Friday, July 31, 2015

dimorphous expressions

Ever see a puppy so cute that you have no idea what to do with yourself? Like, what sort of response am I supposed to have when seeing something like this?
As a test, take a look at this baby:

Do you want to pinch its cheeks? That's kind of a curious reaction, if you really stop to think about it. I mean, it's a positive emotion that you're feeling; but that response, on its surface, is objectively negative and aggressive.
Same with tears of joy (which many musicians have documented in song), or whatever it is that happens while watching videos of soldiers reuniting with their families: It's a happy, ecstatic moment, and yet we (specifically, me) are reduced to a puddle of tears.

Negative and aggressive responses to positive emotions is something Yale psychologist Oriana Aragon realized that science hadn't really taken the time to explain. She became inspired to examine such "dimorphous expressions" of positive emotions, as she describes it, after hearing actress Leslie Bibb describe this impulse to Conan O'Brien, which you can watch in the clip below. Essentially, you have two incongruous responses stemming from the very same emotion.
So Aragon and other researchers studied these emotions and responses, the results of which are to be published in a forthcoming issue of Psychological Science.
Initially, the researches asked 143 participants questions including whether they cry when seeing loved ones reunited or while watching the happiest moments of movies, and whether when holding an "extremely cute baby, I have the urge to squeeze his or her little fat legs."
They found that those people who express "negative" or aggressive responses in one scenario were likely to do it in another; for instance, those who cry at their kid's graduation were more likely to want to also want to pinch a baby's cheeks. And no, not everyone has such reactions, which take place "when people are overwhelmed with emotions," Aragon said.
"It took me a long time, a lot of experiments and a lot of work, to say: yes, people are actually feeling positive [emotions] but expressing negative [responses], and do so across a variety of situations," Aragon said.

Then, nearly 300 participants were shown pictures of babies, which altered to make them look more or less cute. The cuter babies were viewed more positively and elicited responses such as "I want to pinch those cheeks!" or telling the baby, through gritted teeth, "I want to eat you up!"
Researchers measured people's feelings immediately after viewing those photos and then five minutes later. They found that people who had aggressive or negative reactions to positive emotions actually recovered better from their emotional highs and got closer to an emotional equilibrium than people who had no interest in, say, pinching cheeks.
In other words, Aragon said, those inherently negative reactions -- tears of joy, for instance -- may help people calm down from their emotional highs.
"We really want emotional homeostasis," Aragon said. "We want a happy, middle spot. Extreme is not good. It's hard on our bodies."
That may be one reason why some humans exhibit this behavior. There could be others -- but, yes, such uncontrollable feelings can be trying on the body.
And this concept is likely more universal rather than strictly cultural. Aragon asked a series of language professors if different cultures had expressions or words for such reactions to babies, along the lines of "you're so cute, I want to eat you up with a spoon!" And indeed, there were countless examples. In Tagalog, "gigil" refers to "gritting of teeth and the urge to pinch or squeeze," the researchers write.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

SUA- Single Umbilical Artery

There's nothing like an ultrasound to get your heart racing with anticipation (there's a baby inside!) and at the same time get you worried about every possible complication. What your ultrasound technician observed happens to be the most common irregularity to affect the umbilical cord — the supply-and-waste line that connects you with your baby. Fortunately, most two-vessel cords have a happy ending — and a healthy baby to show for them.

During the anatomy ultrasound, one of the things the sonographer looks for is the presence of three vessels within the umbilical cord: one vein (which carries oxygen and nutrients from you to the baby) and two arteries (which shuttle that waste back to you, to be processed and disposed of by your kidneys). Instead of those three vessels, your baby's cord has only two: one vein and one artery. Two-vessel cord — also known as single umbilical artery (SUA) — occurs in 1 percent of singleton pregnancies and 5 percent of twin and multiple pregnancies. Researchers don't quite know what causes SUA, though they theorize that the second artery disappears at some point during early pregnancy.

Although one artery can certainly perform the job of two and sustain a perfectly healthy pregnancy, your practitioner will likely keep a particularly close eye on your baby's development, and may want to run further tests, including more scans (more pictures — yay!) and possibly even a chromosomal analysis to rule out any genetic abnormalities or other congenital problems. The chances are quite good, however, that your baby will be just fine.

Other factors that may increase your risk:
Advanced maternal age (over 40)
Having 3 or more previous children
Female fetal sex

Anywhere from half to two-thirds of babies born with single artery umbilical cord are born healthy and with no chromosomal or congenital abnormalities.

Of the remaining babies with SUA (single umbilical artery) , some studies suggest that about 25 percent have birth defects, including chromosomal and/or other abnormalities.

These can include trisomy 13 or trisomy 18. However, the most common pregnancy complications that occur in infants with SUA are heart defects, gastrointestinal tract abnormalities and problems with the central nervous system.

The respiratory system, urinary tract, and musculoskeletal system may also be affected. One in five babies affected by SUA will be born with multiple malformations.

Aside from these problems, between 15% and 20% of infants with SUA may suffer from intrauterine growth retardation. Single umbilical artery also has an increased miscarriage rate of 22% associated with it, likely due to the increased abnormalities. Furthermore, there is an association between SUA and low birthweight (<2500g) and early delivery (<37 weeks).

Since ultrasound scans are very good at picking up abnormalities, if you have a normal ultrasound, then it is likely that your baby will be born without any congenital or chromosomal abnormalities. A fetal echocardiogram may also be performed to check the health of your child.

In the presence of an otherwise reassuring prenatal ultrasound, the only other change to antenatal care one might make is a growth scan to make sure the baby is growing at a ‘normal’ rate toward the last month of pregnancy.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


I have a seven year old daughter and since turning seven, I have begun to notice changes in her behavior along with physical changes. Out of curiosity, I looked up what age puberty began in children. I felt my heart drop into my stomach. How am I suppose to talk to her about these changes? I thought I would have a few more years before this. So, I decided to write my blog on puberty to share the information I found.

  • What is puberty?
 Puberty is the name for the time when your body begins to develop and change as you move from kid to adult. Girls begin to develop breasts and boys begin to look like young men. During puberty, you grow faster than any other time in your life. 

Puberty begins around ages 7-13 in girls and 9-15 in boys. When puberty begins, the pituitary gland releases special hormones. Whether you are a boy or a girl affects what parts of the body these hormones work on. Most girls begin their period 2-2 1/2 years after onset of puberty.

