Friday, April 24, 2015

Protein and Your Baby's Diet

Protein plays a very important part in your baby's growth and development - so let's take a closer look at this valuable nutrient and tell you more about the best sources of protein for your little one.

What exactly IS protein - and how is it used by the body?

The easiest way to describe protein is as a 'chain' of amino acids that are linked together.
The human body needs 22 amino acids, but is only able to make 13 of them. The other nine must come from food and are known as 'Essential Amino Acids'.
When your baby eats food containing protein, it is digested in his stomach and absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.
The amino acids into which it is broken down are then used in a multitude of functions throughout his body - in skin, hair, bone, muscle and just about every tissue - and the body also uses protein to produce hemoglobin that carries oxygen in his blood.

How much protein does my baby need?

Infancy is, of course, a time of rapid growth and development - so it is important to ensure that your little one receives enough protein to support this growth.
Protein deficiency in the developed world is very rare and a sensible, balanced diet provides all the protein that the human body requires. The fact is that most people consume more protein than their bodies actually need!
It is important to remember that your baby's primary source of nutrition throughout his first year is breast milk or formula - from which he will receive protein.
Once solid foods are introduced - and your baby's consumption of breast milk / formula begins to decrease - then you should slowly begin to offer him a balanced diet containing legumes, cereal, vegetables, eggs, dairy etc which will provide plenty of protein.
You should not, however, give your baby a high-protein diet unless specifically advised to do so by a medical professional.
The reason for this is that the human body does not store excess protein. Instead, the body breaks it down, producing by-products that must be eliminated via the urine.
This process puts a great deal of strain on your baby's immature kidneys.
This is why it is best to serve high protein foods (like meat) in combination with other foods, rather than serving larger quantities alone.
Remember - because your baby's body does not store protein, a little is needed every day. That's why it is preferable to offer small amount of foods containing protein on a daily basis, rather than offering large amounts all at once.
As a basic guide...
If your baby's growth rate is normal (which your pediatrician will confirm using growth charts), then he is generally receiving adequate amounts of protein.

What are complete and incomplete proteins?

Complete proteins (also known as whole proteins) contain all nine of the 'Essential Amino Acids' that we mentioned earlier in this article.
Incomplete proteins contain some - but not all - of these Essential Amino Acids. As you'll see from the protein sources listed below, most animal sources of protein are complete.
Whilst certain plant sources of food contain complete proteins, most do not.

So does this mean that babies following a vegetarian diet are at risk of protein deficiency?
No - because it's possible for baby to receive all the amino acids he needs from a variety of sources of incomplete proteins. In other words, the amino acids lacking in one food will be compensated by those present in another.
Combining two or more sources of incomplete proteins will make up a complete protein, providing baby with all the amino acids he needs.
Experts used to believe that - in order to effectively combine various incomplete proteins to provide the full component of Essential Amino Acids - those following a vegetarian diet should eat a variety of plant sourcesat one meal.
But recommendations have changed and research has shown that this is no longer necessary. Instead, medical professionals now advise that vegetarians can receive complete proteins by consuming a variety of plant foods within a period of 24 hours.

High protein foods include meat, fish, cheese, tofu, beans, lentils, yogurt, nuts, and seeds.

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