Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hypnobabies vs. Hypnobirth

Hypnobabies techniques: 
1) We stress that the choice to begin using the techniques you’ve practiced very early in the process of labor is a key to using Hypnobabies successfully. When you commit to practicing what it feels like to let your body go completely limp and loose in immediate response to your main Hypnobabies self-hypnosis cue, then in order to benefit from it, you can and must choose to put this practice into action when the time comes. Waiting until labor become more active is not advised. If it turns out to be pre-birthing activity, you’ve gotten some good practice time in.
2) It’s not going to work like your appliances do when you plug them in and turn them on. You are in total control of allowing yourself to enter self-hypnosis, and you may enjoy guidance from your birth partner(s) to do this. 
3) Birth partners can: a) Help you find your favorite Hypnobabies track on your iPod/phone/other device. b) Take steps to ensure there’s a peaceful environment surrounding you and give you time to enter a deep state of self-hypnosis using one of the 14 different tracks available to you. c) Put on relaxing music and read Hypnobabies cue words/language/scripts to you. If the birth partner has been participating in your practice as he/she’s guided to do during class, his voice and presence beside you and your baby has become an instantly calming influence. (Well, hopefully that was always the case!)
4) When you make the transition to your place of birth, it’s likely you’re in active labor or will be soon. What if a birthing mother loses focus? Continue providing comforting support in whatever form she needs it in, but also please don’t give up on the Hypnobabies training she has worked so hard for! That would be like telling a marathon runner to just stop running. Instead, ask her if she’d like to try a different CD/track, if she’d like a different cue (hypno-moms have options), and find out what is working for her/what is not. The Hypnobabies language has been so important to her throughout her pregnancy and it will continue to be, as long as her support team remains committed to using it. If she’s lost focus and gotten off track, she can get back on, but she needs your help in doing so! (We cover this in more detail in class.)
5) Maintain a peaceful environment for her. Hospitals can be chaotic and can unintentionally disrupt the birth process. Make sure that any person entering her space is doing so with utmost respect for her comfort, peace, and birth preferences. If the answers to the questions, “Is mom OK? Is baby OK?” are yes, there is usually not a need to intervene. Dim the lights and use your Hypnobabies door sign which asks that everyone enter with quiet voices. This works wonders for maintaining a peaceful environment.

There are SO many choices for childbirth education available that you may be wondering which one to choose? or will it work? or what’s the differences??? For this post I’m going to focus on the difference between Hypnobabies and Hypnobirthing so first I’m going to start with a little background. I am a mom of 2 wonderful little people. My son was born in 2006 and my daughter was born in 2009. When I first got pregnant with my son I knew NOTHING about ‘birthing babies’! My partner and I had owned a screen printing shop for 10 years and the medical establishment scared the *&$%* out of me so I did what a lot of first time moms do and hit the internet.
There are/were so many choices out there and after being turned down for a couple classes (for not having a “husband”) I settled on the hypno-type classes. In my research I found hypnobabies and hypnobirthing and I also found that there were no Hypnobabies instructors in the area. Since the classes ‘are just the same’ I decided to take a Hypnobirthing class. We had a great hospital birth and after it was all over, I realized that there was still so much that we didn’t know/ learn. There were so many things I didn’t even realize I had the right to ask about! That is how I became the first Hypnobabies instructor in Atlanta.
So now you are asking again, what’s the difference? Here is a chart that highlights some of the bigger differences between the 2 classes. Please note that I am not saying that one class is better than the other. Each class has their own strengths and is perfect for different people and it is helpful to know what those differences are so that you can be a good consumer.

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