Thursday, April 30, 2015

Calcium Sources For Your Baby

This page helps you discover the best calcium sources for your baby and learn more about your baby's calcium requirements.

Why your baby needs calcium
Contrary to popular belief, calcium isn't JUST good for the bones - it actually plays an important part in lots of functions of the human body. In fact, it is the most abundant mineral in our bodies, with over 99 per cent stored in our bones and teeth and the rest stored in other parts of the body, including muscles, blood and the fluid in between cells, where it acts as a 'messenger' for the central nervous system.
Throughout life, our bones undergo a lot of changes! From birth, then throughout childhood and adolescence, a great deal of bone formation takes place.

A lack of calcium in infancy can lead to rickets, a conditions where the bones soften and may become deformed or may break easily.
Our bodies continue to add bone mass until the age of 30, when we achieve 'peak bone mass'. After that, things may begin to go downhill as our bones start to break down (this is known as resorption). As we age, the rate of resorption exceeds the rate of formation - and this leads to bone loss.
Building strong bones from infancy, therefore, not only protects against rickets but also plays a huge part in delaying bone loss in later life.
A lack of calcium is also believed to contribute to diseases like hypertension, kidney disease, heart disease and - possibly - cancer of the colon.

How much calcium does my baby need?

If you've ever searched for the answer to this question before, you may have been baffled by figures ranging from 210mg (milligrams) per day for babies from 0-6 months and 270 mg per day for babies from 6-12 months - to the higher figures of 600mg per day for 6-12 month infants.
So why the difference?
Well, the lower set of figures was established for breast fed babies - and the higher set for those babies receiving formula (more about that later). There are also small differences in recommendations from one country to another.
The following guide to the Calcium Requirements of Infants, Children, and Adolescentsfrom the American Academy of Pediatricsshows both the lower and higher figures.
TABLE 1 Dietary Calcium Intake (mg/d) Recommendations in the United States2,3*
Age1997 NAS3
1994 NIH2
0 to 6 mo210400
6 mo to 1 y270600
1 through 3 y500800
4 through 8 y800800 (4-5 y)and 800-1200 (6-8y)
9 through 18 y1300800-1200 (9-10 y) and 1200-1500 (11-18 y)
* Recommended intakes were provided in different forms by each source cited. The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released Recommended Dietary Allowances until 1997. In 1997, it chose to use the term adequate intake for the recommendations for calcium intake but indicated that these values were to be used as Recommended Dietary Allowances. The NIH Consensus Conference did not specify a specific term but indicated that these values were the "optimal" intake levels. Dietary recommendations by the NAS are set to meet the needs of 95% of the identified population of healthy subjects. The NAS guideline should be the primary guideline utilized. For infant values, the 1994 NIH Consensus Conference indicated values for formula-fed infants, whereas the 1997 NAS report used the infant fed human milk as the standard.

Calcium sources for baby - is milk enough?

Milk - either breast milk or formula - meets your baby's nutritional needs for much of his first year... and that includes his calcium requirements.
Breast milk is actually lower in calcium than formula - but that's because the calcium in breast milk is much more 'bioavailable' to your baby (which means it's more easily absorbed). Because calcium from formula is LESS easily absorbed, then its concentration has to be greater (this is also true of the iron levels in breast milk and formula).
And the good news is that breast milk always contains the right amount of calcium for baby - even if Mum does not have enough in her diet.
Incidentally, babies have a wonderful capacity for absorbing calcium (around 60% of available calcium), precisely because it's so important for the formation of their bones. Sadly, this capacity for absorption decreases with age.

