Thursday, June 18, 2015

safe medications while pregnant and breastfeeding

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Safe to take while pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heartburn, gas and bloating, upset stomachAntacids for heartburn (Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, Tums)

Simethicone for gas pains (Gas-X, Maalox Anti-Gas, Mylanta Gas, Mylicon)
Cough or coldGuaifenesin, an expectorant (Hytuss, Mucinex, Naldecon Senior EX, Robitussin)

Dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant (Benylin Adult, Robitussin Maximum Strength Cough, Scot-Tussin DM, Vicks 44 Cough Relief)

Guaifenesin plus dextromethorphan (Benylin Expectorant, Robitussin DM, Vicks 44E)

Cough drops

Vicks VapoRub

Not safe to take:

Cold remedies that contain alcohol

The decongestants pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine, which can affect blood flow to the placenta
Pain relief, headache, and feverAcetaminophen (Anacin Aspirin-Free, Tylenol)
Allergy reliefChlorpheniramine, an antihistamine (Chlor-Trimeton allergy tablets)

Loratadine, an antihistamine (Alavert, Claritin, Tavist ND, Triaminic Allerchews)

Diphenhydramine, an antihistamine (Banophen, Benadryl, Diphenhist, Genahist)
Constipation, hemorrhoids, and diarrhea Psyllium (Konsyl-D, Metamucil, Modane Bulk, Perdiem)

Polycarbophil (Equalactin, Fiber-Lax, FiberNorm, Konsyl-Fiber, Mitrolan)

Methylcellulose (Citrucel, Unifiber)

Other laxatives and stool softeners (Colace, Dulcolax, Maltsupex, milk of magnesia)

Hemorrhoid creams (Anusol, Preparation H, Tucks)

Loperamide, anti-diarrhea medication (Imodium, Kaopectate II, Maalox Anti-Diarrheal, Pepto Diarrhea Control)
Yeast infections and other fungal infections such as athlete's footClotrimazole (Cruex, Gyne-Lotrimin 3, Lotrimin AF, Mycelex 7)

Miconazole (Desenex, Femizol-M, Micatin, Monistat 3)

Terbinafine (Lamisil AT)

Tioconazole (Monistat 1, Vagistat 1)

Butoconazole (Femstat 3, Mycelex 3)

Butenafine (Lotrimin Ultra)

Tolnaftate (Absorbine Athlete's Foot Cream, Absorbine Footcare, Genaspor, Tinactin)

Undecylenic Acid and derivatives (Cruex, Desenex, Fungi Cure, Tinacide)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Not safe to take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Certain antifungal products not listed here
(Certain Cruex, Desenex, and Fungi Cure products may contain other antifungal agents not listed here that should not be used during pregnancy. Check labels carefully.)
InsomniaDiphenhydramine (Benadryl, Maximum Strength Unisom SleepGels, Nytol, Sominex)

Doxylamine succinate (Unisom Nighttime Sleep-Aid)
ItchingHydrocortisone (Cortaid, Lanacort)

Cuts and scrapes

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Safe to take while breastfeeding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Usually Safe to Take in Usual Doses