  • Changes for boys and girls

For boys, the hormones travel through the blood and tell the testes, the two egg-shaped glands in the scrotum, to begin making testosterone and sperm. Testosterone is the hormone that causes most of the changes in a boy's body during puberty, and men need sperm to be able to reproduce.
In girls, these hormones target the two ovaries, which contain eggs that have been in the girl's body since she was born. The hormones cause the ovaries to start making another hormone, called estrogen. Together, these hormones prepare a girl's body to start her periods and be able to become pregnant someday.
Boys and girls both begin to grow hair under their arms and their pubic areas. It starts out looking light and thin. Then, as kids go through puberty, it becomes longer, thicker, heavier, curlier, and darker. Eventually, boys also start to grow hair on their faces.
Pimples, body odor, bodies filling out, and fast growth spurts are all a part of puberty as well. Along with all these changes come emotions. Sometimes the child will feel overly emotional, angry, and have outbursts. Try to remember what this time was like for you and try to be sympathetic while still maintaining authority and discipline when needed. 

  • How to talk to your child about puberty and changes
I had no clue how to talk about puberty with my daughter, so I winged it. She is only seven, so this is how i explained it to her.
I told her that as she is growing up, her body will go through changes. That her emotions would be crazy. While she may be happy one minute, the next she could be mad or upset. I told her that her body would go through changes. We had already discussed wearing deodorant because she had to start that when she was 6. We had already discussed her developing breasts when she began wearing training bras this year. So, this was to just touch on her emotions and changes she would be going through. I told her that this was normal. That everyone, even grandma, went through it. I made sure she knew the lines of communication were open and she could talk to me about anything at any time.

I think this is the hardest part of being a parent. The realization that your baby is entering into young adulthood. I cried. Hard. Wondering "Where did the time go?", "What happened to my baby?" etc etc. But we have to realize at some point childhood ends and young adulthood begins. And as hard as it is, we have to be prepared.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Nighttime Breastfeeding – 8 Reasons Why It’s So Important

  So, you’re home with your new baby. How’s she sleeping? Awake at midnight… 2:00am… 4:00am… 6:30am… maybe more, who knows. It all runs together when you’re sleep deprived. When you’re dealing with interrupted sleep night after night, you can start to question the wisdom of breastfeeding. But nighttime nursing is important for your baby and your milk supply. Here’s why: #1: Babies Have Tiny Tummies Did you know that a newborn’s stomach can only hold approximately 20ml of fluid? If the fluid is human milk, then it’s digested in about one hour. It’s not until about day 10 that baby’s tummy is the size of a golf ball – or able to hold about 60ml. So, the one to two hourly feeding pattern many new babies adopt is likely pre-programmed and appropriate. But this means feeding more often at night, too. One benefit? The more feeding, the better the milk supply. #2: Babies Consume More Milk At Night One study showed that babies take more milk during the nighttime feedings than at any other time interval – about 20% of their daily intake was during the night. The majority of infants in this study nursed at night (64%) and they nursed between one and three times during this period. For babies whose weight is faltering, nighttime feedings may make a huge difference since more feedings equals more calories equals better growth. 
#3: Breastfeeding At Night Helps Baby Sleep Breastmilk contains tryptophan, a sleep inducing amino acid, moreso in the evening than at other times. Tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin, which is the hormone that regulates mood as well as sleep cycles. Not only that, it improves brain development and function. You’re building your baby’s brain and helping him get to sleep by breastfeeding.
 #4: Prolactin Levels Are Higher At Night Prolactin, the milk-making hormone, has a diurnal pattern with higher levels noted at night. So nighttime nursing takes advantage of this natural variation to help keep your milk supply steady, or may even help if your supply is flagging. 
#5: Nighttime Nursing Is Necessary For Lactational Amenorrhea LAM, or the Lactational Amenorrhea Method, is a form of birth control that is 98% effective as long as it’s used correctly. If your baby is younger than 6 months old, your periods haven’t returned, and your baby is receiving nothing but breastmilk (day and night), you can use LAM as birth control. Researchers think that prolactin and nighttime breastfeeding may be two factors for suppressing the return of menses in breastfeeding mothers. Some mothers find their menstrual cycle returns once they cease (or significantly reduce) nighttime feeding. However, like most methods, it’s not foolproof. So if you’re absolutely trying to avoid a pregnancy, keep an eye on your cervical mucus as well, or use condoms. 
#6: Babies’ Circadian Rhythms Are Still Developing Whether or not you’re breastfeeding, your baby may not have sleep consolidated into the nighttime hours until about 3-4 months of age. Long periods of uninterrupted sleep aren’t the result of whether you are breast or formula feeding, but rather a developmental milestone that all babies reach at a different rate. 
#7: Breastfeeding Is Protective Against SIDS Perhaps one of the most important reasons for breastfeeding at night is the reduction in risk of a sudden, unexplained infant death. It’s a hard thing to hear, but necessary to know. An analysis of the results of eighteen studies have shown that the risk of sudden and unexpected infant death is significantly reduced — by around 50% — for mothers who exclusively breastfeed and for a longer duration of breastfeeding. The findings resulted in Sids and Kids adding, ‘breastfeeding if you can,’ into their SIDS protection guidelines. From their website: “According to research, breastfeeding babies more than halves the chances of a baby dying suddenly and unexpectedly.” 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Mommy???? What happened to your Brain??

What Happens to a    Woman's Brain When She        Becomes a Mother

The artist Sarah Walker once told me that becoming a mother is like discovering the existence of a strange new room in the house where you already live. I always liked Walker's description because it's more precise than the shorthand most people use for life with a newborn: Everything changes. 

Because a lot of things do change, of course, but for new mothers, some of the starkest differences are also the most intimate ones—the emotional changes. Which, it turns out, are also largely neurological.

Even before a woman gives birth, pregnancy tinkers with the very structure of her brain, several neurologists told me. After centuries of observing behavioral changes in new mothers, scientists are only recently beginning to definitively link the way a woman acts with what's happening in her prefrontal cortex, midbrain, parietal lobes, and elsewhere. Gray matter becomes more concentrated. Activity increases in regions that control empathy, anxiety, and social interaction. On the most basic level, these changes, prompted by a flood of hormones during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, help attract a new mother to her baby. In other words, those maternal feelings of overwhelming love, fierce protectiveness, and constant worry begin with reactions in the brain.

Mapping the maternal brain is also, many scientists believe, the key to understanding why so many new mothers experience serious anxiety and depression. An estimated one in six women suffers from postpartum depression, and many more develop behaviors like compulsively washing hands and obsessively checking whether the baby is breathing.

