Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Expectations after baby

Realistic Expectations After Having a Baby
The long-awaited day has finally arrived: You're taking your newborn home to a nursery you may have had set up for months in eager anticipation of the joyous event. The miracle of a new life is clearly a thrilling time. Nevertheless, the next several weeks can prove to be more challenging than expected, especially for first-time parents. Although caring for your new baby is your top priority, it's also important to tend to your own needs during this major life transition.


It would come in handy if your newborn came with a detailed instruction manual that offers step-by-step guidance as you enter a new of world of uncertainty. Alas, you're more or less on your own once you and your baby leave the hospital. That's why finding a good pediatrician should be at the top of your "to do" list. Knowing a doctor is a phone call away should you have any questions or if your little one becomes ill offers peace of mind. New parents will be relieved to know that most newborns stay perfectly healthy once they leave the hospital, explains Dr. Vinod K. Bhutani, professor of pediatrics at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University School of Medicine

Early Days and Weeks

It won't take long to notice that your newborn doesn't resemble the infants you see on TV and in magazines. Your baby's skin may be dry to the point of peeling; fine hair may coat your little one's ears, temples, back and shoulders; her tiny feet may be turned up and she may appear bowlegged after being housed so tightly in the womb, explains the Cleveland Clinic. Over the next several weeks and months your newborn's skin will soften, fine hair will shed and her legs and feet will straighten to a normal position.

Sleep, Feedings, and Changing Diapers

Newborns can sleep 16 hours or more in a 24-hour period -- but typically no longer than four hours at a time, according to KidsHealth. Your newborn's erratic sleep pattern will undoubtedly interfere with your sleep. His tiny tummy can hold only so much breast milk or formula, which means you'll need to feed your baby every few hours around the clock. Infants require 4 ounces of formula or breast milk at each feeding, notes HealthyChildren.org, a website published the American Academy of Pediatrics. Frequent feedings naturally lead to frequent diaper changes. Babies often go through at least 10 diapers a day. Your newborn may develop a diaper rash, which can usually be successfully treated by applying diaper ointment that contains zinc oxide to the rash after the area has been gently cleaned.

Baby Blues

The majority of new mothers (approximately 75 percent) feel down in the dumps or experience mood swings shortly after the birth of their child, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Crying, impatience, irritability, insomnia and restlessness are among the possible symptoms of the appropriately dubbed “baby blues.” Hormone changes that occur during and after pregnancy are believed to contribute to these negative emotions that may take many new mothers by surprise. Talk about your feelings to family members or friends and make time for yourself whenever possible. Symptoms lasting longer than two weeks could be a sign of a more serious condition called postpartum depression that may require professional help.


Friday, June 26, 2015

31 Favorite Fruits and the Nutrients They Contain

Let’s face it, our food preferences are based on taste, not nutrition, which is why fruit is such a great food. Fruit tastes sweet and interesting. They have an agreeable texture, crunchy like apples, smooth like a peach, and juicy like an orange. And most fruits are surprisingly nutritious. Though not as nutrient-dense as vegetables, fruits are an important source of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Some fruits are more nutritious than others, but with fruits, as with vegetables and grains, variety is the spice of life. Nutrients that one fruit lacks, another fruit provides. Fructose is the principle sugar in most fruits, though sucrose is the principle sugar in others, such as oranges, melons, and peaches. Fructose is absorbed slowly into the bloodstream, so fruit gives you energy without triggering the ups and downs of the insulin cycle.
  1. Apple. An apple a day may not keep the doctor entirely away, but apples are nutritious, convenient, and always available. Apples get an A+ in fiber content, since they contain a lot of the soluble fiber, pectin, that helps to lower cholesterol. They also contain some cancer-fighting flavenoids. Eating a whole apple is more nutritious than drinking apple juice, since the fiber, vitamins, and minerals may be processed out of the juices. When the flesh of an apple turns brown, it means some of the nutrients have oxidized and are lost. To get the best that any fruit has to offer, eat it fresh.
  2. Apricot. Five apricots contain around the same number of calories as one apple, but they have much more protein, calcium, iron, vitamin K, zinc, vitamin A, and folic acid. Apricots are high in beta carotene, as well as potassium and fiber. You’ll find them on our list of the top ten nutritious fruits.
  3. Apricot, dried. Dried apricots are a particularly good source of beta carotene, potassium, and fiber (3 grams per 10 dried apricot halves). When purchasing dried apricots, read the label. Preservatives, such as sulfites or sulfur- dioxide, are often used to maintain apricots’ orange color. These will be listed on the label. Sulfites can be an allergen for some people. You can purchase sulfite-free apricots in health food stores. Even though they are a less appealing, brownish color, they are equally nutritious. It is not worth consuming extra sulfites just so the apricots look more orange.
  4. California Avocado. Avocados are usually thought of as a vegetable, but they are really a fruit, with a great amount of nutrition. A one-ounce serving (one-fifth of a medium California avocado) is naturally sodium-free and cholesterol-free. They also contain nearly 20 vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds – such as B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin E, potassium, folate, and fiber – making avocados a nutrient-rich option for your diet. Notably, avocados provide two important nutrients that are lacking from most Americans’ diets: potassium and fiber. Dietary potassium can help lower blood pressure by blunting the adverse effects of sodium, and dietary fiber may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and type-2 diabetes, as well as help provide a feeling of fullness.  While avocados get the lion’s share of their calories from fat, 75% of the fat is from heart-healthy unsaturated fats with no cholesterol, making them a great substitute for foods high in saturated fat. Replacing some saturated fatty acids with unsaturated fatty acids has been shown to lower both total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. Because avocados are so nutrient-dense, we included them in our top twelve foods as well as in our “Top Ten Fruits” list.
    Buying and serving tips. Avocados ripen after picking. Buy the avocado when it is under-ripe, meaning it is firm, but not hard – squeezing it gently does not leave a dent. Store avocados at room temperature for three or four days until they are soft enough to dent on squeezing. To speed ripening, place the avocados in a paper bag and store at room temperature until they are ready to eat (three to five days). Including an apple in the bag speeds up the process even more.
    For easy eating, halve the avocado by running a knife lengthwise around the middle of the avocado. Hold the avocado in both hands and twist at the cut. The halves will separate easily, leaving the pit in one half. Spoon out the flesh and enjoy. Mash avocados into dip for children. For adults, add tomatoes, onion, and garlic to make guacamole.
    Storing Guacamole or Half an Avocado
    Avocado turns brown after it’s been exposed to air. To prevent this, sprinkle lemon or lime juice on the cut side of half an avocado and cover it tightly with plastic wrap. Include lemon or lime juice in your guacamole recipe to keep it from turning brown.
    Avocado Sandwich
    A favorite sandwich for growing children (and genetically lean adults) is whole wheat bread, a thin layer of peanut butter, thinly sliced tomatoes, a thick layer of guacamole, and a mound of alfalfa sprouts. For added richness, add a thin layer of lowfat mayonnaise. Enjoy!

