My baby is wheezing. Is it asthma?
Though it may be alarming to hear your baby
wheezing (a whistling sound), it may not be due to
As many as 30 per cent of young children have at least one episode of
wheezing by the time they are three years old. This is usually when they
have a virus or an upper-respiratory tract infection such as a throat
infection or a
Once the infection has gone, the wheezing problem usually settles. Most
babies outgrow these viral-related symptoms by the time they
start school.
If your baby wheezes frequently but doesn't have a cold, ask your
GP for their opinion.
What are the symptoms of asthma?
A baby's airways are so small that they can make a wheezing sound which
isn't true asthma. Wheezing can be quite common in children under the
age of three.
Asthma is a long-term (chronic) inflammation of the small breathing
tubes (bronchioles) in your baby's lungs. Your doctor will only make a
firm diagnosis of asthma when they see a pattern of symptoms emerging
over a period of time. Considering your family's medical history will
also help with the diagnosis.
Symptoms of asthma are:
- A persistent, dry cough, which is worse late at night, or early in the morning.
- Shortness of breath and tightness in your baby's chest.
It may be difficult to know whether or not your baby has asthma. So your
doctor may treat her with asthma medications for a short time. If the symptoms improve as a result, the chances are that your baby has asthma.
What causes asthma?
Asthma in most babies is a reaction to a trigger, often an allergen such as
pet saliva, skin or urine, dust mites, or
pollen. Airborne irritants such as
cigarette smoke and mould spores can also be triggers.
However, a respiratory infection, usually caused by virus such as a
cold, may also cause an attack.
As in other types of
the trigger for the attack stimulates antibodies to produce histamine
and other allergy chemicals. In asthma, these chemical reactions happen
in your baby's lungs. Chemicals released by the antibodies swell the
lining of your baby's lungs and tighten the muscles of her airways.
Mucus is also produced.
Why may my baby be more likely to develop asthma?
Asthma may be more likely to develop if:
- You or your partner smoke. This makes her nearly four times more likely to wheeze compared with a baby in a smoke-free home.
- You smoked in pregnancy.
- Your baby was born with a low birth weight or was born prematurely, particularly if she was very premature.
- One or both of your baby's parents have asthma, or another allergic condition, such as eczema. This may mean that she develops it earlier than babies who don’t have asthma in the family.
- Your baby has an allergic condition such as eczema, or a food allergy.
- Your baby lives in a home that has damp or mould problems.
I've heard asthma's on the rise. Why?
Asthma has been on the increase over the past few decades, but it has
started to level off. Experts aren't sure why, but one possibility is
that children's immune systems are less mature than they used to be.
Babies' immune systems were once busy fighting diseases such as
rubella and
whooping cough. But now that there are fewer infectious diseases to fight off, their immune sytems may be more immature.
This means that your baby's immune system may respond to an allergen a
little too zealously, and this may contribute to her asthma. Some experts suggest that early
exposure to certain bacteria may help babies to develop effective immune systems that can ward off allergies, including asthma.
Babies living on
farms tend to have lower rates of asthma, possibly because they are exposed to a wide range of bacteria.
Can asthma be cured?
Asthma is a long-term (chronic) condition, and there is no known cure. However, many children outgrow their asthma, or find that it becomes less severe when they get older.
In the meantime, you can help to manage your baby's asthma with
medicines, and by reducing her exposure to the trigger for the asthma
when you can. Work with your doctor to find the best treatment and
method to
manage your baby's asthma.
If your baby has asthma, it shouldn't prevent her from taking exercise
and leading a healthy, active lifestyle as she grows. Your GP will
tailor your baby's treatment so that she can run around and play without
triggering her asthma. Exercise will help her to control her asthma and
keep her strong.
What is asthma?
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of
the lungs and airways — the tubes that bring air into and out of the
lungs. If your baby has asthma, these airways are irritated and swollen,
and this can affect his ability to breathe.It's
important that you work with your baby's healthcare provider to prevent
and treat asthma attacks. With the right medications, education, an
asthma action plan, and regular medical follow-up, most asthmatic
children do just fine.