Calcium sources - solid foods

Towards the end of baby's first year, solid foods begin to replace milk as his main source of nutrition. It's at this point - then throughout childhood and beyond - that you need to ensure the foods you give your little one provide enough calcium to meet his needs.
Good calcium sources for your baby
  • Milk remains a good source (but by no means the ONLY source) of calcium throughout life. Calcium from milk is easily absorbed and milk products are generally popular with children (experts even recommend adding a little chocolate syrup for those less willing to drink milk - this is still healthier than drinking soda instead!)
  • Soy milk (some brands are better than others, so it's important to read the label).
  • Cheese is a great way to get calcium into your baby as it's very easy to incorporate into meals (it tastes great sprinkled over cooked veggies, for example). In addition, people who can't tolerate other dairy products often do better with cheese. This is because the milk protein that can cause problems breaks down as the cheese matures.
  • Yogurt - the calcium from yogurt is easily absorbed and, like cheese, yogurt is often better tolerated than other dairy products by sensitive individuals. Fortunately, yogurt is also a very popular food with babies!1
  • black eyed peas
  • lentils
  • sardines(our babies loved a little sardine mashed on toast!)
  • spinach(although these plants have a high calcium content, it is less well absorbed than from other foods - see the notes below about calcium absorption)
  • kale
  • broccoli
  • okra
  • salmon
  • cottage cheese(try mixing it with fruit puree if your little one refuses it!)
  • squash (summer and winter - see ourbutternut squash baby food ideas here)
  • oranges (1 year+)
  • calcium-fortified orange juice
  • calcium-fortified cereal
  • chickpeas/garbanzo beans
  • pinto beans
  • raisins
  • prunes
  • swede/rutabaga
  • some tofu(tofu processed with calcium sulfate - a calcium salt - is a good source of calcium. But tofu processed with a NON calcium salt is not a significant source of calcium. Of tofu processed WITH calcium sulfate,the firm variety is a better source of calcium than the soft.)
  • watercress
  • parsley
It is also possible to derive calcium from hard water if you live in a hard water area.

How to help your baby absorb the calcium from his food

Offering calcium-rich foods is one part of influencing your baby's calcium levels, but there are other factors that affect just how much calcium your baby absorbs.
  • His body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium efficiently 
  • Don't give too many calcium-rich foods at one meal. It seems like this would be the natural thing to do, doesn't it, yet the amount of calcium absorbed from the digestive tract GOES DOWN as the amount of calcium consumed at one meal INCREASES. Instead, offer small amounts of calcium-rich foods on a regular basis.
  • Some plants contain substances called oxalic and phytic acids. These bind to the calcium contained in the plant, preventing it from being properly absorbed by the body (please note, though, that they only bind the calcium from the plant itself and do NOT affect the calcium absorption from other foods consumed along with it). Examples of foods containing oxalic or phytic acids are rhubarb, collard greens, spinach, sweet potatoes, beans, whole grain bread, seeds and nuts.

How the body loses calcium

The human body loses calcium in the urine, in sweat and in faeces. Too much sodium (salt) in the diet increases the amount of calcium that the body loses.
Another problem can be consuming too much protein. When protein is digested by the body, acids are released into the bloodstream. Your body neutralizes these acids by drawing on calcium from the bones. Protein from animal sources is believed to cause more leaching of calcium than protein derived from vegetable sources.

Calcium and the vegetarian/vegan baby

Some sources suggest that babies on a vegetarian diet may be at risk of reduced calcium levels, because they may eat more of the plants containing oxalic and phytic acids that we referred to above.
On the plus side, however, the reduced calcium absorption from these plants may well be balanced by the fact that vegetarian babies do not consume as much protein (particularly, of course, meat protein) as their meat-eating counterparts. This results in less of the leaching of calcium from the bones associated with the digestion of protein.
Still, it's a good idea to discuss the requirements of your vegetarian baby with your child's doctor.
Babies on a vegan diet may be at risk of low calcium levels because they do not consume dairy products. It's important, therefore, to ensure that the diet of a vegan baby contains lots of alternative calcium sources from the list above. Again, you should consult your doctor to ensure that your baby is receiving enough calcium in his diet.

Does my baby need a calcium supplement?