  5. Banana. Bananas mash easily for baby food and blend nicely into a sweet smoothie. They contain a lot of potassium, so eating a daily banana is helpful to people on certain medications, such as diuretics, which may deplete the body of potassium. Even though most bananas are imported, the easy-to-peel feature of bananas makes it easy to peel the pesticides off.
  6. Blueberries. On the surface, blueberries don’t seem to pack any particular standout nutrient. Yet recent studies have shown that blueberries have healthy stuff in their skin, an antioxidant, cancer-fighting phyto, called anthocyanin . Blueberries are an excellent fruit for making smoothies. Their sweet taste and rich purple color give any smoothie a more appealing taste, texture, and color.
  7. Boysenberries. Boysenberries are a great source of fiber.
  8. Cantaloupe. Cantaloupes are high in vitamin C, beta carotene, and potassium.
  9. Cherries. Cherries contain some beta carotene, and sour cherries contain more beta carotene than sweet cherries.
  10. Dates. Dates are a good source of fiber, iron, and niacin.
  11. Figs, dried. Dried figs are high in calories and high in carbs, but they also contain abundant amounts of other nutrients, such as calcium, fiber, protein, and potassium. They make an excellent snack and add fiber when they’re chopped up and included in cookies. Because of the high fiber and high calcium content, they get an honorable mention on our “Top Ten Fruits” list. Their high carbohydrate and sugar content could be a drawback for sugar-sensitive individuals, but for athletes, figs would be a great addition to a pre-game meal.
  12. Grapefruit. Grapefruit is a great fruit, low in calories, high in fiber, with lots of vitamin C. If you get the pink or red variety instead of the white, grapefruit is also rich in beta carotene. Half the fiber is the insoluble type (good for the intestines) and half is soluble pectin fiber (good for the heart). Remember, though, that a lot of fiber is in the stringy walls that separate the segments. If you’re digging out grapefruit segments with a spoon, you’ll miss out on much of the fiber.
  13. Grapes. The skin of red and purple grapes contain cancer-fighting anthocyanin pigments, similar to the ones in blueberries. Green, seedless grapes are not exactly nutritional standouts, but kids love to snack on them, especially on hot days. They’re a popular alternative to soda or candy.
    Good Grapes
    Red wine has recently been touted as a health food because of studies showing a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease in cultures that drink a lot of red wine. Red wine may help to lower cholesterol. Yet, the health properties are probably not in the alcohol , but in the grapes. Grape skins contain resveratrol , a substance that can lower cholesterol and prevent fats in the bloodstream from sticking together and clogging arteries. Eating grapes, drinking dark grape juice that is made with skins, or eating raisins may be just as heart-healthy as drinking wine, without the health hazards of alcohol.

    The Whole Fruit, and Nothing but…
    Eating the whole fruit is better than drinking the juice of the fruit, especially if you are watching your weight. A cup of apple juice contains around 115 calories with minimum nutrition, yet a medium-size apple has only 80 calories with a lot more nutrition. With the whole fruit you get the filling effect of fiber, so you tend to eat less. Juice goes down quickly, so you tend to want more.

  14. Guava. Guavas are hard to find, but gobble them up when you can. They rate high among the fruits for fiber and vitamin E. Guava juice is readily available in the juice section of most supermarkets, yet it contains added corn syrup, diluting the nutritional value compared to the raw fruit.
  15. Honeydew melon. Honeydew melon is not nearly as nutritious as cantaloupe. Cantaloupe contains half the number of calories, nearly twice the protein, slightly more fiber, more calcium, and a lot more beta carotene, compared with only a trace in honey-dew.
  16. Kiwi. Kiwi is a great source of vitamin C. Try cutting it in half and eating it out of the peel with a spoon.
  17. Lemon and lime. Lemons and limes are a moderately good source of vitamin C, with lemons containing about one-third more vitamin C than limes. Lemon and lime juice add flavor to dishes, which can be helpful if you’re cutting back on salt.
    Fruit Fresheners
    Lemon acts like an antioxidant to keep cut fruit from quickly oxidizing (turning brown). Sprinkle lemon juice on apple slices and California avocado halves or guacamole to preserve their freshness.

