I would just give a quick over view of it all! First of all, Newborns can be very tiny and they
can be very floppy! Instead of buying the very unsafe Head Supports and body supports(those
not only aren't safe but they void the car seat warranty) you can roll up some receiving blankets
and place it on either side of baby! That will help with the floppy baby syndrome that scares many ladies! Having those receiving blankets can also make the baby feel more cozy since he/she
is already squished in the womb they like being cradled tight.
Next is the straps! Straps need to be at or below the shoulders for rear facing!
The Chest clip needs to be at nipple/ arm pit level! There is a reason it is a chest clip so please do not
place it on the belly! It is NOT a belly clip! I have also noticed parents just clipping the chest clip
and never securing the buckle. There is no such thing as I did a "good enough" job! This is your child's life! Lets take every precaution and just do it correctly! Taking the extra 2 seconds and securing the child in correctly will save that Baby's life!
Next we will talk about appropriate ages to turn a toddler from Rear Facing to Forward Facing! Most states laws say that you could turn a child at 1 year AND 20 pounds! New AAP car seat Guidlines state that you should keep a child in a rear facing seat till age of 2 minumum but have a goal to get the child to the age of 4! I know some are screaming at the screen," What about the legs? I don't want my daughter to be Bow Legged!" I only have one question for you.. How does your child sit most
the time? I doubt the child sits with their legs perfectly straight right out in front of them! They are usually always bent or sitting Indian Style! It has been proven that kids who are kept rear facing
longer say that they are more comfortable rear facing because they like to rest their little legs! All you have to do is type in Google Search Rear facing vs. Forwards facing and you will get hundreds of videos and about 532,000 results proving that Extended rear facing is so much better for them!