Saturday, April 25, 2015

Fertility is no Joking matter (1 of 3 Parts)

Where should I even begin with ttc(trying to conceive)??

If you are reading this you are either curious why people are trying so hard to have
a baby OR you are here to get some info and to understand you are NOT alone!!
Most people still have their fairytale ending when it comes to babies!
No one expects to be ttc for year after year with no end in sight. People are blindsided
because trying to have a baby is such a sensitive topic and you feel so isolated and
alone. No one wants to talk about it, so When it comes to ttc you really realize how
much power you have and how much spirit you have! It takes a real mother to be able to
with stand such heartbreak month after month! There is numerous things you can do to
increase your odds of having a baby! The biggest thing you need to do is NO STRESS!!!
Worst thing to say to a ttc mommy but it is true! Throw out all those apps on your phone
and go about the tracking the old fashion way, the good ol' paper calendar. When you have
your cycle(if regular) write it down on the calendar and start from that day and count till
your next cycle should arrive and put a sticky note with( Period??) Also if you have a perfect
30 day cycle you should start using OPK(Ovulation Prediction Kits) about 12-14cd(cycle day).
You will have to just really figure that out yourself some like starting at cd10 till they know
around the time ovulation hits and than they start testing closer to the day they should ovulate.
It really is different for everyone! Your test will usually come up with two lines any day of the
week. The Goal though is to wait for your test line to get as dark as or Darker than the Control Line!
After you get your positive you will usually ovulate between 12-36 hours later...

Taking prenatal during your TTC journey is so important since it gets your body ready for pregnancy and helps make baby healthier during the very important first couple weeks! When you
are having trouble conceiving there is some options out there that are supposed to help! Fertility Blend, Fertilaid, and so so many more supplements and tea! For men they have everything from a Sperm Check(which I do not think highly of) and Fertilaid through Motility boosts and Sperm count helpers! I will post a link to help you through a lot of these Searches. Male Factor Infertility is important to discuss also! About a Third of Infertile couples is due to female and another Third is
due to men! Leaving the Remaining Third Due to both Partners! It would be wise after One year(Under 35 year old women) or 6 months(over 35 year old women) of ttc to get the man checked out also! A semen Analysis will be presented with lots of fun directions! They might also issue an Ultrasound and blood work to him also!

PERSONAL STORY TIME: We have been ttc for 29 cycles now and one Miscarriage and one Chemical(at least). We have done Fertilaid, BBT, OPK and everything else we could do at home! Finally after about 17 cycles of ttc we went to the doctor and got all my blood work done which turned out perfect!! So excited!! Hubby got his sperm checked and came back with bad results! His sperm levels were good but his Motility was non existent! They told us to come back in two months to see if there was any change! I immediately ran and got Motility Boost to put with his fertilaid! So we hit the two month Waiting period.... Finally after two more cycles we went back(Cycle 19) to get him checked again :) He was perfect!!! My doctor said Cycle 20 is when we start Clomid 50mg (I was diagnosed with annovulatory cycles due to irregular menses) I went through 6 cycles with perfect periods and Perfect ovulation(the first two months were killer! So many symptoms and I was just hurting)  after 6 cycles we have had no luck :( All he could say was lets try the HSG and see what that comes up with! I waited 2 cycles(no Ovulation) and now this month finally got My HSG Done!!

  The HSG helps to tell you if your Fallopian Tubes are open! They will usually have you go to
radiology, Get undressed from the waist down, Sit on a big table where the room is usually kind of cool! (This is the part that is different for everyone) My Doctor Had me lay down scoot my but all the way to the end of the table, He inserted the Opensided speculum(device to see cervix better like during pap smear) which was extremely cold!! After he inserted that he cleaned off my cervix with a Povidone Iodine(reddish stuff). I am not in any pain at this point! He than needed to insert a catheter into my uterus! To me it felt like he was trying to stab my Cervix! It was horrible pain!
Way worse than Period cramps! After he got that inserted he blew up a little balloon to keep it in place which made the pain go from sharp pains to sharp pain and dull achy around! They had me scoot my bottom all the way back up so I could get under the machine so they could take acouple pictures!  He told me that he was inserting the solution up there to flush everything out!  Which made me feel really hot and kind gross!  I watched the screen and saw my uterus fill up and even though the pain was still horrible I couldnt see anything for acouple seconds going through the tubes and all of a sudden the pain got alittle worse and everything came out.. He wasnt really concerned but he did say that he couldnt see my tubes very well in the picture because it all spilt out quite fast when It did finally show up! He also said I have a Beautiful/Gorgeous Uterus and if there was anything
wrong it was gone now and fine!! Hopefully I am one of the 15-20% of women that have found themselves pregnant in the cycle following this test!! He said to wait for 2 more cycles and to come back and we will figure something out for me! So If I do not get pregnant This cycle or cycle 30 and 31 I will go back beginning of cycle 32(July 2015) and hopefully have something else for me to do!!!

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