  18. Mango. Mangoes are high in fiber, high in beta carotene (similar to apricots and cantaloupe), high in vitamin C — but much higher in calories than equal servings of similar fruits, such as cantaloupe and papaya.
  19. Orange. Oranges are known for their vitamin C content, but they’re also a good source of folate and fiber. They even contain some calcium. As with grapefruit, the white membrane under the skin of the orange contains more vitamin C than the flesh and a lot of the pectin fiber. When peeling the orange, try to leave the white inner peeling on and eat it with the flesh (if you don’t mind the slightly bitter taste).
  20. Papaya. High in calcium, folic acid, vitamin C, fiber, and carotenoids, this near-perfect fruit is becoming more widely available and affordable.
  21. Peach. The best peaches are tree-ripened and therefore locally grown. They contain some carotenoids and a tiny bit of vitamin C.
  22. Pear. A high sorbitol content, plus extra fiber, makes pears ideal for persons suffering from constipation. Most of the vitamin C in pears is concentrated in the skin, as is some of the fiber, so peeled, canned pears are less nutritious than fresh.
  23. Persimmons. Persimmons are high in fiber, carotenoids, and vitamin A. Some varieties are extremely high in vitamin C.
  24. Pineapple. Its claim to fame is that it’s the fruit highest in the essential nutrient, manganese, and that it has digestive enzymes, as does papaya.
  25. Plum. Plums contain a bit of carotenoids and some vitamin C. There are many varieties from which to choose.
  26. Prunes. Prunes get an honorable mention on our “Top Ten Fruits” list because they contain at least some of many different important vitamins and minerals. Compared with other fruits, prunes are especially high in fiber (half of it the soluble type), protein, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, and iron. They contain a touch of zinc and niacin, and some prunes even contain a bit of beta carotene. Prunes are known for their ability to move the intestines, thanks to their high fiber content and large amounts of the stool-loosening sugar, sorbitol.
  27. Raisins. This favorite snack food is high in fiber and iron but also high in calories and sugar. You can get the iron and fiber at a lower caloric cost in other fruits.
  28. Raspberries. Of all the fruits, raspberries pack the most fiber into the fewest calories. They’re also higher in folic acid and zinc than most fruits. It is difficult to wash raspberries thoroughly, making pesticides a concern.
  29. Strawberries. Strawberries have two nutritional claims to fame: they are higher in vitamin C per calorie than any other fruit and they are high in fiber. Like raspberries, strawberries lose points because of the pesticide issue. You don’t peel them and because of their rough texture, they are hard to clean. Only organic strawberries make it onto our “Top Ten Fruits” list.
  30. Tangerine. This member of the orange family contains much less vitamin C, folate, and fiber than an orange, but more vitamin A and carotenoids.
  31. Watermelon. Watermelon is the top fruit source of the carotenoid antioxidant lycopen
Colorful berries (blueberries and blackberries) are full of phytonutrients (especially the skin of blueberries) which contains powerful antioxidants, called anthocyanins (from the Greek for “dark blue flower”), and cancer fighters. Blueberries are a prime example of our color rule: the deeper the color, the better the berry. Similar antioxidants are found in other reddish-purple fruits and plants, such as cherries, red cabbage, and plums. These are the type of antioxidants that are responsible for the much-touted heart-healthy effect of red wine. (You could probably get the same health benefits from munching on red grapes.) Blueberries have the highest antioxidant capacity, mainly because of the high level of anthocyanins in the blueberry’s skin. Bilberries have anthocyanins in the flesh as well as in their skin. All blueberries are not created equal. The smaller, wild blueberries have more skin and less water than the plump, cultivated blueberries. Because most of the health-promoting pigment is in the skin, the smaller the berry, the more anthocyanins. When it comes to these blue benefits, bigger is not better. Blueberries are great in pancakes, muffins, over cereal, and blended into smoothies. The health properties of these often underrated berries are well worth the stain you may get on your fingers.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Teen Pregnancy: from a young moms point of view.

This blog is about young moms and their struggles. How they have dealt with pregnancy being so young to now. Thank you ladies for contributing your stories.


I found out I was pregnant in October 2013. I was a senior in high school and getting pregnant was far from what I was expecting. I had irregular periods a lot so I didn't keep track like I should have. Well about a week after my 18th birthday I started feeling super drained. I could sleep all day even though I was goin to bed at the same time and my day routine was normal. I knew something was up when I sat down to eat and felt super nauseous. I thought I was gettin a bug so I just went in to get some medicine but sure enough I was pregnant. So many thoughts ran through my mind. What was my parents goin to say, what was my Bf going to do, how was I goin to finish school? Everyone took it well but the first 4 months were awful!!! I could hardly go to school cuz I had awful sickness all day long, all I wanted to do was sleep, horrible headaches, and then having to see a chiropractor for my back. I developed anxiety about halfway through my pregnancy and I had no clue what was happening to me. One day I found myself not being able to breath, my chest hurt terribly, and I just felt like I couldn't function. I had to wear a heart monitor, several ekg's, blood work, and finally got the all clear that it was only anxiety. It was a huge relief that nothing was physically wrong with me but I had to do something about my anxiety. My Bf and I had decided to get married and I was able to move in with him and his parents so that he could still be close to work. I didn't have any income since I was 6 months pregnant so things were hard at times but support from family was amazing . My husband was so supportive and just as excited as I was. My anxiety seemed to be better since we didn't have to worry about finances and finding a place to live in such short notice. We ended up getting married at the courthouse because I was super stressed with finishing school and planning a wedding. I got behind in a few of my online classes and I thought for sure I was going to fail. I ended up have my son at 39 weeks 3 days. I took my last high school final a week later with my son in my lap. I never imagined being married and having a baby at 18 but I wouldn't trade it for the world. There was many struggles along the way but now my husband and I have our own place and a little girl on the way in September. Being 19 with two babies isn't what I had planned but it's what God had in store for me. With a supportive husband and family anything is possible.
        ~Kristen Harwood
Hello when I first found out that I was pregnant I had just turned 16 years old, during the summer of me starting my second year of high school my mom was upset with me but I wasn't being raised by her I was with my grandma and my aunt they raised me my mom had took me to planned parenthood and had asked me if I was going to give my kid up for adoption or if I was going to give him or her to my grandma so she could take care of him or her and I told her no I was going to. When I had started my second year of high school no one wanted to hang out with me because I was the pregnant girl and or i'd get these weird stares and people would whisper is she pregnant or is she just fat like I couldn't hear them. girls in my grade started asking me if I was pregnant because they thought it was a rumor and when I told them they said thank you for being honest with me because most people would lie and they started to talk to me because I didn't lie to them, 3 months into high school I moved away to a different school and had to start all over again with friends, then in February I had my daughter Ashton now 3 years old I was so excited the only thing was I couldn't share the joy with the father because sadly I didn't know who it was because it was...we went and got a DNA test done for the guy I thought it was and it turned out to be him. when our daughter was 4 months old we started to work things out and got back together and eventually my daughter and I moved in with him, everything was nice and I loved having my family the it's so nice to watch your kids grow up and watch them over come things it's nice to see them crawl, walk and talk, juggling school and taking care of her after I got home was hard, then when she was 9 months old I found out that I was pregnant with baby number 2 I was in 11th grade at that point in time and I still was so excited to be having another kid but I felt guilty because it was so soon and it wasn't planned I felt like a bad mom, I didn't tell anyone other then my fiancé and his mom knew but that was it..after my daughter turned 1 two days after my grandma passed and I beat my self up for not telling her ...my mourning sickness was awful and still being in high school got bad because i was sick all the time or I didn't get any sleep so I never got up for school so I eventually stopped going I had my son junior in July and now I just had my fiancés and My 3rd kid together the 28th of April. All my kids are young and it's hard to take care of them sometimes but I'd never change it for the world. It's great to say that I actually am raising and taking care of my own kids with my fiancé their dad and to step up and take responsibility for being so young when I had my first kid to now. The struggles of being a teen mom at a young age is having friends and then all of a sudden not having friends the next day because their parents found out that I was pregnant so they didn't want them talking to me anymore because they thought their kids would have gotten pregnant if they hung out with me and having people think I couldn't do it because I was a child my self. And having people doubt you because of being so young.
        ~Michalla Shultz