Calcium supplements are rarely recommended for babies. The AAP states that:
No available evidence shows that exceeding the amount of calcium retained by the exclusively breastfed term infant during the first 6 months of life or the amount retained by the human milk-fed infant supplemented with solid foods during the second 6 months of life is beneficial to achieving long-term increases in bone mineralization.
The need to provide calcium supplementation to older children has not been adequately studied. However, as the AAP quite rightly points out
...Perhaps of most importance in this age group is the development of eating patterns that will be associated with adequate calcium intake later in life.

4 quick ways to increase your baby's calcium intake on a regular basis

  • Offer him yogurt, either mixed with his favourite fruit puree or as a delicious dip with fruit or veggie sticks.
  • Sprinkle grated cheese on to cooked veggies, pasta and soup. Offer your little one fingers of cheese on toast (grilled cheese) and offer pieces of cheese as a finger food.
  • If your older baby refuses to drink milk, try freezing it to make milk lollies (popsicles) - they're far more tempting! Add some fruit puree for extra flavour!
  • Stir milk into mashed potatoes, make milky puddings and - if you use any types of instant cereal - make them with milk instead of water.

Office of Dietary Supplements - Calcium

Read more:

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Pregnancy Myths

We all hear numerous things throughout our pregnancy. From preventing stretch marks to predicting the gender of baby and numerous things in between. Let's see if we can't clarify some of  these pregnancy myths.

  • Cocoa butter prevents stretch marks.
This is FALSE. Cocoa butter actually makes a woman's skin more sensitive and a fair amount of women have allergic reactions to it. 

  • You can’t fly during your first or last trimester.
FALSE. You can actually fly whenever you want. Most airlines won't let you fly in your last trimester but this has more to do with them being concerned over you going into labor and the plane having to make an unexpected landing.

  • You can’t pet your cat during pregnancy.
FALSE. You should not change your cat's litter box during pregnancy because of the risk of toxoplasmosis carried in cat's feces but you can definitely cuddle and pet your adorable fur babies.

  • You shouldn’t eat smoked salmon while pregnant. 
FALSE. Salmon is actually really good for mother's to be. It is full of omega-3 fatty acids like DHA. It is also a fresh water fish which makes the risk of mercury poisoning almost non existent.

  • You can’t eat sushi.
FALSE. Sushi is permissible except for mackerel, shark, tilefish and swordfish. And don’t eat too much tuna — no more than 12 oz per week.

  • You can't eat hot dogs.
FALSE. As long as they are well cooked, pig out.

  •  Pregnant women should keep away from polished furniture.
FALSE. I have never even heard of this before doing some research on pregnancy myths. Apparently at some point someone told a woman not to sit near polished furniture due to the fumes. This is of course absolutely ridiculous. You will be fine. 

  •  Dying your hair is harmful for Baby.
FALSE. Of course this is one we have heard for forever. The room should be well ventilated and you should try to use ammonia free dye BUT dying your hair will NOT harm your baby.

  • You shouldn’t have sex/lift your hands over your head/touch your toes while pregnant.
ALL FALSE. Unless you have a medical condition where the physician tells you not to do this, all are perfectly safe. I remember with my first pregnancy, everyone said not to lift my arms above my head or the cord would wrap around my babies neck. Of course I called my doctor in tears. He tried not to laugh at me but assured me that was not true. PHEW!!!!

  • You shouldn’t take hot baths while pregnant.
TRUE. You should avoid saunas, Jacuzzi's or anything that raises your body temperature over 102 degrees. Warm baths are okay for short periods of time but not hot.

  • You shouldn’t drink coffee while pregnant. 
FALSE. You don't want to go overboard, but with moderation (a cup a day) coffee is perfectly fine to have.

  • You should abstain from alcohol during pregnancy.
TRUE. While some say a glass of red wine here and there won't hurt, it is better to abstain from alcohol use period during pregnancy.

  • Pregnant women should sleep on their left side.
Drum roll please......FALSE. It is perfectly safe to sleep however you are comfortable. I personally could not stay on my back because I couldn't breath, but back sleeping is safe. Doctors will suggest sleeping slightly elevated but most will tell you that it is fine to sleep on your back. 