"This is what we call an aspect of almost the obsessive compulsive behaviors during the very first few months after the baby's arrival," maternal brain researcher Pilyoung Kim told me. "Mothers actually report very high levels of patterns of thinking about things that they cannot control. They're constantly thinking about baby. Is baby healthy? Sick? Full?"

"In new moms, there are changes in many of the brain areas," Kim continued. "Growth in brain regions involved in emotion regulation, empathy-related regions, but also what we call maternal motivation—and I think this region could be largely related to obsessive-compulsive behaviors. In animals and humans during the postpartum period, there's an enormous desire to take care of their own child."
There are several interconnected brain regions that help drive mothering behaviors and mood.
Of particular interest to researchers is the almond-shaped set of neurons known as the amygdala, which helps process memory and drives emotional reactions like fear, anxiety, and aggression. In a normal brain, activity in the amygdala grows in the weeks and months after giving birth. This growth, researchers believe, is correlated with how a new mother behaves—an enhanced amygdala makes her hypersensitive to her baby's needs—while a cocktail of hormones, which find more receptors in a larger amygdala, help create a positive feedback loop to motivate mothering behaviors. Just by staring at her baby, the reward centers of a mother's brain will light up, scientists have found in several studies. This maternal brain circuitry influences the syrupy way a mother speaks to her baby, how attentive she is, even the affection she feels for her baby. It's not surprising, then, that damage to the amygdala is associated with higher levels of depression in mothers.

Amygdala damage in babies could affect the mother-child bond as well. In a 2004 Journal of Neuroscience study, infant monkeys who had amygdala lesions were less likely to vocalize their distress, or pick their own mothers over other adults. A newborn's ability to distinguish between his mother and anybody else is linked to the amygdala.

Activity in the amygdala is also associated with a mother's strong feelings about her own baby versus babies in general. In a 2011 study of amygdala response in new mothers, women reported feeling more positive about photos depicting their own smiling babies compared with photos of unfamiliar smiling babies, and their brain activity reflected that discrepancy. Scientists recorded bolder brain response—in the amygdala, thalamus, and elsewhere—among mothers as they looked at photos of their own babies.

Greater amygdala response when viewing their own children was tied to lower maternal anxiety and fewer symptoms of depression, researchers found. In other words, a new mother's brain changes help motivate her to care for her baby but they may also help buffer her own emotional state. From the study:

Thus, the greater amygdala response to one’s own infant face observed in our study likely reflects more positive and pro-social aspects of maternal responsiveness, feelings, and experience. Mothers experiencing higher levels of anxiety and lower mood demonstrated less amygdala response to their own infant and reported more stressful and more negatively valenced parenting attitudes and experiences.

Much of what happens in a new mother's amygdala has to do with the hormones flowing to it. The region has a high concentration of receptors for hormones like oxytocin, which surge during pregnancy."We see changes at both the hormonal and brain levels," brain researcher Ruth Feldman told me in an email. "Maternal oxytocin levels—the system responsible for maternal-infant bonding across all mammalian species—dramatically increase during pregnancy and the postpartum [period] and the more mother is involved in childcare, the greater the increase in oxytocin."
Oxytocin also increases as women look at their babies, or hear their babies' coos and cries, or snuggle with their babies. An increase in oxytocin during breastfeeding may help explain why researchers have found that breastfeeding mothers are more sensitive to the sound of their babies' cries than non-breastfeeding mothers. "Breastfeeding mothers show a greater level of [brain] responses to baby's cry compared with formula-feeding mothers in the first month postpartum," Kim said. "It's just really interesting. We don't know if it's the act of breastfeeding or the oxytocin or any other factor."

What scientists do know, Feldman says, is that becoming a parent looks—at least in the brain—a lot like falling in love. Which helps explain how many new parents describe feeling when they meet their newborns. At the brain level, the networks that become especially sensitized are those that involve vigilance and social salience—the amygdala—as well as dopamine networks that incentivizeprioritizing the infant. "In our research, we find that periods of social bonding involve change in the same 'affiliative' circuits," Feldman said. "We showed that during the first months of 'falling in love' some similar changes occur between romantic partners." Incidentally, that same circuitry is what makes babies smell so good to their mothers, researchers found in a 2013 study.

The greatest brain changes occur with a mother's first child, though it's not clear whether a mother's brain ever goes back to what it was like before childbirth, several neurologists told me. And yet brain changes aren't limited to new moms.

Men show similar brain changes when they're deeply involved in caregiving. Oxytocin does not seem to drive nurturing behavior in men the way it does in women, Feldman and other researchers found in a study last year. Instead, a man's parental brain is supported by a socio-cognitive network that develops in the brain of both sexes later in life, whereas women appear to have evolved to have a "brain-hormone-behavior constellation" that's automatically primed for mothering. Another way to look at it: the blueprint for mothering behavior exists in the brain even before a woman has children.

Perhaps, then, motherhood really is like secret space in a woman's brain, waiting to be discovered. "Although only mothers experience pregnancy, birth, and lactation, and these provide powerful primers for the expression of maternal care via amygdala sensitization," researchers wrote, "evolution created other pathways for adaptation to the parental role in human fathers, and these alternative pathways come with practice, attunement, and day-by-day caregiving."
In other words, the act of simply caring for one's baby forges new neural pathways—undiscovered rooms in the parental brain.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Coconut Oil – 5 Great Uses For Coconut Oil For Your Baby.

Your newborn baby is probably the most precious thing in the whole world to you (or one of, if you have more kids). You worry about everything “ hot drinks, stray dogs, sunburn you name it, you’ve worried about. If you’ve read the ingredients on the bottles of baby lotions and creams, then you’re probably worried about chemicals too. You can replace many of your store bought baby products with a natural, chemical-free alternative “ coconut oil. Coconut oil is gaining huge momentum worldwide for being a super oil “ containing anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. Not only will it save you money, it will be better for the planet and better for your baby’s skin. Coconut is a natural, delicious smelling moisturiser that can be used in a variety of ways, here are some ideas: Coconut Oil Use 

#1: Nappy Rash Cream Coconut oil is the perfect way to treat nappy rash naturally. There’s no risk of it making the rash worse, because it’s not full of chemicals like some store bought nappy rash creams. All you need to do, is apply coconut oil to the affected area. The thick oil will act as a barrier and prevent any further irritation, and the coconut oil will nourish and treat the irritated skin. Coconut oil is anti-fungal and so can even be used to treat yeast infections. Another added bonus is that coconut oil will not ruin cloth nappies, unlike some other nappy rash treatments. Coconut Oil Use 