I found out I was pregnant March 2013. I was 18 and had only been married 3 months. We was scared but so excited. Our pregnancy came to an end on April 29th 2013. The first of many upsets. I conceived in June 2013. Everything was great we was expecting twin girls. On November 14th again our pregnant ended with them having no heart beat. My husband and I was so upset. I was thinking I was less of a women cause I couldn't not have kids. I started drinking everyday unsure emoticon we had a slip up . On December 22 I found out I was pregnant again. January came and I started bleeding again. My husband told me I should just realize I couldn't have kids. I made him take me to the hospital anyways at the hospital they wouldn't show us anything. The next day I went for an ultrasound where my baby had a heart beat and was doing great. I had a blood clot in the sac with the baby that's why I was bleeding. I delivered a beautiful handsome little boy in September . I'm now 20, my son is 9months and I'm 3months pregnant with a healthy baby so far.

I found out I was pregnant in April of 2010. I was 16 but turned 17 May 1st. In September of 2010 that I returned to school as a senior. It was a horrible experience going to school while pregnant. I would get the stares, the "does she know who the dad is?" When I would pass by. I would walk proudly because I have only been with my boyfriend intimately. It wasn't until October that I was hospitalized and put on bed rest because my preeclampsia was so bad. During my stay only two of my "friends" were there to visit only a few times. I was induced on November 13th and had my son on November 15th all natural. He was only 3lbs and 15.5oz. We had to stay in NICU for two weeks. I was the most painful most rewarding thing ever. I still had my "friends" by my side being supportive. I returned to school in February of 2011 I only had an English class to complete and it was in the morning. Right after the class I would get on the city bus and go straight home to my baby boy. In April of 2011 rumors started to spread about my "friends" that supposedly I started, come to find out my own "friends" started them and blamed them on me because they just didn't want to be my friends anymore. I was called a whore, bad mother, and terrible friend. EVERYONE stopped talking to me right before graduation and I had to walk with all boys who were basically the only ones who would talk to me. I took a year off of school after graduation to be with my son. I went back to school in March of 2012 and graduated as a Medical assistant in January of 2013. Come to find out I was pregnant with my youngest on October of 2013 and delivered him on July 12th, 2014. Healthy as can be . Until this day me and my husband are very happy with our two boys. And I have only been with my husband so I don't consider myself a whore.


I was 18 when I got pregnant! It was so hard because I was just getting over a breakup from the love of my life(Silly Teenage Love) I found the first Rebound guy I could get a hold of and got pregnant 3 months later! I was a horrible and the most depressing time! I missed a lot of periods and than got one in Sept. of 2010! Never got one in Oct. so a day after I had a really weird dream I took a test and found out I was expecting! I told the dad( even though we weren't speaking at that point) that i was pregnant and he was ok but not really excited or anything! I didn't tell my parents till couple weeks later and I first told my mom and she cried and cried for a very long time! Than My sister(7 years older) came along and I told her which she started crying also! They were both so upset and so disappointed in me! I come from a very conservative Baptist Family that does not believe in sex before marriage! The hardest and scariest time in my life was when my father came home! I sat next to him already crying and my mom told him I was pregnant! He was so mad and started yelling and screaming! I ran to my room and texted my mom and told her that i understand if they want to kick me out of the house and that i don't care anymore! Couple weeks later we went in and told my pastor that i was pregnant and I was going to go tell the church family so they weren't in shock when my belly got big! My work family was so sweet and let me go home early because I was crying so hard and shaking after that talk because I really hate any type of confrontation! Thankfully my Church family was 100% supportive and so loving! My family was still barely talking to me so I decided at 20 weeks to invite both girls(mom and sister) to the ultrasound and they both fell in love with their new Niece and Grand daughter that all was pretty much forgiven and they were very happy! My dad finally came around at 28 weeks when he felt her move! I worked up until 40 weeks and 2 days when I finally got induced and my whole family was there and the dad came last minute to the birth! I had a wonderful Labor and Delivery and went home 2 days later to house filled with love smile emoticon I didn't really have any bumps along the way except with the babies dad would never come around and just wasn't being helpful at all! Fast Forward past all the boring stuff to 15 months after she was born! I was dating my Best Friend of 4 years and we were only dating for a month or so when my daughter decided to call him daddy which we just pretended like never happened but thankfully a year later he is her official daddy and we could NOT be more thrilled! Life has been really great and the love in the house is so sweet that i couldn't wish for anything more! I am now 23 and she is 4 years old (Birthday 2 weeks away!!) We are hoping for a new member of the family here soon to join us 3 humans smile emoticon 2 dogs and 3 cats smile emoticon We are all really excited to keep growing and growing love more and more every day!!!



Saturday, June 20, 2015

Forceps Delivery


A forceps delivery is a type of operative vaginal delivery. It's sometimes needed in the course of vaginal childbirth.