  • The baby’s position in the womb can tell you its sex.
FALSE. You can not tell from the outside of the womb what the sex of your baby is. Your linea nigra (line on stomach) also can not tell you what the sex is. On the upside, if you guess, there's a 50% chance you are right. 

  • Walking makes labor go faster.
FALSE. While it may make you feel better, it will not bring on labor. Neither will pineapples, squats, sex, and all of those other things they suggest. Understand that baby will come when baby is ready to come.

  • Pregnant women should eat for two. 
FALSE. FALSE. FALSE. This is an excuse people use to over stuff their face during pregnancy.  Carrying a baby actually only requires 300 extra calories a day. If you "eat for two," it can mean a bigger baby which can lead to problems.

  • A bigger baby is a better baby.
FALSE. While we may all love the little rolls that bigger babies have, it does not mean a big baby is a better baby. The average baby weighs about 7.5 lbs. Babies that are much bigger than that are more likely to suffer from diabetes and obesity in later life (not saying that they definitely will have those issues so do not get your panties all in a wad, just saying it is a possibility).

  • Drinking dark beer helps the milk come in.
FALSE. It may help the mother relax which may help with letdown, but that is not to be contributed to the Barley in the beer. 

  • Going outside when you’re pregnant during an eclipse will give your baby a cleft lip.
FALSE. The things people come up with sometime amaze me. Your child will be perfectly fine if you just so happen to be outside during an eclipse.

Of course these are not all the pregnancy myths in the world, but these are some of the most common ones you hear of. Relax Momma's. Unless you are doing drugs, smoking, or drinking while pregnant, there really is not too much you can do to harm baby. Take your prenatals, and discuss any and all concerns with your OBGYN. We are here to help but we still are not physicians. Much love to all you Mommy's and Mommy to be's out there. Have a wonderful day!!!! <3

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

11 Foods That Improve Breastmilk Supply

  The best way to increase your milk supply is to nurse, nurse, nurse. Your baby is better than any other method of helping your body make more milk ” the stimulation of the nerves with breastfeeding, as well as the removal of milk, signal to your body to ramp up production. If you are doing all the nursing you can and feel your supply still needs a boost, consider adding these galactagogues (foods that promote milk production or flow) to your diet to help increase your supply: Breastmilk Making Food 
#1: Fenugreek Fenugreek seed is a common herb for increasing milk production. Used around the world in cooking and baking, fenugreek is a good source of protein, iron, vitamin C and more. Taken in tea or in capsule form, this herb generally increases milk supply within a few days. There are some cautions ” if you are prone to asthma or allergies, use fenugreek with caution. If you have low thyroid hormone levels, are hypoglycemic, or are taking blood thinners, you may want to avoid fenugreek. Breastmilk Making Food 

#2: Oats Some people think it’s an old wives’ tale, but eating oats can help to increase milk supply. Saponins ” which oats are full of ” are antibiotic and anti”inflammatory, supporting the immune system. But they also impact the milk-making hormones produced by the pituitary gland. So add a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast or bake some oatmeal cookies and enjoy this simple addition to your diet. (Check out our lactation cookie recipe here.) Breastmilk Making Food 

#3: Brewer’s Yeast Many moms have heard that drinking a bottle of beer may help with milk supply. This old wives’ tale may have some basis in fact. Sometimes called nutritional yeast, brewer’s yeast contains phytoestrogens – which may be the root of its success as a galactagogue ” as well as protein and iron. Women taking nutritional yeast often say they have more energy and feel happier. You can find brewer’s yeast supplements in health food stores. (In addition, the hops in beer are thought to improve milk ejection ” so your grandma might be right in recommending a drink to help with breastfeeding!) Breastmilk Making Food 