#2: Body Lotion Your baby’s skin is probably soft enough without you needing to cover him in any lotions or creams, but if your baby needs a little help, coconut oil is the perfect natural moisturiser. For example, some babies suffer dry patches in the creases of their neck, a quick dab of coconut oil will help to keep the area moisturised while protecting the skin from further irritation. Coconut Oil Use 

#3: Baby Wash Babies can get very messy, especially after dinner, especially if you’re following baby led weaning! Instead of using chemicals to clean your baby, you can make this easy homemade baby wash. All you need is equal parts coconut oil, castile soap (you can buy organic, chemical-free castile soap) and water. All you do is mix the ingredients together and voila. You won’t need to add any essential oils as fragrance (unless you want to), because the coconut oil will provide a delicious natural scent of its own. You don’t need to use baby wash every time you bath your baby, but on the occasions you do need it, this homemade wash is a great product to use. Coconut Oil Use 

#4: Cradle Cap Treatment Coconut oil can be used as a natural treatment for cradle cap. All you need to do is massage the oil into your baby’s scalp and leave in for about 20 minutes. The coconut oil will act as a moisturiser and will loosen the cradle cap flakes while nourishing the scalp. After twenty minutes, rinse the coconut oil off and use a soft brush to gently comb the hair and remove any loose flakes. Check out our article on cradle cap for more information. Coconut Oil Use 

#5: Baby Massage Oil We’ve all heard about the benefits of baby massage. As well as strengthening the bond between parent and baby, the massaging can also relax baby in time for bed. Some baby massage oils are actually made from petroleum “ not something many mums would knowingly want to rub into their newborn’s skin. To make your own natural baby massage cream, simply take one part coconut oil and one part olive oil, mix together and, if you wish, add two drops of a natural essential oil. Lavender is a good one to choose because it aids relaxation. Make sure you choose extra virgin coconut oil because this means it is as pure as possible. Other coconut oils may have been bleached or refined, adding in chemicals and taking out goodness along the way. Choosing organic coconut oil will further protect your baby from chemicals, and will be good for the planet too! Oh and mammas “ if you’re breastfeeding and use coconut oil in your cooking or consume it any other way, baby gets the benefits too. Where to buy it? Check out extra virgin coconut oil on Amazon or you may find it in your local health food store. Supermarkets have now started stocking it too “ just make sure it’s extra virgin and organic. - 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hypnobabies vs. Hypnobirth

Hypnobabies techniques: 
1) We stress that the choice to begin using the techniques you’ve practiced very early in the process of labor is a key to using Hypnobabies successfully. When you commit to practicing what it feels like to let your body go completely limp and loose in immediate response to your main Hypnobabies self-hypnosis cue, then in order to benefit from it, you can and must choose to put this practice into action when the time comes. Waiting until labor become more active is not advised. If it turns out to be pre-birthing activity, you’ve gotten some good practice time in.
2) It’s not going to work like your appliances do when you plug them in and turn them on. You are in total control of allowing yourself to enter self-hypnosis, and you may enjoy guidance from your birth partner(s) to do this. 
3) Birth partners can: a) Help you find your favorite Hypnobabies track on your iPod/phone/other device. b) Take steps to ensure there’s a peaceful environment surrounding you and give you time to enter a deep state of self-hypnosis using one of the 14 different tracks available to you. c) Put on relaxing music and read Hypnobabies cue words/language/scripts to you. If the birth partner has been participating in your practice as he/she’s guided to do during class, his voice and presence beside you and your baby has become an instantly calming influence. (Well, hopefully that was always the case!)
4) When you make the transition to your place of birth, it’s likely you’re in active labor or will be soon. What if a birthing mother loses focus? Continue providing comforting support in whatever form she needs it in, but also please don’t give up on the Hypnobabies training she has worked so hard for! That would be like telling a marathon runner to just stop running. Instead, ask her if she’d like to try a different CD/track, if she’d like a different cue (hypno-moms have options), and find out what is working for her/what is not. The Hypnobabies language has been so important to her throughout her pregnancy and it will continue to be, as long as her support team remains committed to using it. If she’s lost focus and gotten off track, she can get back on, but she needs your help in doing so! (We cover this in more detail in class.)
5) Maintain a peaceful environment for her. Hospitals can be chaotic and can unintentionally disrupt the birth process. Make sure that any person entering her space is doing so with utmost respect for her comfort, peace, and birth preferences. If the answers to the questions, “Is mom OK? Is baby OK?” are yes, there is usually not a need to intervene. Dim the lights and use your Hypnobabies door sign which asks that everyone enter with quiet voices. This works wonders for maintaining a peaceful environment.

There are SO many choices for childbirth education available that you may be wondering which one to choose? or will it work? or what’s the differences??? For this post I’m going to focus on the difference between Hypnobabies and Hypnobirthing so first I’m going to start with a little background. I am a mom of 2 wonderful little people. My son was born in 2006 and my daughter was born in 2009. When I first got pregnant with my son I knew NOTHING about ‘birthing babies’! My partner and I had owned a screen printing shop for 10 years and the medical establishment scared the *&$%* out of me so I did what a lot of first time moms do and hit the internet.
There are/were so many choices out there and after being turned down for a couple classes (for not having a “husband”) I settled on the hypno-type classes. In my research I found hypnobabies and hypnobirthing and I also found that there were no Hypnobabies instructors in the area. Since the classes ‘are just the same’ I decided to take a Hypnobirthing class. We had a great hospital birth and after it was all over, I realized that there was still so much that we didn’t know/ learn. There were so many things I didn’t even realize I had the right to ask about! That is how I became the first Hypnobabies instructor in Atlanta.
So now you are asking again, what’s the difference? Here is a chart that highlights some of the bigger differences between the 2 classes. Please note that I am not saying that one class is better than the other. Each class has their own strengths and is perfect for different people and it is helpful to know what those differences are so that you can be a good consumer.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Yoga for Fertility

Medical treatment for infertility is most often very expensive. Yoga is always the best option for any health issues, as it not only saves lot of money but also helps to cure in a natural way. This ancient technique of India is still appreciated and practiced worldwide because it is fruitful.

Causes for Infertility:

The most common cause for infertility is the stress we go through everyday life. As it is already known and proven by research, stress acts a major hindrance in a person’s fertility. It is estimated that one in six couples face difficulties in conceiving. The stress arises due to various responsibilities from career, home, partner and other commitments. Further, not having a baby after a long time can also be stressful. Stress affects our body so much that it creates various hormonal imbalances that result to different diseases.