Before your health care provider considers a forceps delivery, he or she might try other ways to encourage labor to progress. For example, he or she might adjust your anesthetic to encourage more effective pushing. To stimulate stronger contractions, another option might be intravenous medication — typically a synthetic version of the hormone oxytocin (Pitocin).

If a forceps delivery seems to be the best option, your health care provider will explain the risks and benefits of the procedure and ask for your consent.

If you haven't already been given a regional anesthetic, your health care provider will likely give you an epidural or a spinal anesthetic. A member of your medical team will place a catheter in your bladder to empty it of urine. Your health care provider might also make an incision in the tissue between your vagina and your anus (episiotomy) to help ease the delivery of your baby.

In a forceps delivery, a health care provider applies forceps — an instrument shaped like a pair of large spoons or salad tongs — to the baby's head to help guide the baby out of the birth canal. This is typically done during a contraction while the mother pushes.

Why it's done

A forceps delivery might be considered if your labor meets certain criteria — your cervix is fully dilated, your membranes have ruptured and your baby has descended into the birth canal headfirst, but you're not able to push the baby out. A forceps delivery is only appropriate in a birthing center or hospital where a C-section can be done, if needed.

Your health care provider might recommend a forceps delivery if:

  • You're pushing, but labor isn't progressing. If you've never given birth before, labor is considered stalled if you've pushed for a period of two to three hours but haven't made any progress. If you've given birth before, labor might be considered stalled if you've pushed for a period of one to two hours without any progress.
  • Your baby's heartbeat suggests a problem. If your health care provider is concerned about changes in your baby's heartbeat and an immediate delivery is necessary, he or she might recommend a forceps delivery.
  • You have a health concern. If you have certain medical conditions — such as narrowing of the heart's aortic valve (aortic valve stenosis) — your health care provider might limit the amount of time you push.
  • Your baby's head is facing the wrong direction. A forceps delivery might be needed if your baby's head is facing up (occiput posterior position) rather than down (occiput anterior position).

Keep in mind that whenever a forceps delivery is recommended, a C-section is typically also an option.

Your health care provider might caution against a forceps delivery if:

  • Your baby has a condition that affects the strength of his or her bones, such as osteogenesis imperfecta, or has a bleeding disorder, such as hemophilia
  • Your baby's head hasn't yet moved past the midpoint of the birth canal
  • The position of your baby's head isn't known
  • Your baby's shoulders or arms are leading the way through the birth canal
  • Your baby might not be able to fit through your pelvis due to his or her size or the size of your pelvis


During a forceps delivery, you'll lie on your back, slightly inclined, with your legs spread apart. You might be asked to grip handles on each side of the delivery table to brace yourself while pushing.

Between contractions, your health care provider will place two or more fingers inside your vagina and beside your baby's head. He or she will then gently slide one tong between his or her hand and the baby's head, followed by placement of the other tong on the other side of your baby's head. The tongs will be locked together to cradle your baby's head.

During the next few contractions, you'll push and your health care provider will use the forceps to gently guide your baby through the birth canal.

If your baby's head is facing up, your health care provider might use the forceps to rotate your baby's head between contractions.

If delivery of the baby is certain, your health care provider will unlock and remove the forceps before the widest part of your baby's head passes through the birth canal. Alternatively, your health care provider might keep the forceps in place to control the advance of your baby's head.

Forceps deliveries aren't always successful. If your health care provider isn't able to properly grasp the baby with the forceps, he or she might use a cup attached to a vacuum pump to deliver your baby (vacuum extraction) or opt for a C-section.

If your health care provider applies the forceps but isn't able to move your baby after three pulls or if delivery doesn't occur within about 20 minutes, a C-section is likely the best option.


A forceps delivery poses a risk of injury for both mother and baby. If a forceps delivery fails, a cesarean delivery (C-section) might be needed.

Possible risks to you include:

    • Pain in the perineum — the tissue between your vagina and your anus — after delivery
    • Lower genital tract tears and wounds
    • Difficulty urinating or emptying the bladder
    • Short-term or long-term urinary or fecal incontinence
    • Anemia — a condition in which you don't have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your tissues — due to blood loss during delivery
    • Injuries to the bladder or urethra — the tube that connects the bladder to the outside of the body
    • Uterine rupture — when the baby breaks through the wall of the uterus into the mother's abdominal cavity
    • Weakening of the muscles and ligaments supporting your pelvic organs, causing pelvic organs to slip out of place (pelvic organ prolapse)

    While most of these risks are also associated vaginal deliveries in general, they're more likely with a forceps delivery.

    If your health care provider does an episiotomy — an incision in the tissue between the vagina and the anus that can help ease the delivery of your baby — you're also at risk of postpartum bleeding and infection.

    Possible risks to your baby — although rare — include:

    • Minor facial injuries due to the pressure of the forceps
    • Temporary weakness in the facial muscles (facial palsy)
    • Minor external eye trauma
    • Skull fracture
    • Bleeding within the skull
    • Seizures

    Minor marks on your baby's face after a forceps delivery are normal and temporary. Serious infant injuries after a forceps delivery are rare.

    Resources: Mayo Clinic

Bleeding During Early Pregnancy

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy can occur frequently in the first trimester of pregnancy and may not be a sign of problems. But bleeding that occurs in the second and third trimester of pregnancy can often be a sign of a possible complication. Bleeding can be caused by a number of reasons.
Some basic things to know about bleeding are:
  • If you are bleeding, you should always wear a pad or panty liner so that you can monitor how much you are bleeding and what type of bleeding you are experiencing.
  • You should never wear a tampon or introduce anything else into the vaginal area such as douche or sexual intercourse if you are currently experiencing bleeding.
  • If you are also experiencing any of the other symptoms mentioned below in connection with a possible complication, you should contact your health care provider immediately.