#4: Alfalfa Alfalfa leaf is an herb with many beneficial vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Alfalfa is estrogenic, and promotes pituitary function, which is thought to be the way it works for increasing breastmilk supply. Consider adding alfalfa sprouts or seeds to your salad, or on a sandwich. Alfalfa also comes as a supplement in capsule form. Breastmilk Making Food 

#5: Garlic Cultures all over the world use garlic for its medicinal properties as well as its culinary flavoring. Used in moderation, garlic may have a lactogenic effect ” but this may be because babies like the flavor. One study found that babies nursed more often and took more milk when moms took a garlic supplement before nursing. So, the increased breast stimulation helped to increase milk supply. Go ahead and enjoy a garlicky meal. If you don’t especially like the flavor, consider taking garlic in capsule form. Breastmilk Making Food 

#6: Sesame Seeds High in calcium, sesame seeds are one of the best seeds for increasing milk supply. Look for large black sesame seeds or husked, light-colored seeds. Eating the seeds crushed is important ” as seeds still in their husk simply pass through the digestive tract. Try tahini ” a sesame seed paste ” in hummus or salad dressing, or as a spread on crackers or vegetables. Breastmilk Making Food 

#7: Dandelion Yep, the weeds in your back yard might help with your milk supply. Chinese as well as Native American medicine used dandelion to promote postpartum recovery and help build milk supply. All parts of the dandelion are edible ” the leave and roots can be sautéed or added to a salad raw. Or you can drink dandelion tea. If you are on diuretic medication, do not use dandelion. Breastmilk Making Food 

#8: Fennel Whether eaten as a vegetable or seed, the phytoestrogens in fennel are likely the source of its milk-making properties. Taken in too high a dosage, however, fennel seeds have to opposite effect of decreasing supply, so they should be used with caution. An added benefit is that improves digestion and reduces gas. Taken as a tea by a mother, it may mitigate colic symptoms in baby. Sauteed some fresh fennel with other vegetables and noodles for a quick dinner. Breastmilk Making Food 

#9: Nuts High in proteins and essential fatty acids, nuts are the perfect compliment to any diet. The amino acids in nuts are building blocks for serotonin, which is a necessary neurotransmitter for lactation. The best nuts for improving milk production are almonds ” whether by the handful raw or through almond milk, maybe even some marzipan if you’re looking for a sweet treat. Breastmilk Making Food 

#10: Teas In most parts of the globe, you can find commercial lactation teas marketed especially for increasing milk supply. These are usually combinations of galactagogues, and should be used according to package directions. Specific ingredients might include anise seed (thought to ‘bring down the milk’ in ancient Greece), black tea, fenugreek, alfalfa, blessed thistle, red raspberry leaf, marshmallow root, goat’s rue, and more. The best teas are made from fresh and organic ingredients. Breastmilk Making Food 

#11: Lactation Cookies BellyBelly has a very popular lactation cookies recipe which you can find HERE. Not only are the cookies completely and utterly delicious (be careful that your partner doesn’t eat them all before you do – and no, he wont start lactating!) but a whopping 90% of our forum members who consumed the lactation cookies reported that it increased their supply. Start with just a few cookies and increase if need be, as you don’t want to be dealing with oversupply issues! Important Note While you’re working on trying to increase your milk supply, it’s a great idea to get in touch with a board-certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) or a breastfeeding counsellor in your area – try The Australian Breastfeeding Association if you’re in Australia, or La Leche League if you’re in the United States. The expertise of a qualified lactation consultant could go a long way towards helping to improve the amount of milk you can make. Want to learn more? The Breastfeeding Mother’s Guide to Making More Milk by Diana West and Lisa Marasco is a very useful book, as is the book, Mother Food by Hilary Jacobson

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sleeping and Babies

It is important to understand your babies sleep needs. During the first 2 months, your newborn's need to eat overrules her need to sleep. She may feed almost every 2 hours if you're breastfeeding, and possibly a little less often if you bottle-feed.

