We all hear numerous things throughout our pregnancy. From preventing stretch marks to predicting the gender of baby and numerous things in between. Let's see if we can't clarify some of these pregnancy myths.
- Cocoa butter prevents stretch marks.
This is FALSE. Cocoa butter actually makes a woman's skin more sensitive and a fair amount of women have allergic reactions to it.
- You can’t fly during your first or last trimester.
FALSE. You can actually fly whenever you want. Most airlines won't let you fly in your last trimester but this has more to do with them being concerned over you going into labor and the plane having to make an unexpected landing.
- You can’t pet your cat during pregnancy.
FALSE. You should not change your cat's litter box during pregnancy because of the risk of toxoplasmosis carried in cat's feces but you can definitely cuddle and pet your adorable fur babies.
- You shouldn’t eat smoked salmon while pregnant.
FALSE. Salmon is actually really good for mother's to be. It is full of omega-3 fatty acids like DHA. It is also a fresh water fish which makes the risk of mercury poisoning almost non existent.
FALSE. Sushi is permissible except for mackerel, shark, tilefish and swordfish. And don’t eat too much tuna — no more than 12 oz per week.
FALSE. As long as they are well cooked, pig out.
- Pregnant women should keep away from polished furniture.
FALSE. I have never even heard of this before doing some research on pregnancy myths. Apparently at some point someone told a woman not to sit near polished furniture due to the fumes. This is of course absolutely ridiculous. You will be fine.
- Dying your hair is harmful for Baby.
FALSE. Of course this is one we have heard for forever. The room should be well ventilated and you should try to use ammonia free dye BUT dying your hair will NOT harm your baby.
- You shouldn’t have sex/lift your hands over your head/touch your toes while pregnant.
ALL FALSE. Unless you have a medical condition where the physician tells you not to do this, all are perfectly safe. I remember with my first pregnancy, everyone said not to lift my arms above my head or the cord would wrap around my babies neck. Of course I called my doctor in tears. He tried not to laugh at me but assured me that was not true. PHEW!!!!
- You shouldn’t take hot baths while pregnant.
TRUE. You should avoid saunas, Jacuzzi's or anything that raises your body temperature over 102 degrees. Warm baths are okay for short periods of time but not hot.
- You shouldn’t drink coffee while pregnant.
FALSE. You don't want to go overboard, but with moderation (a cup a day) coffee is perfectly fine to have.
- You should abstain from alcohol during pregnancy.
TRUE. While some say a glass of red wine here and there won't hurt, it is better to abstain from alcohol use period during pregnancy.
- Pregnant women should sleep on their left side.
Drum roll please......FALSE. It is perfectly safe to sleep however you are comfortable. I personally could not stay on my back because I couldn't breath, but back sleeping is safe. Doctors will suggest sleeping slightly elevated but most will tell you that it is fine to sleep on your back.
- The baby’s position in the womb can tell you its sex.
FALSE. You can not tell from the outside of the womb what the sex of your baby is. Your linea nigra (line on stomach) also can not tell you what the sex is. On the upside, if you guess, there's a 50% chance you are right.
- Walking makes labor go faster.
FALSE. While it may make you feel better, it will not bring on labor. Neither will pineapples, squats, sex, and all of those other things they suggest. Understand that baby will come when baby is ready to come.
- Pregnant women should eat for two.
FALSE. FALSE. FALSE. This is an excuse people use to over stuff their face during pregnancy. Carrying a baby actually only requires 300 extra calories a day. If you "eat for two," it can mean a bigger baby which can lead to problems.
- A bigger baby is a better baby.
FALSE. While we may all love the little rolls that bigger babies have, it does not mean a big baby is a better baby. The average baby weighs about 7.5 lbs. Babies that are much bigger than that are more likely to suffer from diabetes and obesity in later life (not saying that they definitely will have those issues so do not get your panties all in a wad, just saying it is a possibility).
- Drinking dark beer helps the milk come in.
FALSE. It may help the mother relax which may help with letdown, but that is not to be contributed to the Barley in the beer.
- Going outside when you’re pregnant during an eclipse will give your baby a cleft lip.
FALSE. The things people come up with sometime amaze me. Your child will be perfectly fine if you just so happen to be outside during an eclipse.
Of course these are not all the pregnancy myths in the world, but these are some of the most common ones you hear of. Relax Momma's. Unless you are doing drugs, smoking, or drinking while pregnant, there really is not too much you can do to harm baby. Take your prenatals, and discuss any and all concerns with your OBGYN. We are here to help but we still are not physicians. Much love to all you Mommy's and Mommy to be's out there. Have a wonderful day!!!! <3
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