Name of DrugBrand NameUse
AcetaminophenTylenolUsed for pain relief
Acyclovir and valacyclovirZovirax, ValtrexAntiviral for herpes infections
AntacidsMaalox, MylantaUsed to treat upset stomachs
BupivacaineMarcaineA local anesthetic
Caffeine (up to 3 drinks/day)coffee, soft drinksA stimulant
CephalosporinsKeflex, Ceclor, Ceftin, Omnicef, SupraxAntibiotics for lung, ear, skin, urinary tract, throat, and bone infections
ClotrimazoleLotrimin, MycelexUsed to treat yeast and fungal infections
Contraceptives (progestin-only)Micronor, Norplant, Depo-ProveraUsed for birth control
CorticosteroidsPrednisoneUsed to treat inflammation of joints and other conditions
Decongestant nasal spraysAfrinUsed to treat stuffy noses
DigoxinLanoxinUsed to treat heart problems
ErythromycinE-Mycin, ErythrocinUsed for skin and respiratory infections
FexofenadineAllegraAntihistamine for allergies and hay fever
FluconazoleDiflucanUsed to treat yeast infections
Heparin Used to keep blood from clotting
IbuprofenMotrin, AdvilUsed for pain relief
Inhalers, bronchodilators, and corticosteroidsAlbuterol, VancerilUsed for asthma
Insulin For diabetes; dosage required may drop up to 25 percent during lactation
Laxatives, bulk-forming and stool softeningMetamucil, ColaceUsed to treat constipation
LidocaineXylocaineA local anesthetic
LoratadineClaritinAntihistamine for allergies and hay fever
Low molecular weight heparins (enoxaparin, dalteparin, tinzaparin)Lovenox, Fragmin, InnohepAnticoagulants
Magnesium sulfate Used to treat preeclampsia and eclampsia
MethyldopaAldometUsed to treat high blood pressure
Methylergonovine (short courses)MethergineUsed to prevent or control bleeding after childbirth
MetoprololLopressorA beta-blocker used to treat high blood pressure
MiconazoleMonistat 3Used to treat yeast infections
NifedipineAdalat, ProcardiaUsed for high blood pressure and Raynaud's syndrome of the nipple
PenicillinsAmoxicillin, DynapenUsed to treat bacterial infections
PropranololInderalA beta blocker used to treat heart problems, and high blood pressure
TheophyllineTheo-DurUsed to treat asthma and bronchitis
TretinoinRetin ACream used for acne. Avoid contact of cream with infant.
Thyroid replacementSynthroidUsed to treat thyroid problems
Vaccines (except smallpox and yellow fever)  
VancomycinVancocinAn antibiotic
VerapamilCalan, Isoptin, VerelanUsed for high blood pressure
WarfarinCoumadinUsed to treat or prevent blood clots


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Probably Safe in Usual Doses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Little is known about the effects of these drugs on a breastfeeding infant, but if there is an effect, it will probably be mild. In rare cases, a child might have allergic reaction.

Name of DrugBrand NameUse
ACE inhibitorsEnalapril (Vasotec), Benazepril (Lotensin)Used to treat high blood pressure
Anticholinergic agentsPro-BanthineUsed to treat intestinal and gall bladder spasms; may reduce milk supply
AnticonvulsantsDepakote, Dilantin, Tegretol (avoid ethosuximide, phenobarbital, and primidone)Used for seizures and mood disorders
Antihistamines, First-generationBenadryl, Chlor-TrimetonMay reduce milk supply and cause infant drowsiness or fussiness
AntitubercularsINHUsed to treat tuberculosis
Azathioprine (low doses)ImuranUsed to suppress the immune system following organ transplants
Barbiturates (except phenobarbital)Fiorinal, FioricetFor sedation and tension headaches
BupropionWellbutrinFor depression
ClindamycinCleocinUsed to treat abdominal and vaginal infections
Oral decongestantsSudafed, Entex PSEUsed to treat congestion associated with colds or allergies; often reduces milk supply
Ergonovine (short course) Used to treat uterine bleeding. May reduce milk supply.
GadoliniumMagnevist, OmniscanContrast agent for MRI studies
Histamine H2 blockersCimetidine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac), nizatadine (Axid), and famotidine (Pepcid — preferred)Used to treat stomach problems
LabetalolNormodyne, TrandateUsed for high blood pressure; caution with preterm babies
Hydrochlorothiazide (low doses)HydroDiurilDiuretic for high blood pressure
LorazepamAtivanUsed to treat anxiety
MethimazoleTapazoleUsed for hyperthyroidism; less than 20 mg/day is probably safe
MetoclopramideReglanUsed for gastrointestinal problems and to increase milk supply. Limit to 2 weeks.
Midazolam Sedative used in anesthesia
NaproxenNaprosyn, Anaprox, AleveUsed for pain relief; okay if baby is at least 1 month old
OmeprazolePrilosecUsed to treat stomach problems
OxazepamSeraxUsed to treat anxiety
ParoxetinePaxilUsed to treat depression
PropofolDiprivanSedative used in anesthesia
Quinidine Used to treat heartbeat irregularities
Quinolone antibacterialsCipro and Levaquin; Noroxin is preferredTreatment of urinary tract infections
Salicylates (occasional use)AspirinUsed for pain relief
SertralineZoloftUsed to treat depression
SpironolactoneAldactone, AldactazideUsed to treat high blood pressure
SumatriptanImitrexUsed to treat migraines
Tetracyclines < 14 daystetracycline, doxycyclineUsed to treat acne and urinary tract infections
Trazodone Used for depression and sleep
Tricyclic antidepressants (avoid doxepin)Elavil, Tofranil, PamelorUsed to treat depression; nortriptyline preferred
VerapamilCalan, Isoptin, VerelanUsed for high blood pressure