Your baby may sleep from 10 to 18 hours a day, sometimes for 3 to 4 hours at a time. But babies don’t know the difference between day and night. So they sleep with no regard for what time it is. That means your baby’s wide-awake time may be from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m.
By 3 to 6 months, many babies are able to sleep for a stretch of 6 hours. But just as you think your baby is getting into a nice routine -- usually between 6 and 9 months -- normal developmental stages can throw things off. For instance, when your baby begins to associate bedtime with being left alone, she may start crying just to keep you around.
  • Set A Bedtime Routine

Some parents start their baby's bedtime routine as early as 6 to 8 weeks old. Your baby's routine can be any combination of regular bedtime activities. The keys to success:
  • Play active games during the day and quiet games in the evening. This keeps your baby from getting too excited right before bedtime. 
  • Keep activities the same and in the same order, night after night.
  • Make every activity calm and peaceful, especially toward the end of the routine.
  • Save your baby's favorite activity for last, and do it in her bedroom. This will help her look forward to bedtime and associate her sleep space with things she likes to do.
  • Make nighttime conditions in your baby's bedroom consistent. If she wakes up in the middle of the night, the sounds and lights in the room should be the same as when she fell asleep.

  • Put Your Sleepy Baby to Bed
Starting when your baby is 6 to 12 weeks old, soothe her until she is drowsy. When she’s on the verge of sleep, put her down and let her drift off on her own. Don't wait until she’s fully asleep.
This routine will teach your baby to soothe herself to sleep, and you won't need to rock or cuddle her to sleep every time she wakes up during the night.
  • Lower Risk of SIDS

Every time you put your baby down to sleep, whether it's at night or for a nap during the day, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you do the following to lower the chances of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome):
  • Always put your baby down to sleep on his or her back.
  • Always use a firm sleep surface. Car seats and other sitting devices are not recommended for routine sleep.
  • Your baby should sleep in the same room as you, but not in the same bed as you.
  • Keep soft objects or loose bedding out of the crib. This includes pillows, blankets, and bumper pads.
  • Do not use wedges and positioners.
  • Offer your baby a pacifier at nap time and bedtime.
  • Avoid covering your baby's head or overheating.
  • Do not use home monitors or commercial devices marketed to reduce the risk of SIDS.
  • Make sure your baby gets all recommended vaccinations.
  • Give your baby supervised, awake tummy time every day.
  • Don't smoke.
  • Breastfeeding is recommended.
  • If you're pregnant, get regular prenatal care.

  • Crying It Out Method
The decision is yours, of course. But if it's hard for you stay away from your baby when she cries, going with this method may not be the best choice. Studies show that, even if parents make it through the first night or two, they usually find that enforcing sleep this way is too stressful. Many parents were not able to ignore their babies long enough or consistently enough for them to stop crying and eventually fall asleep on their own.

I, personally, am against this method. Studies have recently shown that using CIO method leaves baby stressed even after they stop crying and fall asleep. 

  • Check In, Then Leave
One crying-it-out type of sleep training is the well-known, yet controversial, Ferber Method, also known as "Progressive Watching" or "Graduated Extinction." The goal is to teach your baby how to sleep on her own and put herself back to sleep if she wakes up during the night. This method is not suggested to use until the infant is at least 5-6 months of age.

 Here’s an overview of how it’s done:
  • Put your baby in her crib -- drowsy, but awake. Once you've finished her bedtime routine, leave the room.
  • If your baby cries, wait a few minutes before you check on her. The amount of time you wait depends on you and your baby. You might start waiting somewhere between 1 and 5 minutes.
  • When you re-enter your baby’s room, try to console her. But do not pick her up and do not stay for more than 2 or 3 minutes, even if she's still crying when you leave. Seeing your face will be enough to assure your baby that you are close by so she can eventually fall asleep on her own. 
  • If she continues crying, gradually increase the amount of time you wait before going in to check on her again. For instance, if you wait 3 minutes the first time, wait 5 minutes the second time, and 10 minutes each time after that.
  • The next night, wait 5 minutes the first time, 10 minutes the second time, and 12 minutes each time after that.
Adopting this method might be difficult during the first few nights. But you’ll likely see improvement in your baby's sleep pattern by day 3 or 4. Most parents see an improvement within a week.

