Miscarriage.. Everytime I say that it feels like I have been stabbed in the heart once again! This is Very painful to discuss but somone has to do it! I hope someone who is going through this is able to stumble across this blog and knows that this is other stories from a ton of different woman! All have a different experience and different feelings! We have 8 very different ladies who all have a story they feel they would like to share!
1. Hi i was 22 years old during my first miscarriage. It was March 2015 I was roughly 13weeks. I did have to have a D&C due to the fact I got an in infection. Baby had past already for whole 3days. Well i was having rough week to start with i had found out my hubby had cheated and was on drugs besides of me being prenant i knew the baby was high risk cause baby wasnt getting enough
nutriets. So when i going through that stress the baby couldnt handle it and passed I had no idea because i didnt bleed i was just crampy until it got really hard core labor cramps i felt like pushing i went to the ER n from their they had told me baby had passed.
After my d&c i have handle pretty rough i been emotional and sometimes i cant sit still. My body rememebers the traumatizing procedure its something so different than a stillbirth. I had multiple counceling and therapy and also my work n current daughter helped to distract myself from the past. If any mom is going through a miscarriage or went through one I would say please dont keep your feelings to your self or emotions it can ruin your body, your self esteem and your relationship.
2. I was 22 when I miscarried. It was April 2014 I was around 11 weeks but the baby measured small .I had a d and c but at first I didn't believe I was losing my baby I believed I was to early still. So I waited and started to get an infection before I got the d and c. I started spotting early and went to the hospital where they said e everything was fine. When I went for my follow up ultrasound they said are u still bleeding? I said no they said ok they did the ultrasound and they said yup no heartbeat now we kinda figured that would happen since the heartbeat was irregular. Which I was never told. I finally went thru with the d and c when I started having severe stomach pain and diarrhea and I couldn't even make it to the bathroom. I broke down I cried in the ultrasound techs arms. I cried to my husband. I became very angry about why it happened. I withdrew myself started fighting with my husband a lot. About 2 days after my d and c was done we started talking about trying again. By July we were pregnant. No medical reasons at all. If you suspect you are going through a miscarriage
go to the hospital. Because the pain from infection is unbearable
3. I was 18, just ended my 4.5 year high school relationship, Didnt know I was pregnant for the first 2.5 months then began suspecting something was going on. I did not tell the father of my angel baby until 3 years after the fact. We were not on good terms and I did not want his emotional support. I had been to multiple drs because I felt something was wrong, with the stress of the break up I assumed I was just overly upset. I was in class and out of nowhere I felt a gush of blood, I immediately walked out of class, by the time I made it to the bathroom it was running down my legs. I left school, drove to my mom's who took me to the e.r. I had lost so much blood that I was beginning to pass out. They did an internal exam and told me I had miscarried. I took a week off of school then returned and didn't tell many about what had happened until a year or so later.I am now 22, married with a beautiful baby girl. Keep your heads up ladies! It is very difficult and emotional but we are strong and can survive such a loss.
4. I was 24 years old and it was November 2009! I was supposed to be 8 weeks but baby stopped developing at 6 weeks I miscarried Natually. I was at work and felt wetness. Went to the bathroom and instantly knew. It tore my heart open. I didn't want another baby with my now ex husband
but I definitely didn't want to lose the baby either. I was angry, upset, depressed, then accepted it. I felt like it was my fault because I didn't want another baby at first. So a lot of self blame and hate. It is not your fault. Seek emotional help. Whether it be counseling or just talking to your SO or a friend. Do not try to go through it alone. I had just had my daughter almost two years ago. I was in an emotionally and physically abusive relationship, so I didn't want to bring another child into that. After I had accepted I was pregnant and gotten excited, I was at work when I felt the wetness start. By the time I made it to the ER from the seventh floor, I looked like I had been in an accident. There was so much blood. I didn't have he emotional support through it that I needed and pretty much dealt with it on my own. Every November it hits me hard. I wonder what the baby would have looked like, if it would've been a boy or girl, how it's personality would have been. Please seek guidance and emotional support and help through this. Don't blame yourself. There's nothing you could have done to prevent it.
5. I was 24 when I had a miscarriage in May of 2012! I was 7 weeks exactly and the baby came out Naturally. I was walking from my Aunts house and there was blood all over my pants, I literally started freaking out. I didn't handle it too well, I was devestated. Crying my eyes out. I was constantly crying but I was praying for God to help me through it. There was no medical reason for the miscarriage.