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Potentially Hazardous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should avoid or use these drugs with caution, particularly while breastfeeding a newborn or premature infant.
Name of DrugBrand NameUse
AcebutololSectralA beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms.
AtenololTenorminA beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms.
Antihistamine/decongestant combinationsContac, DimetappUsed to treat colds and allergies; may reduce your milk supply
Benzodiazepines, Long-ActingLibrium, Valium, DalmaneUsed to treat anxiety and for sleep (lorazepam, oxazepam preferred)
Chlorthalidone Diuretic used to treat high blood pressure; may reduce milk supply
CitalopramCelexaAntidepressant; can cause infant drowsiness
ClonidineCatapresUsed to treat high blood pressure, may reduce milk supply
Contraceptives (estrogen-containing)Ortho-Novum, Lo-Ovral, LoestrinUsed for birth control; may reduce milk supply
DoxepinSinequanUsed to treat depression
EgotamineCafergotUsed to treat migraines
EscitalopramLexaproUsed to treat depression
EthosuximideZarontinUsed to treat epilepsy
Fluorescein IV Used to diagnose retinal problems
FluoxetineProzac, SerafemUsed to treat depression
Iodinated contrast media Used to examine kidneys; withhold breastfeeding temporarily
LamotrigineLamictalUsed for seizures and mood disorders
Lithium (monitor infant serum levels)LithobidUsed to treat bipolar disorder
MetronidazoleFlagylAn antibiotic used to treat some intestinal and genital infections
NadololCorgardA beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure and heart problems
Narcotics, especially meperidine in addicts and high doses with newbornsTylenol #3, VicodinUsed for pain (one tablet every six hours maximum; watch for drowsiness)
NefazodoneSerzoneUsed for depression
Nicotine Smoking can reduce milk supply
NitrofurantoinMacrobidUsed to treat urinary tract infections (safe if the baby is at least 1 month old)
Phenobarbital, anticonvulsant doses Sedative and anticonvulsant
PiroxicamFeldeneUsed to treat arthritis and pain
PrimidoneMysolineUsed to treat seizures
Reserpine Used to treat hypertension
SotalolBetapaceUsed to treat heart problems
Thiazide diuretics, long-acting or high dosesAquatensin, Enduron, Lozol, ReneseFor high blood pressure or edema; high dose may reduce milk supply
VenlafaxineEffexorUsed to treat depression

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Not safe to take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These drugs are not safe for breastfeeding moms. Ask your physician if there is a safer alternative medication. If you must take them for health reasons, you should stop breastfeeding — either temporarily or permanently — depending on how long you need to take them. To keep your milk supply up you can "pump and dump" — that is, use a breast pump and discard what you collect until you're ready to breastfeed again.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name of DrugBrand NameUse
AmantadineSymmetrelUsed to treat the flu or Parkinson's disease; may reduce milk supply
AmiodaroneCordaroneUsed to treat heart problems
Antilipemics (excluding resins)Lescol, Lipitor, Lopid, Mevacor, Pravacor, ZocorUsed to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood
Antineoplastic agents Used to treat cancer
Aspirin (large doses) Used to treat arthritis
Chlorampenicol Used to treat serious infections
ClozapineClozarilUsed to treat schizophrenia
Dipyrone (dipirona in Mexican drugs) Used for pain and inflammation
Gold SaltsMyochrysineUsed to treat arthritis
Iodide productsBetadine, potassium iodideUsed for douching or as an expectorant
Iodine, radioactive Used to diagnose and treat hyperthyroidism
Lipid-lowering drugsLescol, Lipitor, Lopid, Mevacor, Pravacor, ZocorUsed to lower the level of fats in the blood
Metamizole (Dipyrone) Analgesic/anti-inflammatory. Banned in U.S. but available in Mexico
Salicyclates, large dosesAspirinUsed to treat arthritis

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