  • Baby's Sleep Cycle

Help your newborn establish the sleep patterns of your dreams by following these simple steps now.

1. Recognize the Signs That Your Baby Is Tired

Your baby will let you know if she needs sleep. Watch for these common signs of tiredness:
  • Rubbing eyes
  • Yawning
  • Looking away from you
  • Fussing
Don’t wait until your baby is overtired to put her to bed. An overtired baby has more trouble falling and staying asleep. Try to stay a step ahead by looking for the signs that she’s getting sleepy before she's fussy and cranky.

2. Set Your Baby’s Day-Night Sleep Cycle

From the start, try to teach your baby that “nighttime is when we sleep, and daytime is when we have fun.”
During daylight hours, keep things stimulating and active for your baby. Play with her a lot. Try to keep her awake after she feeds, although don't worry if she conks out. Try taking baby out in the sunlight for at least 5 minutes during the day or opening up the blinds during the day. This helps cut down on their day/night confusion.
When it's dark, become a more low-key, boring parent for your baby. Feed her in a semi-darkened room. Cut down on all stimulation. For instance, keep lights low and noise soft. Gradually, she'll learn that daytime is fun time and nighttime is boring, so she might as well sleep when it's dark outside.

3. Separate Eating From Sleeping

After the first month, you don’t want to let your baby fall asleep while you’re feeding or rocking her, because you want her to figure out how to put herself to sleep.
She may eat a little, doze a little, and eat some more, a couple of times. If she goes to sleep and keeps sleeping when you’re feeding her, stop and put her to bed.
Some parents try to push more formula, breast milk, or baby food to try to make a baby sleep on schedule or sleep longer. This isn’t good for your baby. Just like you when you’ve eaten too much, your overfed baby won’t be comfortable enough to rest well.
Note: Never prop a baby bottle in your infant's mouth when you put her to bed. It can lead to choking and ear infections.

4. Don’t Wake Your Baby to Feed After 2 Months

If your baby is gaining weight properly, you don’t have to wake her at night for feedings after 2 months. Your baby needs to find her own sleep schedule. Once she’s eating more in the daytime, she doesn’t need to wake and eat at night.
Here are some instances where you should wake your baby:
  • She is 0 to 2 months old.
  • She is sleeping more in the day than the night. Don’t let her go more than 4 hours without eating.
Your baby’s pediatrician will give you advice for your baby. For premature or special-needs babies, you may need to adjust feedings.

Be a Patient Parent

Remember to keep your expectations realistic. For the first few months of your baby’s life, plan for unpredictable, sporadic sleep. 
If your baby's sleep pattern changes suddenly, check for symptoms of illness. It could be a warning sign of an ear infection. Or it may simply be a new turn in her development.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Fertility is no Joking matter (1 of 3 Parts)

Where should I even begin with ttc(trying to conceive)??

If you are reading this you are either curious why people are trying so hard to have
a baby OR you are here to get some info and to understand you are NOT alone!!
Most people still have their fairytale ending when it comes to babies!
No one expects to be ttc for year after year with no end in sight. People are blindsided
because trying to have a baby is such a sensitive topic and you feel so isolated and
alone. No one wants to talk about it, so When it comes to ttc you really realize how
much power you have and how much spirit you have! It takes a real mother to be able to
with stand such heartbreak month after month! There is numerous things you can do to
increase your odds of having a baby! The biggest thing you need to do is NO STRESS!!!
Worst thing to say to a ttc mommy but it is true! Throw out all those apps on your phone
and go about the tracking the old fashion way, the good ol' paper calendar. When you have
your cycle(if regular) write it down on the calendar and start from that day and count till
your next cycle should arrive and put a sticky note with( Period??) Also if you have a perfect
30 day cycle you should start using OPK(Ovulation Prediction Kits) about 12-14cd(cycle day).
You will have to just really figure that out yourself some like starting at cd10 till they know
around the time ovulation hits and than they start testing closer to the day they should ovulate.
It really is different for everyone! Your test will usually come up with two lines any day of the
week. The Goal though is to wait for your test line to get as dark as or Darker than the Control Line!
After you get your positive you will usually ovulate between 12-36 hours later...