Also, if you are a working woman and are in the late 30 to 40 years group, it is more likely that your chances of having a baby will gradually decline. Many women in late years now resort to other options such as IVF to try and get pregnant. However, it is not necessary that IVF works all the time and in all the cases. This is where yoga comes into the fore.

Fertility Yoga – Why Is It Essential?

The answer is simple. Doing yoga everyday enhances the body functioning and balances the mental state. With Yoga, not only your stress level comes down but emotional and hormonal balance is also achieved.
If you have a hectic lifestyle, yoga helps you release the daily toxins.
Doing yoga also reduces mental stress, thereby calming the mind. This in turn relaxes the entire body and the ability to function normally returns.
Doing yoga eases the joints and increases the blood flow to the blocked areas in the body.
Doing specific poses for fertility rushes an increased blood supply to the groin area, where your reproductive parts lie.
The release of muscle tension in these areas stimulates the reproductive glands, thereby enhancing their function to conceive.

What Kinds Of Yoga Are Beneficial For Conception?

Yoga is all about how you do it and not how much.

Hatha yoga is considered to be very ideal for fertility as it involves slower and flowing movements.
The deep and slow breathing involved in this yoga calms your mind and allows for focus and concentration to set in.

The various holding poses called Asanas will help improve blood circulation as your mind reaches a state of peace.
While holding a certain pose, you have to imagine in your mind that a vital energy is flowing into your genital area.
These productive mind associations actually trigger the feeling of well-being and energy to the affected area.

The Top 14 Fertility Yoga Poses:

These simple yet powerful fertility yoga poses should be practiced on a routine basis. Learning from a good yoga teacher is advised to get the pose right.

1.) The Paschimottanasana stimulates the ovaries and uterus. The forward bend stretches the muscles at the lower back, hips and hamstrings. This particular yoga for fertility relives stress, depression and it will gradually improve fertility levels in you.

2.) In Hastapadasana you have to bend forward touching the hand to the feet. It stretches all the important muscles of the back and this will improve the blood supply to the pelvic region and nervous system. This bend helps relieve stress from the abdomen region and make the spinal cord more flexible.
3.) Janu Shirasana will be very useful during pregnancy as it will strengthen your lower back muscles. When properly executed, this yoga pose is very relaxing and releases tension from the lower back. It effectively stretches the calves and the hamstrings, making them very supple. 

4.)The Baddha Konasana improves the flexibility in your private part and hip regions, as it stretches the inner thighs, genital and knees. It helps release any toxins and negative energy in the areas of hip and groin. Your pelvis, abdomen and back are stimulated by plentiful blood supply. The flapping of thighs also increases sperm count in men. For women, coupled with Sarvangasana, it aids the ovaries to function properly and removing irregular menses. This pose not only increases fertility levels but also ensures a smoother delivery, if practiced till late pregnancy. 

5.)This position, Viparita Karani,relieves backache and improves the flow of blood to the pelvic region. As this pose stretches the back of the neck, front torso and back of the legs, it easily helps in relaxing your feet and tired legs. Even with a decent fertility rate, you can increase the chances of conception by relaxing in this posture after sex.
6.)In this pose,(Childs Pose) the muscles of hips, thighs and ankles are stretched and strengthened. It calms the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue, and in better alignment of pelvis and increase blood flow, which is important to increase fertility rate in the body.
7.) Blood cells get purified with this Pranayama further enhancing the quality and quantity of reproductive cells.Kapalbhati cures almost all diseases, as it balances hormone levels of the body. In the process, your brain gets influenced in a good manner and hence your whole body is cleansed. 

8.) This simple breathing technique helps calm your mind and body by releasing the accumulated stress. It also helps purify the nadis (subtle energy channels), thus enabling smooth flow of prana. By de-stressing the mind and body, this pranayama lets you relax, making the body more fertile and approach the process of conception with a fresh perspective. 

9.)The Bee breath instantly relieves the body of tension, anger and anxiety. The chances of conception are better with a more relaxed body and mind. The humming vibrations of the Bhramari Pranayam activate the pituitary gland, which is one of the major glands in the body. This is the master gland that controls all major glands in the body, including those that secrete sexual hormones.
10.)Supported Head Stand:Also called as mother of all poses, this asana is one of the most challenging poses. Inverting your body and balancing yourself on your head will ease the pressure on your heart muscle. The stimulation of head causes hypothalamus to release more hormones. Remember that this pose requires intense concentration. Hold the asana for about 5 to 7 seconds as you breathe.

11.) Supported Shoulder Stand: This pose requires balancing the body weight on your shoulders. The pose is said to trigger your thyroid gland when the sternum presses on the thyroid area. It is important to relax your tongue and throat as much as you can. This pose also increases the blood flow to your uterus after relaxing your pelvis.

12.) Bridge Pose: This is a tough yoga pose. This asana requires you to lift your pelvic region up while keeping your buttock muscles firm. When the pelvic area is thrust upwards, both the energy and blood flow get circulated to the uterus and ovaries. Try and stay in the pose for at least 30 seconds before coming back into normal state.

13.) Cobra Pose:This is an important asana that strengthens your back muscles while stimulating hormone production in the uterus. Lie on your stomach. Later, lift your upper body portion by putting your weight on your hands. Raise the upper body and look up. Hold the pose for about few seconds as you breathe.
14.)Shavasana or corpse pose is helpful to induce a conscious yogic sleep called Yoga Nidra. It aids in attaining equilibrium in the body and mind. This pose is very simple yet powerful amongst other fertility yoga poses for women, as it helps in uplifting the state of mind and making one more optimistic in their approach. Since mental health is also equally important, this meditative state of sleep does not improve the level of fertility directly, but it certainly puts you at ease and is very useful for couples who wish to start a family. Do Shavasana after finishing all the yoga poses for fertility recommended in this article.

Tips for Doing Yoga Poses for Fertility:

You need patience to practice Yoga and bring it to perfection. Along with Yoga asanas it is recommended to practice meditation, additionally. As Yoga asanas are exercises to the physical body, meditation is an exercise to mind. When both mind and body are balanced, body hormones will function well and then help maintain a healthy body. Studies have shown that mediation can literally change our brain cells. The negative thought pattern of infertility should be changed to ease the whole process. Ayurveda too is also proven beneficial along with Yoga. But first it is advised to practice Yoga alone for 3 to 4 months before taking any Ayurvedic medicines. Yoga will cure Infertility for sure but it takes time to get in alignment with nature. All the Best!