First Half Of Pregnancy:

MiscarriageBleeding can be a sign of miscarriage but does not mean that miscarriage is imminent. Studies show that anywhere from 20-30% of women experience some degree of bleeding in early pregnancy. Approximately half of pregnant women who bleed do not have miscarriages. Approximately 15-20% of all pregnancies result in a miscarriage, and the majority occur during the first 12 weeks.
Signs of Miscarriage include:
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Cramping pain felt low in the stomach (stronger than menstrual cramps)
  • Tissue passing through the vagina
Most miscarriages cannot be prevented. They are often the body’s way of dealing with an unhealthy pregnancy that was not developing.  A miscarriage does not mean that you cannot have a future healthy pregnancy or that you yourself are not healthy.
Ectopic pregnancies are pregnancies that implant somewhere outside the uterus. The fallopian tube accounts for the majority of ectopic pregnancies. Ectopic pregnancies are less common than miscarriages, occurring in 1 of 60 pregnancies.
Signs of Ectopic Pregnancies:
  • Cramping pain felt low in the stomach (usually stronger than menstrual cramps)
  • Sharp pain in the abdominal area
  • Low levels of hCG
  • Vaginal bleeding
Women are at a higher risk if they have had:
  • An infection in the tubes
  • A previous ectopic pregnancy
  • Previous pelvic surgery
Molar pregnancies are a rare cause of early bleeding. Often referred to as a “mole”, a molar pregnancy involves the growth of abnormal tissue instead of an embryo. It is also referred to as gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD).
Signs of a Molar Pregnancy:
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Blood tests reveal unusually high hCG levels
  • Absent fetal heart tones
  • Grape-like clusters are seen in the uterus by an ultrasound

What Are Common Reasons For Bleeding In The First Half Of Pregnancy?

Since bleeding that occurs in the first half of pregnancy is so common (20-30%), many wonder what the causes are besides some of the complications already mentioned.
Bleeding can occur in early pregnancy due to the following factors, aside from the above mentioned complications:
  • Implantation bleeding can occur anywhere from 6-12 days after possible conception. Every woman will experience implantation bleeding differently—some will lightly spot for a few hours, while others may have some light spotting for a couple of days.
  • Some type of infection in the pelvic cavity or urinary tract may cause bleeding.
  • After intercourse some women may bleed because the cervix is very tender and sensitive. You should discontinue intercourse until you have been seen by your doctor. This is to prevent any further irritation—having normal sexual intercourse does not cause a miscarriage.


Friday, June 19, 2015

Yoga Poses Every Pregnant Woman Should Know


When you're pregnant, parts of your body hurt that you didn't even know existed. Weird aches and pains pop up out of nowhere and your growing belly can make finding comfortable positions nearly impossible.
Cathy Louise Broda certainly felt the pregnancy pains, especially the second time around when she was carrying twins. Thankfully for us, however, Broda has been doing yoga for 23 years and has honed her practice specifically for pregnant women. At Purple Yoga Hawaii, her studio in Honolulu, Broda has found five positions that are especially helpful for relieving pregnancy pains as well as stretching the body to make room for the growing baby. An added bonus? Many of these positions are great, reliable methods to cope with pain and discomforts during labor.
Broda recommends starting by sitting and doing three head rolls to the right and then left. You may be tempted to rush through this part, but don't -- few things feel as good and relieve as much tension during pregnancy as a slow, deep head roll.
Feel better already, don't you? Now, onto those 5 positions:
1. Extended Side Angle Pose: 
We feel especially sluggish during pregnancy, but that doesn't mean you can't find energy reserves to tap into. Try the extended side angle pose when you're dragging. It requires strong legs and works to open up the hips -- a much needed stretch if you're sitting at a desk all day. "Extending the upper arm above the head at an angle works the whole side body from finger tips to the extended back leg," notes Broda. If you reach for it, you might find you have more energy than you think.
prenatal yoga
Remember to keep a bent elbow on the bent knee during pregnancy.
2. Triangle Pose: 
Somewhere between remembering to take your vitamins and prepping a nursery, did you start to feel like you were losing your sanity just a bit? While pregnancy is a time of celebration, it is also a highly anxious time and you may find yourself carrying around a bit too much tension. Try a modified triangle pose to regain your sense of balance. This all-around good pose works the legs, stretches the side body, energizes the hips, and opens up the shoulders, which (we're guessing) have started to cave in a bit under the pressure.
prenatal yoga
Modify this pose during pregnancy to ensure your stance isn't too wide.
3. Sitting Side Stretch:
Around week 30, you may look down in terror as you try to figure out where 10 more weeks of growth are supposed to go. The sitting side stretch will open your side waist and pelvis and stretch the hips. "As our bellies get bigger," Broda reminds us, "it's important to find as much space in your torso as possible."
pregnant stretch
4. Cat / Cow Poses:
Do back pains have you already dreading the ominous and mysterious sounding "back labor?" We feel you. Most women will endure back pains at some point in their pregnancy, but gently rocking between cat and cow poses will work to warm up the spine and stretch the body, hopefully getting you back on track. They also help to shift the weight of the baby away from the spine, giving you some much needed relief. You'll want to remember and practice this one, Broda says, in case you do have "back labor."
pregnant yoga
5. Child's Pose: 
If you've ever taken a yoga class, you probably love child’s pose because it signifies a short break from all the hard work. When you're pregnant, however, your normal day can begin to feel like a lot of hard work and it's important to take time to rest and regroup. When in child's pose, Broda recommends focusing on relaxing the face and breathing deeply into the back -- two important lessons to remember in between contractions!
childs pose
As your belly grows, keep your big toes together and spread your knees apart to create space. Likewise, if it's more comfortable to sit up high, rather than bringing your bum to your ankles, go for it. Just remember to rest your forehead and to breath deeply into your back.
Want more of Broda's calming stretches? Check out her DVD, which she filmed while pregnant with her twins.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

safe medications while pregnant and breastfeeding

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Safe to take while pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heartburn, gas and bloating, upset stomachAntacids for heartburn (Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, Tums)

Simethicone for gas pains (Gas-X, Maalox Anti-Gas, Mylanta Gas, Mylicon)
Cough or coldGuaifenesin, an expectorant (Hytuss, Mucinex, Naldecon Senior EX, Robitussin)

Dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant (Benylin Adult, Robitussin Maximum Strength Cough, Scot-Tussin DM, Vicks 44 Cough Relief)