What happens during an acute asthma attack?
your baby has an acute asthma attack, the lining of his airways will
become even more inflamed and produce more mucus. Then the muscles
around his airways will tighten and his breathing tubes will narrow. He
may breathe rapidly, cough, or wheeze (make a whistling sound) as his
breath is forced through the narrowed airways. You may notice your
baby's nostrils flare or the skin around his ribs suck in with each
left untreated or there's a delay in seeking medical attention, an
asthma attack can be deadly. As soon as you notice any symptoms of an
attack, promptly give your baby the "quick-reliever" medicine prescribed
by his doctor. (If you don't have any emergency medicine, call 911 or
take your baby to the closest emergency department.)
Once the
medicine opens his breathing tubes, the symptoms should subside. If the
symptoms persist or get worse, call 911 or take your baby to the
emergency department right away.
What do allergies have to do with asthma?
to allergens such as dust mites, cockroaches, mold, pollens, or animal
dander can trigger or worsen symptoms in some children with asthma. This
is referred to as allergic asthma. Seasonal allergies to outdoor
pollens (also called hay fever) won't usually be a problem until your
child is 4 or 5, because it can take that long for him to be exposed to
enough pollens to develop a sensitivity to them. Allergies to dust
mites, mold, or animal dander may develop earlier in life, though.
75 to 80 percent of children with asthma also have significant
allergies. If your child has asthma and you suspect that he has
allergies, you may want to take him to an allergist for further
evaluation and treatment that may help prevent asthma attacks.
Are there other triggers?
Yes, other possible triggers include cold air, viral infections (such as the
common cold),
tobacco smoke, and other air pollutants. And once your child's big
enough to run, just dashing around could trigger an asthma attack. In
fact, if he often coughs and wheezes after a romp on the playground, he
may have what's called exercise-induced asthma.
How common is asthma in children?
is the most common serious chronic childhood disease, and it's the
third most frequent cause of hospitalization in children under 15 years
of age. Asthma affects 6.5 million children in the United States today.
Fifty to 80 percent of children with asthma develop symptoms before
they're 5 years old.
How can I tell whether my baby has asthma?
need your doctor's help. Asthma can be difficult to diagnose in
children younger than 2, because conditions other than asthma can cause
wheezing or wheezing-like sounds. In fact,
viral respiratory infections are probably the most common cause of wheezing in babies.
However, if your baby
coughs frequently and has
allergies or
and your family has a history of asthma and allergies or eczema
(especially if you and your partner both have them), there's a good
chance that your baby has asthma. His symptoms are likely to be worse at
Your child's doctor will examine your baby and take a
careful history, including a family health history, to help make a
How do you treat asthma?
your baby has asthma, you'll want to work with his doctor to develop a
strategy for preventing and dealing with asthma attacks. First figure
out what triggers the attacks and then do your best to help your child
avoid those triggers. Some children have attacks only when they have a
cold, for example, while others have attacks after coming into contact
with an allergen or an irritant like cigarette smoke.
Stopping an asthma attack
Your doctor will probably prescribe one or more drugs for your baby. Drugs known as
quick relievers or rescue inhalers
are used to stop an asthma attack. These fast-acting medications
relieve the spasms in the airway, making breathing easier.
Quick-reliever drugs such as albuterol are administered using either a
nebulizer machine or a metered-dose inhaler (MDI).
A nebulizer is
an electric or battery-powered machine that turns liquid medicine into a
mist that your baby can breathe into his lungs through a mask.
Nebulized breathing treatments usually take about ten minutes.
MDI is a small aerosol can that's inserted into a long tube called a
holding chamber or spacer, which has a small mask attached to it. The
albuterol is sprayed into the holding chamber and then inhaled by your
baby as he breathes through the mask. This type of breathing treatment
can be given in less than a minute.