Now that you know the importance of fertility yoga for women, hope you will start practicing them and have a safe pregnancy. Happy practicing!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Impulsive ADHD

It is often difficult to tell if a child is just being a child or if they suffer from another underlying issue such as ADHD. We have done a blog or two on ADHD including the signs, treatments, etc. This blog is to target a specific type of ADHD. I recognized the signs of ADHD in my nephew and suggested my sister get him tested since he is to start Kindergarten soon. She took my advice and was informed that he has Impulsive ADHD. I had never heard of this specific type of ADHD, so I decided to research it more then blog about it to inform other Mom's what to watch for and treatment plans.

  • What is Impulsive ADHD?
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often persists into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.

  • Tests for Impulsive ADHD
No single test can confirm that your child has this type of ADHD. Your doctor will first try to rule out other things that can cause hyperactivity. It could be stress or emotional issues. Sometimes vision problems or learning disabilities can make it hard for a child to sit still.

  • Signs of Impulsive ADHD
Some things to look for when thinking that your child may have Impulsive ADHD are:
  • Fidgeting (not being able to sit still)
  • Doesn’t seem to listen when spoken to
  • Nonstop talking
  • Trouble doing quiet tasks, such as reading
  • Touching and getting into everything
  • Running from place to place
  • Banging into people or objects
  • Acting like he's "driven by a motor"
  • Constantly jumping or climbing -- on furniture and other inappropriate places
  • Not having patience
  • Blurting out comments at inappropriate times
  • Interrupting conversations or speaking out of turn
  • Trouble waiting for a turn or standing in line
Many children who like to run and jump may be high-energy. But that doesn’t mean they are hyperactive. To count as ADHD, symptoms have to be on the extreme side and have to cause problems in the child’s life. Also, they have to have been doing this for at least 6 months.

  • Normal behavior vs Impulsive ADHD
Most healthy children are inattentive, hyperactive or impulsive at one time or another. It's normal for preschoolers to have short attention spans and be unable to stick with one activity for long. Even in older children and teenagers, attention span often depends on the level of interest.
The same is true of hyperactivity. Young children are naturally energetic — they often wear their parents out long before they're tired. In addition, some children just naturally have a higher activity level than others do. Children should never be classified as having ADHD just because they're different from their friends or siblings.
Children who have problems in school but get along well at home or with friends are likely struggling with something other than ADHD. The same is true of children who are hyperactive or inattentive at home, but whose schoolwork and friendships remain unaffected.

  • When to see a doctor

If you're concerned that your child shows signs of ADHD, see your pediatrician or family doctor. Your doctor may refer you to a specialist, but it's important to have a medical evaluation first to check for other possible causes of your child's difficulties.
If your child is already being treated for ADHD, he or she should see the doctor regularly until symptoms have largely improved, and then every three to four months if symptoms are stable. Call the doctor if your child has any medication side effects, such as loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, increased irritability, or if your child's ADHD has not shown much improvement with initial treatment.

  • Causes of Impulsive ADHD

While the exact cause of ADHD is not clear, research efforts continue.
Multiple factors have been implicated in the development of ADHD. It can run in families, and studies indicate that genes may play a role. Certain environmental factors also may increase risk, as can problems with the central nervous system at key moments in development.

  • Risk Factors

Risk factors for ADHD may include:
  • Blood relatives (such as a parent or sibling) with ADHD or another mental health disorder
  • Exposure to environmental toxins — such as lead, found mainly in paint and pipes in older buildings
  • Maternal drug use, alcohol use or smoking during pregnancy
  • Maternal exposure to environmental poisons — such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) — during pregnancy
  • Premature birth
Although sugar is a popular suspect in causing hyperactivity, there's no reliable proof of this. Many things in childhood can lead to difficulty sustaining attention, but that is not the same as ADHD.

  • Complications

ADHD can make life difficult for children. Children with ADHD:
  • Often struggle in the classroom, which can lead to academic failure and judgment by other children and adults
  • Tend to have more accidents and injuries of all kinds than children who don't have the disorder
  • Have poor self-esteem
  • Are more likely to have trouble interacting with and being accepted by peers and adults
  • Are at increased risk of alcohol and drug abuse and other delinquent behavior

  • Coexisting Conditions
ADHD doesn't cause other psychological or developmental problems. However, children with ADHD are more likely than are other children to also have conditions such as:
  • Learning disabilities, including problems with understanding and communicating
  • Anxiety disorders, which may cause overwhelming worry, nervousness and worsening of ADHD symptoms until the anxiety is treated and under control
  • Depression, which frequently occurs in children with ADHD
  • Bipolar disorder, which includes depression as well as manic behavior
  • Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), generally defined as a pattern of negative, defiant and hostile behavior toward authority figures
  • Conduct disorder, marked by antisocial behavior such as stealing, fighting, destroying property, and harming people or animals
  • Tourette syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive muscle or vocal tic

  • Preparing for your appointment
You're likely to start by taking your child to a family doctor or pediatrician. Depending on the results of the initial evaluation, your doctor may refer you to a specialist, such as a developmental-behavioral pediatrician, psychologist, psychiatrist or pediatric neurologist.

What you can do

To prepare for your child's appointment:
  • Make a list of any symptoms and difficulties your child hasat home or at school.
  • Prepare key personal information, including any major stresses or recent life changes.
  • Make a list of all medications, as well as any vitamins, herbs or supplements, that your child is taking.
  • Bring any past evaluations and results of formal testing with you, if you have them.
  • Make a list of questions to ask your child's doctor.
Some basic questions to ask your doctor include:
  • Other than ADHD, what are possible causes for my child's symptoms?
  • What kinds of tests does my child need?
  • What treatments are available, and which do you recommend?
  • What are the alternatives to the primary approach that you're suggesting?
  • My child has these other health conditions. How can I best manage these conditions together?
  • Should my child see a specialist?
  • Is there a generic alternative to the medicine you're prescribing for my child?
  • What types of side effects can we expect from the medication?
  • Are there any printed materials that I can have? What websites do you recommend?
Don't hesitate to ask questions anytime you don't understand something.

What to expect from your doctor

Be ready to answer questions your doctor may ask, such as:
  • When did you first notice your child's behavior issues?
  • Do the troubling behaviors occur all the time or only in certain situations?
  • How severe are your child's difficulties?
  • What, if anything, appears to worsen your child's behavior?
  • What, if anything, seems to improve your child's behavior?
  • Does your child consume caffeine? How much?
  • What are your child's sleep hours and patterns?
  • How is your child's current and past academic performance?
  • Does your child read at home? Does he or she have trouble reading?
  • What discipline methods have you used at home? Which ones are effective?
  • Describe who lives at home and a typical daily routine.
  • Treatments 
Standard treatments for ADHD in children include medications, education, training and counseling. These treatments can relieve many of the symptoms of ADHD, but they don't cure it. It may take some time to determine what works best for your child.

