This is my last installment on,"Fertility is no joking Matter!"
I have a couple stories of women who were ttc that just felt torn down
every month! Without fail they would try again leaving alittle bit
of hope behind every Month! I have shared my story in the First Blog,
Rachel shared hers in the Second and now we have a couple more for Last
Blog! We have gone over Medicines that you can get online, at a pharmacy,
and from a doctor! We have talked about Charting, OPK, and Semen Analysis
for hubby! We also talked numerous times about Infertility is not your
Here is another story from a lady who was ttc for 4 years!!
We were trying for 4 yrs without success, I was always told I never
ovulated on my own, I was beginning to lose hope. We tried clomid
and conceived within the first month. 3 yrs later when trying for
our second, after 8 unsuccessful months of clomid, my gynecologist
sent me in for an ultrasound and discovered I'd ovulated. that to me
was even better then a BFP, it meant there was hope, I was struggling
to hold back my tears, until we left the doctors at least lol My
gynecologist told me to lose some weight before we tried another
course of clomid. After losing 10kg, I did manage to conceive my
second naturally (my little miracle)
This just shows that even though she tried for 4 years for her first she
managed to have her second completely Natural!
Here is our 4th Story in the series!!!!
We was very frustrated because we wanted to start a family but it took us
3 years! We found out we were pregnant on our 3 year wedding anniversary
with our daughter she is now 19 months old she will be 20 month's on
May 10th she is Healthy and happy. She was conceived all natural with out
any help from other parties and we are on number 2 due in Nov and we spent
18 months trying for this one!
They say it could take up to 18 months to get pregnant and even though that
doesn't make anyone ttc under 18 months feel any better that is just what
the doctors say! We need to understand that even though it might take our
next door Neighbor to get a look from her hubby to get pregnant that we
do not see what happens behind closed doors. Maybe they don't have an issue
with getting pregnant they have an issue with staying pregnant! Please don't
think of yourself any less because it takes you longer than some others might!
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