wash, chop and blend.
banana puree - Peel, chop and mash with a fork.

STEP TWO - once your baby has mastered the first step, you can start being creative with your cooking by introducing lentils, fish, egg rice and meat (not recommended before 6 months) The possibilities are endless, you can also start giving baby two meals along side regular bottles of formula or breast milk.
lentils with chicken puree - boil all together in a saucepan of boiling water, allow to cool before blending and adding more boiled water if need.
egg and chickpea puree - boil an egg, chop and blend along with the chickpeas, add boiled water as needed.
fish and pea puree - steam or boil, cool and blend, adding more water if needed.
potato, carrot and peas - boil or steam all ingredients, cool and blend, adding more water if needed.

STEP THREE - once baby has mastered purees, you can start mashing their food or sticking everything in a blender and giving a few short bursts so half is pureed but half is still lumpy.

STEP FOUR - you can start introducing finger foods such as cooked carrot slices, cheese slices, apple slices, banana pieces, peas, pasta pieces or chicken slithers. Its recommend to wait until baby is at least 8 months before starting this stage.

STEP FIVE - once baby is over a year and has a mouth of teeth, they can move onto chopped food.

YOGURT - Most babies can start eating plain, unsweetened, pasteurized, whole-milk yogurt after they start eating solids – at around 6 months. Plain Greek yogurt is fine too (and the more live cultures, the better for your baby's stomach).

DAIRY - Dairy is an essential part of a healthy balanced diet, especially for babies and children as it contains calcium which is essential for bone and tooth development. The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium, yogurts with added vitamin D are available in most supermarkets.

VITAMINS - vitamin drops are recommended for children from 6 months to 5 years daily.

EGG - Up until recently, medical experts have tended to recommend that babies under 12 months be given egg yolks ONLY, with the whites being introduced after baby's first birthday. This is because the white of an egg is more likely than the yolk to trigger an allergic reaction, which can sometimes be severe. However, current research suggests that there may be no benefit in delaying the introduction of egg whites and that this will not prevent their triggering an allergic reaction in a sensitive baby. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you discuss the introduction of eggs with your child's doctor. Reactions to eggs can be very serious, so it is essential that your child's doctor.

COW'S MILK - Cow’s milk and goat’s milk aren't suitable alternatives to breast or formula milk before one year, as they don’t contain sufficient iron and other nutrients. However, they can be used in cooking or with cereal from six months. Use full-fat milk, as babies need the calories for growth.

NOTES - The maximum recommended amount of salt for babies and children is:
up to 12 months – less than 1g of salt a day (less than 0.4g sodium)
1 to 3 years – 2g of salt a day (0.8g sodium) 
4 to 6 years – 3g of salt a day (1.2g sodium)

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