Stimulant medications

Currently, stimulant drugs (psychostimulants) are the most commonly prescribed medications for ADHD. Stimulants appear to boost and balance levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. These medications help improve the signs and symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity — sometimes dramatically.
Examples include methylphenidate (Concerta, Metadate, Ritalin, others), dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), dextroamphetamine-amphetamine (Adderall XR) and lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse).
Stimulant drugs are available in short-acting and long-acting forms. A long-acting patch is available that can be worn on the hip.
The right dose varies from child to child, so it may take some time to find the correct dose. And the dose may need to be adjusted if significant side effects occur or as your child matures. Ask your doctor about possible side effects of stimulants.

Stimulant medications and heart problems

Although rare, several heart-related deaths occurred in children and teenagers taking stimulant medications. The possibility of increased risk of sudden death is still unproved, but if it exists, it's believed to be in people who already have underlying heart disease or a heart defect. Your child's doctor should make sure your child doesn't have any signs of a heart condition and should ask about family risk factors for heart disease before prescribing a stimulant medication.

Other medications

Other medications used to treat ADHD include atomoxetine (Strattera) and antidepressants such as bupropion (Wellbutrin, others) and desipramine (Norpramin). Clonidine (Catapres) and guanfacine (Intuniv, Tenex) have also been shown to be effective. Atomoxetine and antidepressants work slower than stimulants and may take several weeks before they take full effect. These may be good options if your child can't take stimulants because of health problems or if stimulants cause severe side effects.
Ask your doctor about possible side effects of any medications.

Suicide risk

Although it remains unproved, concerns have been raised that there may be a slightly increased risk of suicidal thinking in children and teenagers taking nonstimulant ADHD medication or antidepressants. Contact your child's doctor if you notice any signs of suicidal thinking or other signs of depression.

Giving medications safely

Making sure your child takes the right amount of the prescribed medication is very important. Parents may be concerned about stimulants and the risk of abuse and addiction. Dependence hasn't been shown in children who take these drugs for appropriate reasons and at the proper dose.
On the other hand, there's concern that siblings and classmates of children and teenagers with ADHD might abuse stimulant medications. To keep your child's medications safe and to make sure your child is getting the right dose at the right time:
  • Administer medications carefully. Children and teens shouldn't be in charge of their own ADHD medication without proper supervision.
  • At home, keep medication locked in a childproof container.An overdose of stimulant drugs is serious and potentially fatal.
  • Don't send supplies of medication to school with your child. Deliver any medicine yourself to the school nurse or health office.

ADHD behavior therapy and counseling

Children with ADHD often benefit from behavior therapy and counseling, which may be provided by a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker or other mental health care professional. Some children with ADHD may also have other conditions such as anxiety disorder or depression. In these cases, counseling may help both ADHD and the coexisting problem.
Examples of therapy include:
  • Behavior therapy. Teachers and parents can learn behavior-changing strategies for dealing with difficult situations. These strategies may include token reward systems and timeouts.
  • Psychotherapy. This allows older children with ADHD to talk about issues that bother them, explore negative behavioral patterns and learn ways to deal with their symptoms.
  • Parenting skills training. This can help parents develop ways to understand and guide their child's behavior.
  • Family therapy. Family therapy can help parents and siblings deal with the stress of living with someone who has ADHD.
  • Social skills training. This can help children learn appropriate social behaviors.
The best results usually occur when a team approach is used, with teachers, parents, and therapists or physicians working together. Educate yourself about ADHD, and then work with your child's teachers and refer them to reliable sources of information to support their efforts in the classroom.
  • Lifestyle and Home Remedies
Because ADHD is complex and each person with ADHD is unique, it's hard to make recommendations that work for every child. But some of the following suggestions may help create an environment in which your child can succeed.

Children at home

  • Show your child lots of affection. Children need to hear that they're loved and appreciated. Focusing only on the negative aspects of your child's behavior can harm your relationship and affect self-confidence and self-esteem. If your child has a hard time accepting verbal signs of affection, a smile, a pat on the shoulder or a hug can show you care. Look for behaviors for which you can compliment your child regularly.
  • Take time to enjoy your child. Make an effort to accept and appreciate the parts of your child's personality that aren't so difficult. One of the best ways to do this is simply to spend time together. This should be a private time when no other children or adults interfere. Try to give your child more positive than negative attention every day.
  • Find ways to improve your child's self-esteem and sense of discipline. Children with ADHD often do very well with art projects, music or dance lessons, or martial arts classes, such as karate or tae kwon do. But don't force children into activities that are beyond their abilities. All children have special talents and interests that can be fostered. Small frequent successes help to build self-esteem.
  • Work on organization. Help your child organize and maintain a daily assignment notebook and be sure your child has a quiet place to study. Group objects in the child's room and store in clearly marked spaces. Try to help your child keep his or her environment organized and uncluttered.
  • Use simple words and demonstrate when giving your child directions. Speak slowly and quietly and be very specific and concrete. Give one direction at a time. Stop and make eye contact with the child before and while you're giving directions.
  • Try to keep a regular schedule for meals, naps and bedtime. Use a big calendar to mark special activities that will be coming up. Children with ADHD have a hard time accepting and adjusting to change. Avoid or at least warn children of sudden transitions from one activity to another.
  • Make sure your child is rested. Try to keep your child from becoming overtired because fatigue often makes ADHD symptoms worse.
  • Identify difficult situations. Try to avoid situations that are difficult for your child, such as sitting through long presentations or shopping in malls and supermarkets where the array of merchandise can be overwhelming.
  • Use timeouts or appropriate consequences to discipline your child.  Timeouts should be relatively brief, but long enough for your child to regain control. Children can also be expected to accept the results of the choices they make. The idea is to interrupt and defuse out-of-control behavior.
  • Be patient. Try to remain patient and calm when dealing with your child, even when your child is out of control. If you're calm, your child is more likely to model that behavior and become calm too.
  • Keep things in perspective. Be realistic in your expectations for improvement — both your own and your child's. Keep your child's developmental stage in mind.
  • Take a break yourself. If you're exhausted and stressed, you're a much less effective parent.