One thing I would just like to say that it's not your fault. I know you may feel like you're being punished for something but you're not. I know it's difficult, but you gotta hang in there. It's extremely devestating, I know. But it helps when you have somebody with you that's been through the same thing so you can cry together. Don't ever feel like you're alone in this, because you're not alone. Just know that there's a lot of other women in the world that have been through the same thing & we all understand how hard it is & are here for you if you need anything.
6. I was 20 when I had my First Miscarriage/Chemical(Which I still think is a miscarriage since it held the same amount of love as my other miscarriage.) I took a Pregnancy Test December of 2012 and It was a light positive less than a week later I bled very heavily but it wasnt horribly painful. Just lots of blood! Thankfully my Fiance and work family helped me through that very very well and I was sad for acouple months and went back and forth between Sadness and Anger but I was so busy with the wedding that It helped me cope with it! My 2nd Miscarriage was End of May 2014! I was 7 weeks and started cramping alot and than randomly started bleeding and once again never went to the hospital since I delivered two Big clots my heart told me it was one baby so I am more than sure it wasn't twins but there was 2 big clots and a bunch of little/Medium Size ones after acouple days. Now that miscarriage was even more hard because Hubby and I were ttc for over a year with no luck and finally got a positive and miscarried :( We were so upset but once again I had a huge support system and my doctor said if my bleeding didnt subside after a week to a normal light period style bleeding to come get checked but everything was fine and my body did what I needed it to.
Now a year later I still have major sad and angry days! I went through the stages of grief. Sad, Anger, Denial, loneliness.. Right after the miscarriage I tested the next month 3 days before period was due and had the lightest lightest line and period was a day late so doctor says that was a chemical also but It probably just prolonged the stages. I would say just remember that you are not alone! All of us mommies are right here with you! If you have no one to talk to go to your local Womans center or Church and ask to be counseled! There is resources out there for you!
7. I was 18 when i miscarried. October 31st 2014 is when he passed he was 5 months and i carried him to 7 months. He was taken Dec 12th 2014. He was a Still born. I was going to the bathroom at my moms and i went to look in the mirror to talk to the baby and my stomach was completely flat! No belly or anything anymore so i went in to the doctor immediately and When they told me i miscarried i fell on my knees in the hospital crying! My hubby picked me up crying as well and i cried in his arms. He didnt want me to see him crying though. I slept with his onsie and his baby blanket my mother had bought for him. The same blanket that was wrapped around him when i delivered. I did have twins and one separated from the sac due to it dying and when the gestational sac grew back around my son it grew irregular and due to him not having room to move his umbilical cord wrapped and he died.
I would like to say they are in a better place i know it hard right now and the storm is rough but there is always a rainbow afterwards. Smile they are looking over you a lot of people went thru this and you are not alone. Please try to talk to people and get help or write it down in a journal. Its OK to cry and let it out don't hold back. Its not gonna be easy but God doesn't give you more then you can handle. He just needed another angel and Please don't hurt yourself or blame yourself. It is not your fault. These kinds of things happen. Everything happens for a reason we never know why but there is always good after the bad.
8. I was 21 when I had the miscarriage in December of 2013. I was 13 weeks and the baby came naturally but had some remains so I had a D&C done. When I found out I was at my dr's appointment having an ultrasound done when they told me that there was no longer a heartbeat. At first I was shocked. I didn't know how to react. It all felt so surreal. Then I just cried for days I would get very emotional. I could feel okay and then as soon as I thought about the baby I would cry. It took me about a month or so to accept the fact that it was for the best and God knew why he chose my baby to become a little angel. There was no medical reason that I miscarried but in September 2014 I did have surgery to remove ovarian cysts as well as cancerous cells. The doctor did think my uterus was still weak from the surgery..... About a month and a half later once I started feeling better about the miscarriage I began to wonder when my period would come.. mind you, I was on birth control pills, then come to find out I was pregnant again! What I would say to a mom who had both recently or past miscarriage is to remain strong. Don't blame yourself because it is not your fault. God knows why he does things and maybe the baby was sick. It's very hard to go through but with the right support system and love from your family, you will get through it.
Baby Angel Support
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