Guaifenesin plus dextromethorphan (Benylin Expectorant, Robitussin DM, Vicks 44E)

Cough drops

Vicks VapoRub

Not safe to take:

Cold remedies that contain alcohol

The decongestants pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine, which can affect blood flow to the placenta
Pain relief, headache, and feverAcetaminophen (Anacin Aspirin-Free, Tylenol)
Allergy reliefChlorpheniramine, an antihistamine (Chlor-Trimeton allergy tablets)

Loratadine, an antihistamine (Alavert, Claritin, Tavist ND, Triaminic Allerchews)

Diphenhydramine, an antihistamine (Banophen, Benadryl, Diphenhist, Genahist)
Constipation, hemorrhoids, and diarrhea Psyllium (Konsyl-D, Metamucil, Modane Bulk, Perdiem)

Polycarbophil (Equalactin, Fiber-Lax, FiberNorm, Konsyl-Fiber, Mitrolan)

Methylcellulose (Citrucel, Unifiber)

Other laxatives and stool softeners (Colace, Dulcolax, Maltsupex, milk of magnesia)

Hemorrhoid creams (Anusol, Preparation H, Tucks)

Loperamide, anti-diarrhea medication (Imodium, Kaopectate II, Maalox Anti-Diarrheal, Pepto Diarrhea Control)
Yeast infections and other fungal infections such as athlete's footClotrimazole (Cruex, Gyne-Lotrimin 3, Lotrimin AF, Mycelex 7)

Miconazole (Desenex, Femizol-M, Micatin, Monistat 3)

Terbinafine (Lamisil AT)

Tioconazole (Monistat 1, Vagistat 1)

Butoconazole (Femstat 3, Mycelex 3)

Butenafine (Lotrimin Ultra)

Tolnaftate (Absorbine Athlete's Foot Cream, Absorbine Footcare, Genaspor, Tinactin)

Undecylenic Acid and derivatives (Cruex, Desenex, Fungi Cure, Tinacide)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Not safe to take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Certain antifungal products not listed here
(Certain Cruex, Desenex, and Fungi Cure products may contain other antifungal agents not listed here that should not be used during pregnancy. Check labels carefully.)
InsomniaDiphenhydramine (Benadryl, Maximum Strength Unisom SleepGels, Nytol, Sominex)

Doxylamine succinate (Unisom Nighttime Sleep-Aid)
ItchingHydrocortisone (Cortaid, Lanacort)

Cuts and scrapes

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Safe to take while breastfeeding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Usually Safe to Take in Usual Doses

Name of DrugBrand NameUse
AcetaminophenTylenolUsed for pain relief
Acyclovir and valacyclovirZovirax, ValtrexAntiviral for herpes infections
AntacidsMaalox, MylantaUsed to treat upset stomachs
BupivacaineMarcaineA local anesthetic
Caffeine (up to 3 drinks/day)coffee, soft drinksA stimulant
CephalosporinsKeflex, Ceclor, Ceftin, Omnicef, SupraxAntibiotics for lung, ear, skin, urinary tract, throat, and bone infections
ClotrimazoleLotrimin, MycelexUsed to treat yeast and fungal infections
Contraceptives (progestin-only)Micronor, Norplant, Depo-ProveraUsed for birth control
CorticosteroidsPrednisoneUsed to treat inflammation of joints and other conditions
Decongestant nasal spraysAfrinUsed to treat stuffy noses
DigoxinLanoxinUsed to treat heart problems
ErythromycinE-Mycin, ErythrocinUsed for skin and respiratory infections
FexofenadineAllegraAntihistamine for allergies and hay fever
FluconazoleDiflucanUsed to treat yeast infections
Heparin Used to keep blood from clotting
IbuprofenMotrin, AdvilUsed for pain relief
Inhalers, bronchodilators, and corticosteroidsAlbuterol, VancerilUsed for asthma
Insulin For diabetes; dosage required may drop up to 25 percent during lactation
Laxatives, bulk-forming and stool softeningMetamucil, ColaceUsed to treat constipation
LidocaineXylocaineA local anesthetic
LoratadineClaritinAntihistamine for allergies and hay fever
Low molecular weight heparins (enoxaparin, dalteparin, tinzaparin)Lovenox, Fragmin, InnohepAnticoagulants
Magnesium sulfate Used to treat preeclampsia and eclampsia
MethyldopaAldometUsed to treat high blood pressure
Methylergonovine (short courses)MethergineUsed to prevent or control bleeding after childbirth
MetoprololLopressorA beta-blocker used to treat high blood pressure
MiconazoleMonistat 3Used to treat yeast infections
NifedipineAdalat, ProcardiaUsed for high blood pressure and Raynaud's syndrome of the nipple
PenicillinsAmoxicillin, DynapenUsed to treat bacterial infections
PropranololInderalA beta blocker used to treat heart problems, and high blood pressure
TheophyllineTheo-DurUsed to treat asthma and bronchitis
TretinoinRetin ACream used for acne. Avoid contact of cream with infant.
Thyroid replacementSynthroidUsed to treat thyroid problems
Vaccines (except smallpox and yellow fever)  
VancomycinVancocinAn antibiotic
VerapamilCalan, Isoptin, VerelanUsed for high blood pressure
WarfarinCoumadinUsed to treat or prevent blood clots


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Probably Safe in Usual Doses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Little is known about the effects of these drugs on a breastfeeding infant, but if there is an effect, it will probably be mild. In rare cases, a child might have allergic reaction.