Taking prenatal during your TTC journey is so important since it gets your body ready for pregnancy and helps make baby healthier during the very important first couple weeks! When you
are having trouble conceiving there is some options out there that are supposed to help! Fertility Blend, Fertilaid, and so so many more supplements and tea! For men they have everything from a Sperm Check(which I do not think highly of) and Fertilaid through Motility boosts and Sperm count helpers! I will post a link to help you through a lot of these Searches. Male Factor Infertility is important to discuss also! About a Third of Infertile couples is due to female and another Third is
due to men! Leaving the Remaining Third Due to both Partners! It would be wise after One year(Under 35 year old women) or 6 months(over 35 year old women) of ttc to get the man checked out also! A semen Analysis will be presented with lots of fun directions! They might also issue an Ultrasound and blood work to him also!

PERSONAL STORY TIME: We have been ttc for 29 cycles now and one Miscarriage and one Chemical(at least). We have done Fertilaid, BBT, OPK and everything else we could do at home! Finally after about 17 cycles of ttc we went to the doctor and got all my blood work done which turned out perfect!! So excited!! Hubby got his sperm checked and came back with bad results! His sperm levels were good but his Motility was non existent! They told us to come back in two months to see if there was any change! I immediately ran and got Motility Boost to put with his fertilaid! So we hit the two month Waiting period.... Finally after two more cycles we went back(Cycle 19) to get him checked again :) He was perfect!!! My doctor said Cycle 20 is when we start Clomid 50mg (I was diagnosed with annovulatory cycles due to irregular menses) I went through 6 cycles with perfect periods and Perfect ovulation(the first two months were killer! So many symptoms and I was just hurting)  after 6 cycles we have had no luck :( All he could say was lets try the HSG and see what that comes up with! I waited 2 cycles(no Ovulation) and now this month finally got My HSG Done!!

  The HSG helps to tell you if your Fallopian Tubes are open! They will usually have you go to
radiology, Get undressed from the waist down, Sit on a big table where the room is usually kind of cool! (This is the part that is different for everyone) My Doctor Had me lay down scoot my but all the way to the end of the table, He inserted the Opensided speculum(device to see cervix better like during pap smear) which was extremely cold!! After he inserted that he cleaned off my cervix with a Povidone Iodine(reddish stuff). I am not in any pain at this point! He than needed to insert a catheter into my uterus! To me it felt like he was trying to stab my Cervix! It was horrible pain!
Way worse than Period cramps! After he got that inserted he blew up a little balloon to keep it in place which made the pain go from sharp pains to sharp pain and dull achy around! They had me scoot my bottom all the way back up so I could get under the machine so they could take acouple pictures!  He told me that he was inserting the solution up there to flush everything out!  Which made me feel really hot and kind gross!  I watched the screen and saw my uterus fill up and even though the pain was still horrible I couldnt see anything for acouple seconds going through the tubes and all of a sudden the pain got alittle worse and everything came out.. He wasnt really concerned but he did say that he couldnt see my tubes very well in the picture because it all spilt out quite fast when It did finally show up! He also said I have a Beautiful/Gorgeous Uterus and if there was anything
wrong it was gone now and fine!! Hopefully I am one of the 15-20% of women that have found themselves pregnant in the cycle following this test!! He said to wait for 2 more cycles and to come back and we will figure something out for me! So If I do not get pregnant This cycle or cycle 30 and 31 I will go back beginning of cycle 32(July 2015) and hopefully have something else for me to do!!!