Sunday, April 19, 2015

The difference between Picky eaters and not picky eaters

I have found out that there is a difference between picky eaters and normal eaters. Yes it may be called picky eaters but there is also other problems that are called Selective Eating Disorder or Fussy Eating.

For being a picky eater entails this: this is a duration for the ages of 18 months to 3 years old. For picky eaters they will accept 30 or more foods and they also have to choice and control of the food. Picky eaters prefers a specific type of food for a period of time. Usually by the age of 6 is when they should have outgrown it. Some children do not outgrow it and stay picky eaters. As far as I have read, there is no known medical conditions that is linked to picky eaters. Also another advise for picky eaters, let them come to the table hungry, they will eat until they are full. And also this is a normal part of development as they are discovering new foods, so do not be alarmed if your child likes certain foods one time, but a few weeks later they do not.

Now for Selective Eating Disorder(SED) that is a Medical Condition and can be linked to several medical conditions. For example OCD, ASD, food trauma, oral-motor delay, swallowing disorder, SPD, or gastrointestinal disorders. Basically this can be discovered from birth to age 4. Normally they accept less than 20 foods and they also have fear and anxiety of the food they are eating. Most of the time they reject entire food groups and that is mainly meat and vegetables. For this disorder they are often repulsed by the texture, taste, smell, and/or touching the food. This disorder can persist into adulthood and this disorder becomes very stressful and sometimes avoided. Even though with picky eaters on hunger, they will refuse unfamiliar foods despite they are hungry. And this is an eating disorder.

Fussy Eating: will reject certain foods one day but will gladly eat them the next meal. Sometimes this can turn into very angry meal time due to them liking the food one time, but not the next. As they get older, I would be firm and tell them that you like it, and need to eat your food. I know sounds harsh but you cant always feed them greasy, junk foods like McDonalds or Chocolate at every meal. That is not healthy whatsoever. Do not make separate meals, you eat as a family and if the kids adapt then that is a much happier meal and dont have struggles with the fussy eater stage.

In the end, be firm about your decision on food and dont give up. I have some helpful websites if anyone is interested. Now I think I am understanding my sons eating habits now.

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