Saturday, July 4, 2015


In this Blog we will be going over the numerous types of Childbirth!
C Section(Cesarean Section)
When labor isn't progressing well or a medical issue arises threatening the mother or the baby, a Cesarean section may be performed. During the procedure, the mother may be given a general anesthetic or one that numbs her from the mid-chest down. The doctor makes an incision in the mother's abdomen and the baby is lifted out to deliver him or her.
The entire major surgical procedure usually takes between 45 minutes to an hour to complete. The baby is delivered during the first 15 minutes or so and the rest of the time is spent repairing the incision to the uterus and the mother's lower abdomen. Dissolving stitches are used internally and the abdominal incision is closed with surgical staples or stitches.
Usually with a C Section a lot of Deliveries after that birth will also be C section. Thankfully more and more Doctors are willing to do a VBAC(Vaginal Birth after Cesarean)

If you've delivered a baby by C-section and you're pregnant again, you might be able to choose between scheduling a repeat C-section or attempting vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC).
For many women, VBAC is an option. In fact, research on women who attempt a trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) shows that about 60 to 80 percent have a successful vaginal delivery.
VBAC isn't right for everyone, though. Certain factors, such as a high-risk uterine scar, can make VBAC inappropriate. Some hospitals don't offer VBAC because they don't have the staff or resources to handle emergency C-sections. If you're considering VBAC, your health care provider can help you understand if you're a candidate and what's involved.

Medicated Birth
It is a popular method of controlling pain during labor and delivery. It is a regional anesthesia that is used to block pain sensations. Before the epidural can be administered, the laboring woman is asked to lie on her side or sit up and lean forward. A local anesthetic is administered to numb the area and then a needle is inserted into the area near the patient's spinal cord.
Once the needle is in place, a catheter is carefully run through it. The needle is removed, leaving the catheter in place. Pain-relieving medication is administered through the catheter. A pump may be used to provide a steady stream of medications or the epidural may be topped up with injections.
Natural Birth

Although the percentages are shifting annually, 70% of women are giving birth vaginally. How they choose to go about it varies: Some will prepare with classes from Lamaze or the Bradley Method, some plan to opt for pain relief from the start, and others choose to explore a different method like HypnoBirthing or water birthing.

Here are the Different Methods:
Lamaze --his method, developed by Dr. Fernand Lamaze in 1951, incorporates childbirth education classes (averaging six weeks), breathing and relaxation techniques and techniques in how to respond to pain (including walking, using a birth ball, changing positions and massage). It's all about giving a woman confidence to make choices that are right for her during pregnancy and birth. There is no one hard line here for or against any choices; drugs/no drugs… you be the judge.

Bradley-- if you like the thought of natural childbirth (read: no drugs) and you like studying, this one's for you. Over a course of 12 classes (which is supplemented by a 125-page workbook), parents-to-be learn how to give birth naturally, ways to handle pain by working with their bodies, tips on staying healthy, how to create a birth plan, and training for the couch and/or doula

Hypo birthing--Looking forward to giving birth naturally but not keen on pain medication? Say hello to HypnoBirthing. Another natural childbirth choice, HypnoBirthing is a form of self-hypnosis that reduces pain and stress during labor through guided imagery, affirmations, and special breathing techniques. It teaches the mom-to-be how to calm, control, and relax her body (without being in a trance), allowing endorphins to replace the hormones that cause pain.

Water Birth--If you're a person who's all about your bath (or is just on the adventurous side), you might want to consider bringing your baby into the world through a water birth. Seen as "the gentlest of gentle births," mamas-to-be hop in a tub of warm water, usually heated between 90–100 degrees. Advocates of water births cite the physical relief for the mother and the easy transition for baby since the temperature of the water is similar to the mother's body temperature. Sometimes a tub is used just during labor to help moms relax and ease their pain.
You'll first want to check if your hospital or birthing center offers water births. Or you can have this experience at home by renting a tub. Of course, if you choose to stay at home, you'll want to have someone with you who is experienced in assisting with water births.

Another thing to decide is if you would like a Doctor Delivering your baby. Would you like a Doula to assist?  Or would you like to get a Midwife to help you deliver instead of a Doctor?
You can have a Birth Experience in the hospital, at home, in a birthing center.

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