The choice of a nebulizer or a
metered-dose inhaler depends mostly on which device is easiest for you
and your baby to use. In general, they are equally effective in getting
the medicine into your baby's lungs to stop an asthma attack.
Preventing an asthma attack
Drugs known as
are used to prevent asthma attacks. These include inhaled steroids,
which can help reduce inflammation and swelling and prevent your baby
from wheezing. You would give your baby daily inhaled steroid medicine
using either an MDI or a nebulizer, depending on the steroid prescribed
by his doctor.
If your baby's asthma proves difficult to control, his doctor may refer him to an asthma specialist.
want to make sure that any sitters or daycare providers responsible for
your baby's care are familiar with his condition and know how to treat
an asthma attack.
What can I do to prevent my child from developing asthma?
nothing you can do to fully prevent your child from developing asthma
if it's in his genes. And you won't know whether your child will be
asthmatic until he shows persistent symptoms, such as wheezing and
constant coughing. That said, you may be able to minimize the severity
of your child's symptoms or delay the onset of his asthma until he's
older (and his lungs are bigger and stronger) if you do the following:
- Limit
his exposure to dust mites: Encase your baby's mattress in an
impermeable cover, remove carpeting and plush toys from his room, use
blinds instead of heavy fabric drapes, and wash his bedding once a week
in hot water.
- Keep your baby away from secondhand smoke.
Cigarette smoke isn't technically considered an allergen, but it does
irritate the lungs.
- Limit his exposure to air pollution. Air
pollutants such as ozone can irritate the lungs and cause breathing
problems in people with sensitive respiratory tracts. Check your local
newspaper or radio for reports on the Air Quality Index, and consider
keeping your baby indoors on days when the air quality is poor.
- Avoid
using a fireplace or wood stove. Although the warmth and coziness are
inviting, the smoke may irritate your child's respiratory system.
- If
your child has developed an allergy to your family pet, keep the pet
outside if you possibly can. Of course, depending on your pet's
disposition and your living situation, this won't always be possible.
- Reduce
mold in your home. Install exhaust fans or open the window in the
kitchen when cooking and the bathroom when showering, for example. Use
an air conditioner or dehumidifier, if necessary, to keep the humidity
level between 35 and 50 percent. Repair leaks, which can cause mold
growth behind walls and under floors, and clean moldy surfaces using
soap and water. Make sure damp or wet clothing or surfaces are dried as
soon as possible to prevent mold growth.
Can my child be cured of asthma?
no cure for asthma, although some asthmatic babies who wheeze only when
they have colds or upper respiratory tract infections outgrow the
tendency to wheeze over time. In general, asthma is thought to be a
lifelong condition, although the frequency and severity of symptoms may
change as your baby grows.
Close medical follow-up and
appropriate treatment will enable your child to manage his asthma as he
gets older so he can run, swim, and play like other children. Most
children with asthma grow up to be healthy adults.
Asthma can be
frightening for both you and your child, but remember, you're not alone.
You may be surprised to learn how many families are dealing with
asthma. Share your concerns about your baby's
asthma with other parents in the BabyCenter Community.
Bronchiolitis and RSV
One common condition that mimics asthma in infants is
bronchiolitis, which is usually caused by a viral infection, most commonly
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
The infection affects the tiny airways called bronchioles. The
airways swell, making breathing difficult. Infants are often affected
because their airways are so small that they become easily blocked.
Symptoms of bronchiolitis include rapid breathing, a cough, wheezing,
and fever. Infants who develop bronchiolitis may be more likely to
develop asthma later in life. But it's unclear if that's because RSV
infection causes asthma or because the child was born with a tendency to
wheeze and was therefore more prone to both bronchiolitis and asthma.
Studies are being done to clarify the relationship between bronchiolitis
and the later development of asthma.
Less common reasons for wheezing in infants include:
- a foreign object or piece of food inhaled into the lungs
- premature birth — preemies who have insufficiently developed airways may wheeze
- cystic fibrosis — this disease can cause wheezing, too, but usually involves additional symptoms, such as delayed growth.
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