Name of DrugBrand NameUse
ACE inhibitorsEnalapril (Vasotec), Benazepril (Lotensin)Used to treat high blood pressure
Anticholinergic agentsPro-BanthineUsed to treat intestinal and gall bladder spasms; may reduce milk supply
AnticonvulsantsDepakote, Dilantin, Tegretol (avoid ethosuximide, phenobarbital, and primidone)Used for seizures and mood disorders
Antihistamines, First-generationBenadryl, Chlor-TrimetonMay reduce milk supply and cause infant drowsiness or fussiness
AntitubercularsINHUsed to treat tuberculosis
Azathioprine (low doses)ImuranUsed to suppress the immune system following organ transplants
Barbiturates (except phenobarbital)Fiorinal, FioricetFor sedation and tension headaches
BupropionWellbutrinFor depression
ClindamycinCleocinUsed to treat abdominal and vaginal infections
Oral decongestantsSudafed, Entex PSEUsed to treat congestion associated with colds or allergies; often reduces milk supply
Ergonovine (short course) Used to treat uterine bleeding. May reduce milk supply.
GadoliniumMagnevist, OmniscanContrast agent for MRI studies
Histamine H2 blockersCimetidine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac), nizatadine (Axid), and famotidine (Pepcid — preferred)Used to treat stomach problems
LabetalolNormodyne, TrandateUsed for high blood pressure; caution with preterm babies
Hydrochlorothiazide (low doses)HydroDiurilDiuretic for high blood pressure
LorazepamAtivanUsed to treat anxiety
MethimazoleTapazoleUsed for hyperthyroidism; less than 20 mg/day is probably safe
MetoclopramideReglanUsed for gastrointestinal problems and to increase milk supply. Limit to 2 weeks.
Midazolam Sedative used in anesthesia
NaproxenNaprosyn, Anaprox, AleveUsed for pain relief; okay if baby is at least 1 month old
OmeprazolePrilosecUsed to treat stomach problems
OxazepamSeraxUsed to treat anxiety
ParoxetinePaxilUsed to treat depression
PropofolDiprivanSedative used in anesthesia
Quinidine Used to treat heartbeat irregularities
Quinolone antibacterialsCipro and Levaquin; Noroxin is preferredTreatment of urinary tract infections
Salicylates (occasional use)AspirinUsed for pain relief
SertralineZoloftUsed to treat depression
SpironolactoneAldactone, AldactazideUsed to treat high blood pressure
SumatriptanImitrexUsed to treat migraines
Tetracyclines < 14 daystetracycline, doxycyclineUsed to treat acne and urinary tract infections
Trazodone Used for depression and sleep
Tricyclic antidepressants (avoid doxepin)Elavil, Tofranil, PamelorUsed to treat depression; nortriptyline preferred
VerapamilCalan, Isoptin, VerelanUsed for high blood pressure

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Potentially Hazardous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should avoid or use these drugs with caution, particularly while breastfeeding a newborn or premature infant.
Name of DrugBrand NameUse
AcebutololSectralA beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms.
AtenololTenorminA beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms.
Antihistamine/decongestant combinationsContac, DimetappUsed to treat colds and allergies; may reduce your milk supply
Benzodiazepines, Long-ActingLibrium, Valium, DalmaneUsed to treat anxiety and for sleep (lorazepam, oxazepam preferred)
Chlorthalidone Diuretic used to treat high blood pressure; may reduce milk supply
CitalopramCelexaAntidepressant; can cause infant drowsiness
ClonidineCatapresUsed to treat high blood pressure, may reduce milk supply
Contraceptives (estrogen-containing)Ortho-Novum, Lo-Ovral, LoestrinUsed for birth control; may reduce milk supply
DoxepinSinequanUsed to treat depression
EgotamineCafergotUsed to treat migraines
EscitalopramLexaproUsed to treat depression
EthosuximideZarontinUsed to treat epilepsy
Fluorescein IV Used to diagnose retinal problems
FluoxetineProzac, SerafemUsed to treat depression
Iodinated contrast media Used to examine kidneys; withhold breastfeeding temporarily
LamotrigineLamictalUsed for seizures and mood disorders
Lithium (monitor infant serum levels)LithobidUsed to treat bipolar disorder
MetronidazoleFlagylAn antibiotic used to treat some intestinal and genital infections
NadololCorgardA beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure and heart problems
Narcotics, especially meperidine in addicts and high doses with newbornsTylenol #3, VicodinUsed for pain (one tablet every six hours maximum; watch for drowsiness)
NefazodoneSerzoneUsed for depression
Nicotine Smoking can reduce milk supply
NitrofurantoinMacrobidUsed to treat urinary tract infections (safe if the baby is at least 1 month old)
Phenobarbital, anticonvulsant doses Sedative and anticonvulsant
PiroxicamFeldeneUsed to treat arthritis and pain
PrimidoneMysolineUsed to treat seizures
Reserpine Used to treat hypertension
SotalolBetapaceUsed to treat heart problems
Thiazide diuretics, long-acting or high dosesAquatensin, Enduron, Lozol, ReneseFor high blood pressure or edema; high dose may reduce milk supply
VenlafaxineEffexorUsed to treat depression

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Not safe to take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These drugs are not safe for breastfeeding moms. Ask your physician if there is a safer alternative medication. If you must take them for health reasons, you should stop breastfeeding — either temporarily or permanently — depending on how long you need to take them. To keep your milk supply up you can "pump and dump" — that is, use a breast pump and discard what you collect until you're ready to breastfeed again.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name of DrugBrand NameUse
AmantadineSymmetrelUsed to treat the flu or Parkinson's disease; may reduce milk supply
AmiodaroneCordaroneUsed to treat heart problems
Antilipemics (excluding resins)Lescol, Lipitor, Lopid, Mevacor, Pravacor, ZocorUsed to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood
Antineoplastic agents Used to treat cancer
Aspirin (large doses) Used to treat arthritis
Chlorampenicol Used to treat serious infections
ClozapineClozarilUsed to treat schizophrenia
Dipyrone (dipirona in Mexican drugs) Used for pain and inflammation
Gold SaltsMyochrysineUsed to treat arthritis
Iodide productsBetadine, potassium iodideUsed for douching or as an expectorant
Iodine, radioactive Used to diagnose and treat hyperthyroidism
Lipid-lowering drugsLescol, Lipitor, Lopid, Mevacor, Pravacor, ZocorUsed to lower the level of fats in the blood
Metamizole (Dipyrone) Analgesic/anti-inflammatory. Banned in U.S. but available in Mexico
Salicyclates, large dosesAspirinUsed to treat arthritis