Children in school

  • Ask about school programs. Take advantage of any special programs your school may have for children with ADHD. Schools are required by law to have a program to make sure children who have a disability that interferes with learning get the support they need. Your child may be eligible for additional services offered under the federal laws Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). These can include evaluation, curriculum adjustments, changes in classroom setup, modified teaching techniques, study skills instruction, and increased collaboration between parents and teachers.
  • Talk to your child's teachers. Stay in close communication with your child's teachers, and support their efforts to help your child in the classroom. Be sure teachers closely monitor your child's work, provide positive feedback, and are flexible and patient. Ask that they be very clear about their instructions and expectations.
  • Ask about having your child use a computer in the classroom. Children with ADHD may have trouble with handwriting and sometimes benefit from using a computer.
  • Alternative Medicine
There's little research that indicates that alternative medicine treatments can reduce ADHD symptoms. Before considering any alternative interventions, talk with your doctor to determine if the therapy will be safe. Some alternative medicine treatments that have been tried, but are not yet fully proved scientifically, include:
  • Yoga or meditation. Doing regular yoga routines or meditation and relaxation techniques may help children relax and learn discipline, which may help them manage their symptoms of ADHD.
  • Special diets. Most diets that have been promoted for ADHD involve eliminating foods thought to increase hyperactivity, such as sugar, and common allergens such as wheat, milk and eggs. Some diets recommend eliminating artificial food colorings and additives. So far, studies haven't found a consistent link between diet and improved symptoms of ADHD, though there is some anecdotal evidence that suggests diet changes might make a difference. Limiting sugar, however, doesn't seem to help. Caffeine use as a stimulant for children with ADHD can have risky effects and is not recommended.
  • Vitamin or mineral supplements. While certain vitamins and minerals are necessary for good health, there's no evidence that supplemental vitamins or minerals can reduce symptoms of ADHD. "Megadoses" of vitamins — doses that far exceed the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) — can be harmful.
  • Herbal supplements. There is no evidence to suggest that herbal remedies help with ADHD, and some may be harmful.
  • Proprietary formulations. These are products made from vitamins, micronutrients and other ingredients that are sold as possible treatment supplements for children with ADHD. These products have had little or no research and are exempt from FDA oversight, making them possibly ineffective or potentially harmful.
  • Essential fatty acids. These fats, which include omega-3 oils, are necessary for the brain to function properly. Researchers are still investigating whether these may improve ADHD symptoms.
  • Neurofeedback training. Also called electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback, this treatment involves regular sessions in which a child focuses on certain tasks while using a machine that shows brain wave patterns. Theoretically, a child can learn to keep brain wave patterns active in the front of the brain — improving symptoms of ADHD. While this treatment looks very promising, more research is needed to see whether it works.
  • Other techniques. These can include sensory integration therapy and interactive metronome training. At this time there is not enough research to support their effectiveness.
  • Coping and Support
Caring for a child with ADHD can be challenging for the whole family. Parents may be hurt by their child's behavior as well as by the way other people respond to it. The stress of dealing with ADHD can lead to marital conflict. These problems may be compounded by the financial burden that ADHD can place on families.
Siblings of a child with ADHD also may have special difficulties. They can be affected by a brother or sister who is demanding or aggressive, and they may also receive less attention because the child with ADHD requires so much of a parent's time.


Many resources are available, such as social services or support groups. Support groups often can provide helpful information about coping with ADHD. Ask your child's doctor if he or she knows of any support groups in your area.
There also are excellent books and guides for both parents and teachers, and Internet sites dealing exclusively with ADHD. But be careful of websites or other resources that focus on risky or unproved remedies or those that conflict with your health care team's recommendations.

Techniques for coping

Many parents notice patterns in their child's behavior as well as in their own responses to that behavior. Both you and your child may need to change behavior. But substituting new habits for old ones isn't easy — it takes a lot of hard work. It's important to have realistic expectations. Set small goals for both yourself and your child and don't try to make a lot of changes all at once.
To help manage ADHD:
  • Structure your child's life. Structure doesn't mean rigidity or iron discipline. Instead, it means arranging things so that a child's life is as predictable, calm and organized as possible. Children with ADHD don't handle change well, and having predictable routines can make them feel safe as well as help improve behavior. Give your child a few minutes warning — with a countdown — when it's necessary to change from one activity or location to another.
  • Provide positive discipline. Firm, loving discipline that rewards good behavior and discourages destructive actions is the best place to start. Also, children with ADHD usually respond well to positive reinforcement, as long as it's earned. Rewarding or reinforcing a new good behavior every time it occurs can encourage new habits.
  • Stay calm and set a good example. Set a good example by acting the way you want your child to act. Try to remain patient and in control — even when your child is out of control. If you speak quietly and calmly, your child is more likely to calm down too. Learning stress management techniques can help you deal with your own frustrations.
  • Strive for healthy family relationships. The relationship among all family members plays a large part in managing or changing the behavior of a child with ADHD. Couples who have a strong bond often find it easier to face the challenges of parenting than those whose bond isn't as strong. That's one reason it's important for partners to take time to nurture their own relationship.
  • Give yourself a break. If your child has ADHD, give yourself a break now and then. Don't feel guilty for spending a few hours apart from your child. You'll be a better parent if you're rested and relaxed. And don't hesitate to ask relatives and friends for help. Make sure that baby sitters or other caretakers are knowledgeable about ADHD and mature enough for the task.

  • Prevention
To help reduce your child's risk of ADHD:
  • During pregnancy, avoid anything that could harm fetal development. Don't drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or use drugs. Avoid exposure to environmental toxins, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
  • Protect your child from exposure to pollutants and toxins,including cigarette smoke, agricultural or industrial chemicals, and lead paint (found in some old buildings).
  • Limit screen time. Although still unproved, it may be prudent for children to avoid excessive exposure to TV and video games in the first five years of life.
If your child has ADHD, to help reduce problems or complications:
  • Be consistent, set limits and have clear consequences for your child's behavior.
  • Put together a daily routine for your child with clear expectations that include such things as bedtime, morning time, mealtime, simple chores and TV.
  • Avoid multitasking yourself when talking with your child,make eye contact when giving instructions, and set aside a few minutes every day to praise your child.
  • Work with teachers and caregivers to identify problems early, to decrease the impact of the condition on your child's life.

Dealing with a child with Impulsive ADHD is hard. It is a day filled with constant reminders, discipline, a lot of hyperactivity and so much more. I watch my nephew almost every day since I am a SAHM. As trying as it can be, remember to remain patient and understanding. This is not something they can control on their own.